[go: nahoru, domu]

X11 and Ozone: fix use_x11 && use_x11 build for UIControlsAura

When use_x11 && use_ozone are set to true at the same
time, compiler throws an error about multiple definitions
of the CreateUIControlsAura.

Thus, to fix that, create a separate source file for
is_linux case that will choose what class to
use based on the IsUsingOzonePlatform feature flag.

Please note that this is a temp solution and it will
be removed once use_x11 goes away.

PS: this patch uses the same approach used in other patches.
For example, https://crrev.com/c/2247719
PPS: I didn't spot that in the beginning as linux-rel bot
couldn't compile use_x11 && use_ozone because of failures
in the chrome installer step. But after we fixed the sysroot,
I spotted some problems and fixing them now.

Bug: 1085700
Change-Id: I1c2f3a0762df4b195775d30f580df09090f13999
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2362698
Reviewed-by: Scott Violet <sky@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Maksim Sisov (GMT+3) <msisov@igalia.com>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#799289}
diff --git a/ui/aura/BUILD.gn b/ui/aura/BUILD.gn
index 5edf943..0b7516f 100644
--- a/ui/aura/BUILD.gn
+++ b/ui/aura/BUILD.gn
@@ -247,9 +247,14 @@
     sources += [ "test/ui_controls_factory_aurawin.cc" ]
+  if (is_linux) {
+    sources += [ "test/ui_controls_factory_aura_linux.cc" ]
+  }
   if (use_x11) {
     sources += [
-      "test/ui_controls_factory_aurax11.cc",
+      "test/ui_controls_aurax11.cc",
+      "test/ui_controls_aurax11.h",
@@ -264,7 +269,10 @@
     if (is_fuchsia) {
       deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
-    sources += [ "test/ui_controls_factory_ozone.cc" ]
+    sources += [
+      "test/ui_controls_ozone.cc",
+      "test/ui_controls_ozone.h",
+    ]
   if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
diff --git a/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_aurax11.cc b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_aurax11.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0ef179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_aurax11.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "ui/aura/test/ui_controls_aurax11.h"
+namespace aura {
+namespace test {
+namespace {
+using ui_controls::DOWN;
+using ui_controls::LEFT;
+using ui_controls::MIDDLE;
+using ui_controls::MouseButton;
+using ui_controls::RIGHT;
+using ui_controls::UIControlsAura;
+using ui_controls::UP;
+// Mask of the buttons currently down.
+unsigned button_down_mask = 0;
+}  // namespace
+UIControlsX11::UIControlsX11(WindowTreeHost* host) : host_(host) {}
+UIControlsX11::~UIControlsX11() = default;
+bool UIControlsX11::SendKeyPress(gfx::NativeWindow window,
+                                 ui::KeyboardCode key,
+                                 bool control,
+                                 bool shift,
+                                 bool alt,
+                                 bool command) {
+  return SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(window, key, control, shift, alt, command,
+                                    base::OnceClosure());
+bool UIControlsX11::SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(gfx::NativeWindow window,
+                                               ui::KeyboardCode key,
+                                               bool control,
+                                               bool shift,
+                                               bool alt,
+                                               bool command,
+                                               base::OnceClosure closure) {
+  XEvent xevent;
+  xevent.xkey = {};
+  xevent.xkey.type = x11::KeyEvent::Press;
+  if (control)
+    SetKeycodeAndSendThenMask(&xevent, XK_Control_L, ControlMask);
+  if (shift)
+    SetKeycodeAndSendThenMask(&xevent, XK_Shift_L, ShiftMask);
+  if (alt)
+    SetKeycodeAndSendThenMask(&xevent, XK_Alt_L, Mod1Mask);
+  if (command)
+    SetKeycodeAndSendThenMask(&xevent, XK_Meta_L, Mod4Mask);
+  xevent.xkey.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(
+      gfx::GetXDisplay(), ui::XKeysymForWindowsKeyCode(key, shift));
+  PostEventToWindowTreeHost(xevent, host_);
+  // Send key release events.
