[go: nahoru, domu]

tree: 7a365eec4b8c837aa883d132a821305b6e7a289d [path history] [tgz]
  1. fuzzers/
  2. proto/
  3. tests/
  4. archive_corpus.py
  5. BUILD.gn
  6. clusterfuzz.md
  7. dictionary_generator.py
  8. drfuzz_main.cc
  9. efficient_fuzzer.md
  10. fuzzer_test.gni
  11. gen_fuzzer_config.py
  12. gen_fuzzer_owners.py
  13. getting_started.md
  14. libfuzzer_exports.h
  15. libprotobuf-mutator.md
  16. OWNERS
  17. README.md
  18. reference.md
  19. reproducing.md
  20. unittest_main.cc
  21. zip_sources.py

libFuzzer in Chromium

go/libfuzzer-chromium (Googler only)

This directory contains integration between libFuzzer and Chromium. LibFuzzer is an in-process coverage-driven evolutionary fuzzing engine. It helps engineers to uncover potential security & stability problems.

Requirements: libFuzzer in Chromium is supported with Linux, Chrome OS, Mac, and Windows.

Integration Status

Fuzzer tests are well-integrated with Chromium build system and distributed ClusterFuzz fuzzing system. Cover bug: crbug.com/539572.


  • Getting Started Guide walks you through all the steps necessary to create your fuzz target and submit it to ClusterFuzz.
  • Efficient Fuzzer Guide explains how to measure fuzz target effectiveness and ways to improve it.
  • Guide to libprotobuf-mutator walks through the steps necessary to create a fuzz target that expects a protobuf as input (instead of a byte stream). In addition to fuzzing code that accepts protobufs, it can be used to fuzz code that requires multiple mutated inputs, or to generate inputs defined by a grammar.
  • ClusterFuzz Integration describes integration between ClusterFuzz and libFuzzer.
  • Reproducing Bugs describes how to reproduce bugs found by libFuzzer/AFL and reported by ClusterFuzz.
  • Fuzzing on Chrome OS describes how to write fuzzers for the non-browser parts of Chrome OS.
  • Reference contains detailed references for different integration parts.


  • ClusterFuzz Bugs - issues found and automatically filed by ClusterFuzz.
  • Manual Bugs - issues that were filed manually after running fuzz targets.
  • Pdfium Bugs - bugs found in pdfium by manual fuzzing.
  • OSS Trophies - bugs found with libFuzzer in open-source projects.

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