[go: nahoru, domu]

Release-critical bugs status

Fri Jul 12 02:00:00 UTC 2024

Total number of release-critical bugs: 2498
Number that have a patch: 263
Number that have a fix prepared and waiting to upload: 56
Number that are being ignored: 45
Number concerning the current stable release: 408
Number concerning the next release: 604

Number concerning the previous stable release: 88

Graph of RC bugs

Other graphs:

The dark-violet line graphs all bugs with release-critical severities; the dark green line graphs the number of bugs that are actually a concern for the next release (excluding ignored bugs, bugs on packages not in testing, and bugs whose tags and/or versioning information indicate that they don't apply to testing), and the cyan line graphs the number of bugs that are a concern for the current stable release.

Recent changes

NO release-critical bugs were closed and NONE were opened.

Detailed lists of RC bug reports:

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Please contact owner@bugs.debian.org for comments. To receive all mails sent to release-critical bugs, subscribe to the debian-bugs-rc mailing list.