+  xevent.xkey.type = x11::KeyEvent::Release;
+  PostEventToWindowTreeHost(xevent, host_);
+  if (alt)
+    UnmaskAndSetKeycodeThenSend(&xevent, Mod1Mask, XK_Alt_L);
+  if (shift)
+    UnmaskAndSetKeycodeThenSend(&xevent, ShiftMask, XK_Shift_L);
+  if (control)
+    UnmaskAndSetKeycodeThenSend(&xevent, ControlMask, XK_Control_L);
+  if (command)
+    UnmaskAndSetKeycodeThenSend(&xevent, Mod4Mask, XK_Meta_L);
+  DCHECK(!xevent.xkey.state);
+  RunClosureAfterAllPendingUIEvents(std::move(closure));
+  return true;
+bool UIControlsX11::SendMouseMove(int screen_x, int screen_y) {
+  return SendMouseMoveNotifyWhenDone(screen_x, screen_y, base::OnceClosure());
+bool UIControlsX11::SendMouseMoveNotifyWhenDone(int screen_x,
+                                                int screen_y,
+                                                base::OnceClosure closure) {
+  gfx::Point root_location(screen_x, screen_y);
+  aura::client::ScreenPositionClient* screen_position_client =
+      aura::client::GetScreenPositionClient(host_->window());
+  if (screen_position_client) {
+    screen_position_client->ConvertPointFromScreen(host_->window(),
+                                                   &root_location);
+  }
+  gfx::Point root_current_location =
+      QueryLatestMousePositionRequestInHost(host_);
+  host_->ConvertPixelsToDIP(&root_current_location);
+  if (root_location != root_current_location && button_down_mask == 0) {
+    // Move the cursor because EnterNotify/LeaveNotify are generated with the
+    // current mouse position as a result of XGrabPointer()
+    host_->window()->MoveCursorTo(root_location);
+  } else {
+    XEvent xevent;
+    xevent.xmotion = {};
+    XMotionEvent* xmotion = &xevent.xmotion;
+    xmotion->type = MotionNotify;
+    xmotion->x = root_location.x();
+    xmotion->y = root_location.y();
+    xmotion->state = button_down_mask;
+    xmotion->same_screen = x11::True;
+    // WindowTreeHost will take care of other necessary fields.
+    PostEventToWindowTreeHost(xevent, host_);
+  }
+  RunClosureAfterAllPendingUIEvents(std::move(closure));
+  return true;
+bool UIControlsX11::SendMouseEvents(MouseButton type,
+                                    int button_state,
+                                    int accelerator_state) {
+  return SendMouseEventsNotifyWhenDone(type, button_state, base::OnceClosure(),
+                                       accelerator_state);
+bool UIControlsX11::SendMouseEventsNotifyWhenDone(MouseButton type,
+                                                  int button_state,
+                                                  base::OnceClosure closure,
+                                                  int accelerator_state) {
+  XEvent xevent;
+  xevent.xbutton = {};
+  XButtonEvent* xbutton = &xevent.xbutton;
+  gfx::Point mouse_loc = Env::GetInstance()->last_mouse_location();
+  aura::client::ScreenPositionClient* screen_position_client =
+      aura::client::GetScreenPositionClient(host_->window());
+  if (screen_position_client) {
+    screen_position_client->ConvertPointFromScreen(host_->window(), &mouse_loc);
+  }
+  xbutton->x = mouse_loc.x();
+  xbutton->y = mouse_loc.y();
+  xbutton->same_screen = x11::True;
+  switch (type) {
+    case LEFT:
+      xbutton->button = 1;
+      xbutton->state = Button1Mask;
+      break;
+    case MIDDLE:
+      xbutton->button = 2;
+      xbutton->state = Button2Mask;
+      break;
+    case RIGHT:
+      xbutton->button = 3;
+      xbutton->state = Button3Mask;
+      break;
+  }
+  // Process accelerator key state.
+  if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kShift)
+    xbutton->state |= ShiftMask;
+  if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kControl)
+    xbutton->state |= ControlMask;
+  if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kAlt)
+    xbutton->state |= Mod1Mask;
+  if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kCommand)
+    xbutton->state |= Mod4Mask;
+  // WindowEventDispatcher will take care of other necessary fields.
