[go: nahoru, domu]

Revert "[M123] [Audio] Propagate socket errors to sinks and sources. Prevent reuse."

This reverts commit 0105c8e541581f18d0a7f6e3a8d629f917385550.

Reason for revert: Exposing latent threading issues in audio input device users and not need in 123 since https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5354149 was reverted.

Original change's description:
> [M123] [Audio] Propagate socket errors to sinks and sources. Prevent reuse.
> M123: This drops AudioInputDevice and AudioOutputDevice tests which had
> merge conflicts.
> If the browser side closes the socket the renderer is only notified
> through a failure to read from the socket. This error was being dropped
> instead of propagated to the RenderCallback and CaptureCallback.
> This error signal is then used to prevent reuse of AudioRendererMixer
> instances. This fixes the linked issue (same-origin navigations where
> the mixer is reused between navigations).
> There may still be constructions where a RenderFrame which creates a
> shared sink is closed while the sink is being used. I haven't yet been
> able to construct such a scenario though.
> Bug: 326903566
> (cherry picked from commit 7c882251cf9d4f6fe2b212084674f1ab62897fea)
> Change-Id: I45c6ce12327315540590dab9ae545fa7327a9d83
> Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5331283
> Reviewed-by: Thomas Guilbert <tguilbert@chromium.org>
> Commit-Queue: Dale Curtis <dalecurtis@chromium.org>
> Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1266838}
> Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5336610
> Auto-Submit: Dale Curtis <dalecurtis@chromium.org>
> Commit-Queue: Thomas Guilbert <tguilbert@chromium.org>
> Cr-Commit-Position: refs/branch-heads/6312@{#372}
> Cr-Branched-From: 6711dcdae48edaf98cbc6964f90fac85b7d9986e-refs/heads/main@{#1262506}

Bug: 326903566, 328908259
Change-Id: I259bcc5f907783a16b719cc667a7b16ca71053ab
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5360711
Commit-Queue: Rubber Stamper <rubber-stamper@appspot.gserviceaccount.com>
Reviewed-by: Thomas Guilbert <tguilbert@chromium.org>
Bot-Commit: Rubber Stamper <rubber-stamper@appspot.gserviceaccount.com>
Auto-Submit: Dale Curtis <dalecurtis@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/branch-heads/6312@{#515}
Cr-Branched-From: 6711dcdae48edaf98cbc6964f90fac85b7d9986e-refs/heads/main@{#1262506}
12 files changed
tree: 27638ab3a44ed9d20d254ae2fcaa014a76442135
  1. android_webview/
  2. apps/
  3. ash/
  4. base/
  5. build/
  6. build_overrides/
  7. buildtools/
  8. cc/
  9. chrome/
  10. chromecast/
  11. chromeos/
  12. codelabs/
  13. components/
  14. content/
  15. courgette/
  16. crypto/
  17. dbus/
  18. device/
  19. docs/
  20. extensions/
  21. fuchsia_web/
  22. gin/
  23. google_apis/
  24. google_update/
  25. gpu/
  26. headless/
  27. infra/
  28. ios/
  29. ipc/
  30. media/
  31. mojo/
  32. native_client_sdk/
  33. net/
  34. pdf/
  35. ppapi/
  36. printing/
  37. remoting/
  38. rlz/
  39. sandbox/
  40. services/
  41. skia/
  42. sql/
  43. storage/
  44. styleguide/
  45. testing/
  46. third_party/
  47. tools/
  48. ui/
  49. url/
  50. webkit/
  51. .clang-format
  52. .clang-tidy
  53. .clangd
  54. .eslintrc.js
  55. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  56. .gitallowed
  57. .gitattributes
  58. .gitignore
  59. .gitmodules
  60. .gn
  61. .mailmap
  62. .rustfmt.toml
  63. .vpython3
  64. .yapfignore
  67. BUILD.gn
  69. codereview.settings
  70. DEPS
  73. LICENSE.chromium_os
  74. OWNERS
  75. PRESUBMIT.py
  76. PRESUBMIT_test.py
  77. PRESUBMIT_test_mocks.py
  78. README.md

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