[go: nahoru, domu]

tree: 02cd269edee93c6ed6cd9842587aec8c3ecf52fc [path history] [tgz]
  1. 3pp_common/
  2. android/
  3. apple/
  4. args/
  5. chromeos/
  6. cipd/
  7. config/
  8. docs/
  9. fuchsia/
  10. gn_ast/
  11. internal/
  12. ios/
  13. lacros/
  14. linux/
  15. mac/
  16. private_code_test/
  17. rust/
  18. sanitizers/
  19. skia_gold_common/
  20. toolchain/
  21. util/
  22. win/
  23. .clang-tidy
  24. .clangd
  25. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  26. .gitignore
  27. .style.yapf
  28. action_helpers.py
  29. action_helpers_unittest.py
  30. add_rts_filters.py
  31. build-ctags.sh
  32. BUILD.gn
  33. build_config.h
  34. buildflag.h
  35. buildflag_header.gni
  36. check_gn_headers.py
  37. check_gn_headers_unittest.py
  38. check_gn_headers_whitelist.txt
  39. check_return_value.py
  40. ciopfs.sha1
  41. clobber.py
  42. clobber_unittest.py
  43. compiled_action.gni
  44. compute_build_timestamp.py
  45. copy_test_data_ios.py
  46. cp.py
  47. del_ninja_deps_cache.py
  48. DEPS
  49. detect_host_arch.py
  50. dir_exists.py
  52. dotfile_settings.gni
  53. download_nacl_toolchains.py
  54. env_dump.py
  55. extract_from_cab.py
  56. extract_partition.py
  57. find_depot_tools.py
  58. fix_gn_headers.py
  59. gdb-add-index
  60. get_landmines.py
  61. get_symlink_targets.py
  62. gn_editor
  63. gn_helpers.py
  64. gn_helpers_unittest.py
  65. gn_logs.gni
  66. gn_run_binary.py
  67. install-build-deps.py
  68. install-build-deps.sh
  69. install-chroot.sh
  70. landmine_utils.py
  71. landmines.py
  72. locale_tool.py
  73. mac_toolchain.py
  74. metadata.json.in
  75. nocompile.gni
  76. noop.py
  77. OWNERS
  78. OWNERS.setnoparent
  79. OWNERS.status
  80. partitioned_shared_library.gni
  81. precompile.cc
  82. precompile.h
  83. PRESUBMIT.py
  84. PRESUBMIT_test.py
  85. print_python_deps.py
  86. protoc_java.py
  87. protoc_java.pydeps
  88. README.md
  89. redirect_stdout.py
  90. rm.py
  91. sample_arg_file.gn
  92. sanitize-mac-build-log.sed
  93. sanitize-mac-build-log.sh
  94. sanitize-win-build-log.sed
  95. sanitize-win-build-log.sh
  96. shim_headers.gni
  97. symlink.gni
  98. symlink.py
  99. timestamp.gni
  100. tree_truth.sh
  101. update-linux-sandbox.sh
  102. vs_toolchain.py
  103. whitespace_file.txt
  104. write_buildflag_header.py
  105. xcode_binaries.yaml
  106. zip_helpers.py
  107. zip_helpers_unittest.py


//build contains:

  • Core GN templates and configuration
  • Core Python build scripts

Since this directory is DEPS'ed in by some other repositories (webrtc, pdfium, v8, etc), it should be kept as self-contained as possible by not referring to files outside of it. Some exceptions exist (//testing, select //third_party subdirectories), but new dependencies tend to break these other projects, and so should be avoided.

Changes to //build should be landed in the Chromium repo. They will then be replicated to the stand-alone build repo by the gsubtreed tool. Note: You can find all directories already available through gsubtreed in the list of all chromium repos.


  • //build/config - Common templates via .gni files.
  • //build/toolchain - GN toolchain definitions.
  • Other .py files - Some are used by GN/Ninja. Some by gclient hooks, some are just random utilities.

Files referenced by //.gn:

  • //build/BUILDCONFIG.gn - Included by all BUILD.gn files.
  • //build/secondary - An overlay for BUILD.gn files. Enables adding BUILD.gn to directories that live in sub-repositories.
  • //build_overrides - Refer to //build_overrides/README.md.