+  if (button_state & DOWN) {
+    xevent.xbutton.type = x11::ButtonEvent::Press;
+    PostEventToWindowTreeHost(xevent, host_);
+    button_down_mask |= xbutton->state;
+  }
+  if (button_state & UP) {
+    xevent.xbutton.type = x11::ButtonEvent::Release;
+    PostEventToWindowTreeHost(xevent, host_);
+    button_down_mask = (button_down_mask | xbutton->state) ^ xbutton->state;
+  }
+  RunClosureAfterAllPendingUIEvents(std::move(closure));
+  return true;
+bool UIControlsX11::SendMouseClick(MouseButton type) {
+  return SendMouseEvents(type, UP | DOWN, ui_controls::kNoAccelerator);
+void UIControlsX11::RunClosureAfterAllPendingUIEvents(
+    base::OnceClosure closure) {
+  if (closure.is_null())
+    return;
+  ui::XEventWaiter::Create(
+      static_cast<x11::Window>(host_->GetAcceleratedWidget()),
+      std::move(closure));
+void UIControlsX11::SetKeycodeAndSendThenMask(XEvent* xevent,
+                                              KeySym keysym,
+                                              unsigned int mask) {
+  xevent->xkey.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(gfx::GetXDisplay(), keysym);
+  PostEventToWindowTreeHost(*xevent, host_);
+  xevent->xkey.state |= mask;
+void UIControlsX11::UnmaskAndSetKeycodeThenSend(XEvent* xevent,
+                                                unsigned int mask,
+                                                KeySym keysym) {
+  xevent->xkey.state ^= mask;
+  xevent->xkey.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(gfx::GetXDisplay(), keysym);
+  PostEventToWindowTreeHost(*xevent, host_);
+}  // namespace test
+}  // namespace aura
diff --git a/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_aurax11.h b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_aurax11.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71cbf13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_aurax11.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/check.h"
+#include "base/location.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
+#include "ui/aura/client/screen_position_client.h"
+#include "ui/aura/env.h"
+#include "ui/aura/test/aura_test_utils.h"
+#include "ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_aura.h"
+#include "ui/aura/test/x11_event_sender.h"
+#include "ui/aura/window.h"
+#include "ui/aura/window_tree_host.h"
+#include "ui/base/test/ui_controls_aura.h"
+#include "ui/compositor/dip_util.h"
+#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_code_conversion_x.h"
+#include "ui/events/test/x11_event_waiter.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/x/x11.h"
+namespace aura {
+namespace test {
+class UIControlsX11 : public ui_controls::UIControlsAura {
+ public:
+  explicit UIControlsX11(WindowTreeHost* host);
+  UIControlsX11(const UIControlsX11&) = delete;
+  UIControlsX11& operator=(const UIControlsX11&) = delete;
+  ~UIControlsX11() override;
+  // UIControlsAura overrides:
+  bool SendKeyPress(gfx::NativeWindow window,
+                    ui::KeyboardCode key,
+                    bool control,
+                    bool shift,
+                    bool alt,
+                    bool command) override;
+  bool SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(gfx::NativeWindow window,
+                                  ui::KeyboardCode key,
+                                  bool control,
+                                  bool shift,
+                                  bool alt,
+                                  bool command,
+                                  base::OnceClosure closure) override;
+  bool SendMouseMove(int screen_x, int screen_y) override;
+  bool SendMouseMoveNotifyWhenDone(int screen_x,
+                                   int screen_y,
+                                   base::OnceClosure closure) override;
+  bool SendMouseEvents(ui_controls::MouseButton type,
+                       int button_state,
+                       int accelerator_state) override;
+  bool SendMouseEventsNotifyWhenDone(ui_controls::MouseButton type,
+                                     int button_state,
+                                     base::OnceClosure closure,
+                                     int accelerator_state) override;
+  bool SendMouseClick(ui_controls::MouseButton type) override;
