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  1. BUILD.gn
  2. feature_usage_metrics.cc
  3. feature_usage_metrics.h
  4. feature_usage_metrics_unittest.cc
  6. README.md

Feature usage metrics

The Feature Usage Metrics component provides a unified approach to report feature usage events. The tracked events have standard names and new features could be easily incorporated on the data analytics side.


This component is the part of Standard Feature Usage Logging (Googlers could see go/sful and go/sful-dd). The goal is to make metrics calculation and analysis easily scalable to the new features. Both for feature owners and for data analytics team.


The following events are reported by the component (for details see FeatureUsageEvent)

  • Is device eligible for the feature?
  • (optional) Is the feature accessible for the user (i.e. not disabled by policy)
  • Has the user enabled the feature for the device?
  • Successful attempt to use the feature.
  • Failed attempt to use the feature.
  • Record the usage time of the feature.

The first two are reported periodically every 30 minutes. To correctly track 1-, 7-, 28-days users. These events are also reported on the object creation and on the system resume from suspension. The feature usage component encapsulates this logic.

For more details see original CL

Integrate your new feature with the component

You need to do the following things to integrate your feature, all described in detail below.

Appending your feature

You need to add a new variant into <variants name="FeaturesLoggingUsageEvents">

  • //tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/chromeos/histograms.xml:
  <variant name="YourFeature" summary="your feature">

Creating component object

You need to implement FeatureUsageMetrics::Delegate and pass it to the FeatureUsageMetrics. Delegate is called to report periodic events (eligible, accessible, enabled). Delegate is called on the same sequence FeatureUsageMetrics was created. FeatureUsageMetrics must be used only on the sequence it was created.

class MyDelegate : public FeatureUsageMetrics::Delegate {
  bool IsEligible() const final {
  // Optional. Default implementation returns `absl::nullopt` which do not emit
  // any UMA events.
  absl::optional<bool> IsAccessible() const final {
  // If `IsEnabled` returns true `IsEligible` must return true too.
  bool IsEnabled() const final {
feature_usage_metrics_ = std::make_unique<FeatureUsageMetrics>(
        "YourFeature", my_delegate);

YourFeature must correspond to the histogram and never change. MyDelegate object must outlive the FeatureUsageMetrics object.

Recording feature usage

Call feature_usage_metrics_->RecordUsage(bool success); on every usage attempt. Success indicates whether or not the attempt to use was successful. Your feature might not have failed attempts. In that case always call with success=true.

MyDelegate::IsEligible and MyDelegate::IsEnabled (also MyDelegate::IsAccessible if implemented) functions must return true when RecordUsage is called.

Recording usage time

If your feature has a notion of time usage use feature_usage_metrics_->StartSuccessfulUsage(); and feature_usage_metrics_->StopSuccessfulUsage(); to record feature usage time.

  • There should be no consecutive StartSuccessfulUsage calls without StopSuccessfulUsage call in-between.
  • After StartSuccessfulUsage is called the usage time is reported periodically together with IsEligible and IsEnabled (also IsAccessible if implemented).
  • If StartSuccessfulUsage is not followed by StopSuccessfulUsage the remaining usage time is recorded at the object shutdown.
  • StartSuccessfulUsage must be preceded by exactly one RecordUsage(true). There should be no RecordUsage calls in-between StartSuccessfulUsage and StopSuccessfulUsage calls.


// feature_usage_metrics_->StartSuccessfulUsage(); should be preceded by RecordUsage(true)
// feature_usage_metrics_->StartSuccessfulUsage(); should be preceded by RecordUsage(true)
// feature_usage_metrics_->StartSuccessfulUsage(); should be preceded by RecordUsage(true)
// feature_usage_metrics_->StartSuccessfulUsage(); should be preceded by exactly one RecordUsage(true)
feature_usage_metrics_->reset(); // Usage time is recorded similar to StopSuccessfulUsage


Use base::HistogramTester to verify attempt events are reported.

base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
// Emulate failed usage attempt.
    static_cast<int>(FeatureUsageMetrics::Event::kUsedWithFailure), 1);
// Emulate successful usage attempt.
    static_cast<int>(FeatureUsageMetrics::Event::kUsedWithSuccess), 1);
// Emulate the amount of time |usetime| (base::TimeDelta) using the feature.
  "ChromeOS.FeatureUsage.YouFeature.Usetime", usetime, 1);