[go: nahoru, domu]

tree: aaea65988088c461103753d6bd2bc917237b34d9 [path history] [tgz]
  1. async-script-scheduling/
  2. attribution-reporting/
  3. badging/
  4. battery-status/
  5. bluetooth/
  6. cache_storage/
  7. client-hints/
  8. clipboard-apis/
  9. content-security-policy/
  10. controlled-frame/
  11. cookies/
  12. credential-management/
  13. css/
  14. digital-goods/
  15. direct-sockets/
  16. display-lock/
  17. dom/
  18. encoding/
  19. event-timing/
  20. fenced_frame/
  21. fetch/
  22. file-system-api/
  23. formatted-text/
  24. forms/
  25. fragment-directive/
  26. generic-sensor/
  27. geolocation-api/
  28. handwriting/
  29. hid/
  30. html/
  31. import-maps/
  32. in-order-script-scheduling/
  33. infrastructure/
  34. installedapp/
  35. js/
  36. layout-instability/
  37. lazyembed/
  38. long-animation-frame/
  39. mediacapture-extensions/
  40. mediacapture-handle/
  41. mediastream/
  42. messaging/
  43. navigation-api/
  44. observable/
  45. origin-agent-cluster-default-warning/
  46. origin_trials/
  47. payments/
  48. pending-beacon/
  49. performance-timeline/
  50. picture-in-picture/
  51. preload/
  52. prerender/
  53. presentation/
  54. printing/
  55. private-aggregation/
  56. private_attribution/
  57. reporting/
  58. resource-timing/
  59. sanitizer-api/
  60. scheduler/
  61. security/
  62. serial/
  63. service-worker/
  64. shadow-dom/
  65. soft-navigation-heuristics/
  66. speculation-rules/
  67. speech/
  68. storage/
  69. storage-access-api/
  70. streams/
  71. system-wake-lock/
  72. task-tracking/
  73. trust-tokens/
  74. ukm/
  75. urlpattern/
  76. user-timing/
  77. vibration/
  78. view-transition/
  79. view-transition-on-navigation/
  80. view-transition-types/
  81. wasm/
  82. web-animations/
  83. web-locks/
  84. web-preferences-api/
  85. web-share/
  86. webaudio/
  87. webcodecs/
  88. webgpu/
  89. webmidi/
  90. websocket-cookies/
  91. webstorage/
  92. webtransport/
  93. webusb/
  94. webxr/
  95. lint.ignore
  96. PRESUBMIT.py
  97. README.md

This directory is the Chromium-internal (*) counterpart of external/wpt. All WPT features (except some wpt lint rules) are enabled in this directory, including wptserve. This directory is mapped to wpt_internal/ on wptserve.

When including additional scripts from tests within this folder, the “root” folder is external/wpt and paths should be relative to that. (e.g., /resources/testharness.js will reference external/wpt/resources/testharness.js).

(*) “Internal” in the sense that tests are not synchronized with the WPT upstream or other browser vendors.

This directory is primarily intended for testing non-web-exposed and/or Blink-specific behaviours (Blink internal testing APIs are allowed) with WPT goodness (wptserve, testharness, reftest, etc.). Please try to use external/wpt whenever possible.

Note: tests have to go into subdirectories. Files in the root level of wpt_internal/ are not recognized as tests.