+  void RunClosureAfterAllPendingUIEvents(base::OnceClosure closure);
+ private:
+  void SetKeycodeAndSendThenMask(XEvent* xevent,
+                                 KeySym keysym,
+                                 unsigned int mask);
+  void UnmaskAndSetKeycodeThenSend(XEvent* xevent,
+                                   unsigned int mask,
+                                   KeySym keysym);
+  WindowTreeHost* const host_;
+}  // namespace test
+}  // namespace aura
diff --git a/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_aura_linux.cc b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_aura_linux.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0edbd74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_aura_linux.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_aura.h"
+#include "base/notreached.h"
+#if defined(USE_X11)
+#include "ui/aura/test/ui_controls_aurax11.h"
+#if defined(USE_OZONE)
+#include "ui/aura/test/ui_controls_ozone.h"
+#include "ui/base/ui_base_features.h"
+namespace aura {
+namespace test {
+ui_controls::UIControlsAura* CreateUIControlsAura(WindowTreeHost* host) {
+#if defined(USE_OZONE)
+  if (features::IsUsingOzonePlatform())
+    return new UIControlsOzone(host);
+#if defined(USE_X11)
+  return new UIControlsX11(host);
+  return nullptr;
+}  // namespace test
+}  // namespace aura
diff --git a/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_aurax11.cc b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_aurax11.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index bacd6978..0000000
--- a/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_aurax11.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/check.h"
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
-#include "ui/aura/client/screen_position_client.h"
-#include "ui/aura/env.h"
-#include "ui/aura/test/aura_test_utils.h"
-#include "ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_aura.h"
-#include "ui/aura/test/x11_event_sender.h"
-#include "ui/aura/window.h"
-#include "ui/aura/window_tree_host.h"
-#include "ui/base/test/ui_controls_aura.h"
-#include "ui/compositor/dip_util.h"
-#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_code_conversion_x.h"
-#include "ui/events/test/x11_event_waiter.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/x/x11.h"
-namespace aura {
-namespace test {
-namespace {
-using ui_controls::DOWN;
-using ui_controls::LEFT;
-using ui_controls::MIDDLE;
-using ui_controls::MouseButton;
-using ui_controls::RIGHT;
-using ui_controls::UIControlsAura;
-using ui_controls::UP;
-// Mask of the buttons currently down.
-unsigned button_down_mask = 0;
-class UIControlsX11 : public UIControlsAura {
- public:
-  explicit UIControlsX11(WindowTreeHost* host) : host_(host) {}
-  bool SendKeyPress(gfx::NativeWindow window,
-                    ui::KeyboardCode key,
-                    bool control,
-                    bool shift,
-                    bool alt,
-                    bool command) override {
-    return SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(window, key, control, shift, alt, command,
-                                      base::OnceClosure());
-  }
-  bool SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(gfx::NativeWindow window,
-                                  ui::KeyboardCode key,
-                                  bool control,
-                                  bool shift,
-                                  bool alt,
-                                  bool command,
-                                  base::OnceClosure closure) override {
-    XEvent xevent;
-    xevent.xkey = {};
-    xevent.xkey.type = x11::KeyEvent::Press;
-    if (control)
-      SetKeycodeAndSendThenMask(&xevent, XK_Control_L, ControlMask);
-    if (shift)
-      SetKeycodeAndSendThenMask(&xevent, XK_Shift_L, ShiftMask);
-    if (alt)
-      SetKeycodeAndSendThenMask(&xevent, XK_Alt_L, Mod1Mask);
-    if (command)
-      SetKeycodeAndSendThenMask(&xevent, XK_Meta_L, Mod4Mask);
-    xevent.xkey.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(
-        gfx::GetXDisplay(), ui::XKeysymForWindowsKeyCode(key, shift));
-    PostEventToWindowTreeHost(xevent, host_);
-    // Send key release events.
-    xevent.xkey.type = x11::KeyEvent::Release;
-    PostEventToWindowTreeHost(xevent, host_);
-    if (alt)
-      UnmaskAndSetKeycodeThenSend(&xevent, Mod1Mask, XK_Alt_L);
-    if (shift)
-      UnmaskAndSetKeycodeThenSend(&xevent, ShiftMask, XK_Shift_L);
-    if (control)
-      UnmaskAndSetKeycodeThenSend(&xevent, ControlMask, XK_Control_L);
-    if (command)
-      UnmaskAndSetKeycodeThenSend(&xevent, Mod4Mask, XK_Meta_L);
-    DCHECK(!xevent.xkey.state);
-    RunClosureAfterAllPendingUIEvents(std::move(closure));
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool SendMouseMove(int screen_x, int screen_y) override {
-    return SendMouseMoveNotifyWhenDone(screen_x, screen_y, base::OnceClosure());
-  }
-  bool SendMouseMoveNotifyWhenDone(int screen_x,
-                                   int screen_y,
-                                   base::OnceClosure closure) override {
-    gfx::Point root_location(screen_x, screen_y);
-    aura::client::ScreenPositionClient* screen_position_client =
-        aura::client::GetScreenPositionClient(host_->window());
-    if (screen_position_client) {
-      screen_position_client->ConvertPointFromScreen(host_->window(),
-                                                     &root_location);
-    }
-    gfx::Point root_current_location =
-        QueryLatestMousePositionRequestInHost(host_);
-    host_->ConvertPixelsToDIP(&root_current_location);
-    if (root_location != root_current_location && button_down_mask == 0) {
-      // Move the cursor because EnterNotify/LeaveNotify are generated with the
-      // current mouse position as a result of XGrabPointer()
-      host_->window()->MoveCursorTo(root_location);
-    } else {
-      XEvent xevent;
-      xevent.xmotion = {};
-      XMotionEvent* xmotion = &xevent.xmotion;
-      xmotion->type = MotionNotify;
-      xmotion->x = root_location.x();
-      xmotion->y = root_location.y();
-      xmotion->state = button_down_mask;
-      xmotion->same_screen = x11::True;
-      // WindowTreeHost will take care of other necessary fields.
-      PostEventToWindowTreeHost(xevent, host_);
-    }
-    RunClosureAfterAllPendingUIEvents(std::move(closure));
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool SendMouseEvents(MouseButton type,
-                       int button_state,
-                       int accelerator_state) override {
-    return SendMouseEventsNotifyWhenDone(
-        type, button_state, base::OnceClosure(), accelerator_state);
-  }
-  bool SendMouseEventsNotifyWhenDone(MouseButton type,
-                                     int button_state,
-                                     base::OnceClosure closure,
-                                     int accelerator_state) override {
-    XEvent xevent;
-    xevent.xbutton = {};
-    XButtonEvent* xbutton = &xevent.xbutton;
-    gfx::Point mouse_loc = Env::GetInstance()->last_mouse_location();
-    aura::client::ScreenPositionClient* screen_position_client =
-        aura::client::GetScreenPositionClient(host_->window());
-    if (screen_position_client) {
-      screen_position_client->ConvertPointFromScreen(host_->window(),
-                                                     &mouse_loc);
-    }
-    xbutton->x = mouse_loc.x();
-    xbutton->y = mouse_loc.y();
-    xbutton->same_screen = x11::True;
-    switch (type) {
-      case LEFT:
-        xbutton->button = 1;
-        xbutton->state = Button1Mask;
-        break;
-      case MIDDLE:
-        xbutton->button = 2;
-        xbutton->state = Button2Mask;
-        break;
-      case RIGHT:
-        xbutton->button = 3;
-        xbutton->state = Button3Mask;
-        break;
-    }
-    // Process accelerator key state.
-    if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kShift)
-      xbutton->state |= ShiftMask;
-    if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kControl)
-      xbutton->state |= ControlMask;
-    if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kAlt)
-      xbutton->state |= Mod1Mask;
-    if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kCommand)
-      xbutton->state |= Mod4Mask;
-    // WindowEventDispatcher will take care of other necessary fields.
-    if (button_state & DOWN) {
-      xevent.xbutton.type = x11::ButtonEvent::Press;
-      PostEventToWindowTreeHost(xevent, host_);
-      button_down_mask |= xbutton->state;
-    }
-    if (button_state & UP) {
-      xevent.xbutton.type = x11::ButtonEvent::Release;
-      PostEventToWindowTreeHost(xevent, host_);
-      button_down_mask = (button_down_mask | xbutton->state) ^ xbutton->state;
-    }
-    RunClosureAfterAllPendingUIEvents(std::move(closure));
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool SendMouseClick(MouseButton type) override {
-    return SendMouseEvents(type, UP | DOWN, ui_controls::kNoAccelerator);
-  }
-  void RunClosureAfterAllPendingUIEvents(base::OnceClosure closure) {
-    if (closure.is_null())
-      return;
-    ui::XEventWaiter::Create(
-        static_cast<x11::Window>(host_->GetAcceleratedWidget()),
-        std::move(closure));
-  }
- private:
-  void SetKeycodeAndSendThenMask(XEvent* xevent,
-                                 KeySym keysym,
-                                 unsigned int mask) {
-    xevent->xkey.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(gfx::GetXDisplay(), keysym);
-    PostEventToWindowTreeHost(*xevent, host_);
-    xevent->xkey.state |= mask;
-  }
-  void UnmaskAndSetKeycodeThenSend(XEvent* xevent,
-                                   unsigned int mask,
-                                   KeySym keysym) {
-    xevent->xkey.state ^= mask;
-    xevent->xkey.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(gfx::GetXDisplay(), keysym);
-    PostEventToWindowTreeHost(*xevent, host_);
-  }
-  WindowTreeHost* host_;
-}  // namespace
-UIControlsAura* CreateUIControlsAura(WindowTreeHost* host) {
-  return new UIControlsX11(host);
-}  // namespace test
-}  // namespace aura
diff --git a/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_ozone.cc b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_ozone.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index dce2708..0000000
--- a/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_ozone.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
-#include "ui/aura/env.h"
-#include "ui/aura/test/aura_test_utils.h"
-#include "ui/aura/test/env_test_helper.h"
-#include "ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_aura.h"
-#include "ui/aura/window_tree_host.h"
-#include "ui/base/test/ui_controls_aura.h"
-#include "ui/display/display.h"
-#include "ui/display/screen.h"
-#include "ui/events/event_utils.h"
-#include "ui/events/test/events_test_utils.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_conversions.h"
-namespace aura {
-namespace test {
-namespace {
-class UIControlsOzone : public ui_controls::UIControlsAura {
- public:
-  UIControlsOzone(WindowTreeHost* host) : host_(host) {
-  }
-  ~UIControlsOzone() override = default;
- private:
-  // ui_controls::UIControlsAura:
-  bool SendKeyPress(gfx::NativeWindow window,
-                    ui::KeyboardCode key,
-                    bool control,
-                    bool shift,
-                    bool alt,
-                    bool command) override {
-    return SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(window, key, control, shift, alt, command,
-                                      base::OnceClosure());
-  }
-  bool SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(gfx::NativeWindow window,
-                                  ui::KeyboardCode key,
-                                  bool control,
-                                  bool shift,
-                                  bool alt,
-                                  bool command,
-                                  base::OnceClosure closure) override {
-    WindowTreeHost* optional_host = nullptr;
-    // Send the key event to the window's host, which may not match |host_|.
-    // This logic should probably exist for the non-aura path as well.
-    // TODO(https://crbug.com/1116649) Support non-aura path.
-#if defined(USE_AURA)
-    if (window != nullptr && window->GetHost() != nullptr &&
-        window->GetHost() != host_)
-      optional_host = window->GetHost();
-    int flags = button_down_mask_;
-    int64_t display_id =
-        display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestWindow(window).id();
-    if (control) {
-      flags |= ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN;
-      PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_CONTROL, flags, display_id,
-                   base::OnceClosure(), optional_host);
-    }
-    if (shift) {
-      flags |= ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN;
-      PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_SHIFT, flags, display_id,
-                   base::OnceClosure(), optional_host);
-    }
-    if (alt) {
-      flags |= ui::EF_ALT_DOWN;
-      PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_MENU, flags, display_id,
-                   base::OnceClosure(), optional_host);
-    }
-    if (command) {
-      flags |= ui::EF_COMMAND_DOWN;
-      PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_LWIN, flags, display_id,
-                   base::OnceClosure(), optional_host);
-    }
-    PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, key, flags, display_id,
-                 base::OnceClosure(), optional_host);
-    const bool has_modifier = control || shift || alt || command;
-    // Pass the real closure to the last generated KeyEvent.
-    PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, key, flags, display_id,
-                 has_modifier ? base::OnceClosure() : std::move(closure),
-                 optional_host);
-    if (alt) {
-      flags &= ~ui::EF_ALT_DOWN;
-      PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, ui::VKEY_MENU, flags, display_id,
-                   (shift || control || command) ? base::OnceClosure()
-                                                 : std::move(closure),
-                   optional_host);
-    }
-    if (shift) {
-      flags &= ~ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN;
-      PostKeyEvent(
-          ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, ui::VKEY_SHIFT, flags, display_id,
-          (control || command) ? base::OnceClosure() : std::move(closure),
-          optional_host);
-    }
-    if (control) {
-      flags &= ~ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN;
-      PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, ui::VKEY_CONTROL, flags, display_id,
-                   command ? base::OnceClosure() : std::move(closure),
-                   optional_host);
-    }
-    if (command) {
-      flags &= ~ui::EF_COMMAND_DOWN;
-      PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, ui::VKEY_LWIN, flags, display_id,
-                   std::move(closure), optional_host);
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool SendMouseMove(int screen_x, int screen_y) override {
-    return SendMouseMoveNotifyWhenDone(screen_x, screen_y, base::OnceClosure());
-  }
-  bool SendMouseMoveNotifyWhenDone(int screen_x,
-                                   int screen_y,
-                                   base::OnceClosure closure) override {
-    gfx::PointF host_location(screen_x, screen_y);
-    int64_t display_id = display::kInvalidDisplayId;
-    if (!ScreenDIPToHostPixels(&host_location, &display_id))
-      return false;
-    ui::EventType event_type;
-    if (button_down_mask_)
-      event_type = ui::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED;
-    else
-      event_type = ui::ET_MOUSE_MOVED;
-    PostMouseEvent(event_type, host_location, button_down_mask_, 0, display_id,
-                   std::move(closure));
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool SendMouseEvents(ui_controls::MouseButton type,
-                       int button_state,
-                       int accelerator_state) override {
-    return SendMouseEventsNotifyWhenDone(
-        type, button_state, base::OnceClosure(), accelerator_state);
-  }
-  bool SendMouseEventsNotifyWhenDone(ui_controls::MouseButton type,
-                                     int button_state,
-                                     base::OnceClosure closure,
-                                     int accelerator_state) override {
-    gfx::PointF host_location(Env::GetInstance()->last_mouse_location());
-    int64_t display_id = display::kInvalidDisplayId;
-    if (!ScreenDIPToHostPixels(&host_location, &display_id))
-      return false;
-    int changed_button_flag = 0;
-    switch (type) {
-      case ui_controls::LEFT:
-        changed_button_flag = ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON;
-        break;
-      case ui_controls::MIDDLE:
-        changed_button_flag = ui::EF_MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON;
-        break;
-      case ui_controls::RIGHT:
-        changed_button_flag = ui::EF_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON;
-        break;
-      default:
-        NOTREACHED();
-        break;
-    }
-    // Process the accelerator key state.
-    int flag = changed_button_flag;
-    if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kShift)
-      flag |= ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN;
-    if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kControl)
-      flag |= ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN;
-    if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kAlt)
-      flag |= ui::EF_ALT_DOWN;
-    if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kCommand)
-      flag |= ui::EF_COMMAND_DOWN;
-    if (button_state & ui_controls::DOWN) {
-      button_down_mask_ |= flag;
-      // Pass the real closure to the last generated MouseEvent.
-      PostMouseEvent(ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, host_location,
-                     button_down_mask_ | flag, changed_button_flag, display_id,
-                     (button_state & ui_controls::UP) ? base::OnceClosure()
-                                                      : std::move(closure));
-    }
-    if (button_state & ui_controls::UP) {
-      button_down_mask_ &= ~flag;
-      PostMouseEvent(ui::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED, host_location,
-                     button_down_mask_ | flag, changed_button_flag, display_id,
-                     std::move(closure));
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool SendMouseClick(ui_controls::MouseButton type) override {
-    return SendMouseEvents(type, ui_controls::UP | ui_controls::DOWN,
-                           ui_controls::kNoAccelerator);
-  }
-#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
-  bool SendTouchEvents(int action, int id, int x, int y) override {
-    return SendTouchEventsNotifyWhenDone(action, id, x, y, base::OnceClosure());
-  }
-  bool SendTouchEventsNotifyWhenDone(int action,
-                                     int id,
-                                     int x,
-                                     int y,
-                                     base::OnceClosure task) override {
-    DCHECK_NE(0, action);
-    gfx::PointF host_location(x, y);
-    int64_t display_id = display::kInvalidDisplayId;
-    if (!ScreenDIPToHostPixels(&host_location, &display_id))
-      return false;
-    bool has_move = action & ui_controls::MOVE;
-    bool has_release = action & ui_controls::RELEASE;
-    if (action & ui_controls::PRESS) {
-      PostTouchEvent(
-          ui::ET_TOUCH_PRESSED, host_location, id, display_id,
-          (has_move || has_release) ? base::OnceClosure() : std::move(task));
-    }
-    if (has_move) {
-      PostTouchEvent(ui::ET_TOUCH_MOVED, host_location, id, display_id,
-                     has_release ? base::OnceClosure() : std::move(task));
-    }
-    if (has_release) {
-      PostTouchEvent(ui::ET_TOUCH_RELEASED, host_location, id, display_id,
-                     std::move(task));
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // Use |optional_host| to specify the host.
-  // When |optional_host| is not null, event will be sent to |optional_host|.
-  // When |optional_host| is null, event will be sent to the default host.
-  void SendEventToSink(ui::Event* event,
-                       int64_t display_id,
-                       base::OnceClosure closure,
-                       WindowTreeHost* optional_host = nullptr) {
-    // Post the task before processing the event. This is necessary in case
-    // processing the event results in a nested message loop.
-    if (closure) {
-      base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
-                                                    std::move(closure));
-    }
-    WindowTreeHost* host = optional_host ? optional_host : host_;
-    ui::EventSourceTestApi event_source_test(host->GetEventSource());
-    ignore_result(event_source_test.SendEventToSink(event));
-  }
-  void PostKeyEvent(ui::EventType type,
-                    ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
-                    int flags,
-                    int64_t display_id,
-                    base::OnceClosure closure,
-                    WindowTreeHost* optional_host = nullptr) {
-    base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
-        FROM_HERE,
-        base::BindOnce(&UIControlsOzone::PostKeyEventTask,
-                       base::Unretained(this), type, key_code, flags,
-                       display_id, std::move(closure), optional_host));
-  }
-  void PostKeyEventTask(ui::EventType type,
-                        ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
-                        int flags,
-                        int64_t display_id,
-                        base::OnceClosure closure,
-                        WindowTreeHost* optional_host) {
-    // Do not rewrite injected events. See crbug.com/136465.
-    flags |= ui::EF_FINAL;
-    ui::KeyEvent key_event(type, key_code, flags);
-    SendEventToSink(&key_event, display_id, std::move(closure), optional_host);
-  }
-  void PostMouseEvent(ui::EventType type,
-                      const gfx::PointF& host_location,
-                      int flags,
-                      int changed_button_flags,
-                      int64_t display_id,
-                      base::OnceClosure closure) {
-    base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
-        FROM_HERE,
-        base::BindOnce(&UIControlsOzone::PostMouseEventTask,
-                       base::Unretained(this), type, host_location, flags,
-                       changed_button_flags, display_id, std::move(closure)));
-  }
-  void PostMouseEventTask(ui::EventType type,
-                          const gfx::PointF& host_location,
-                          int flags,
-                          int changed_button_flags,
-                          int64_t display_id,
-                          base::OnceClosure closure) {
-    ui::MouseEvent mouse_event(type, host_location, host_location,
-                               ui::EventTimeForNow(), flags,
-                               changed_button_flags);
-    // This hack is necessary to set the repeat count for clicks.
-    ui::MouseEvent mouse_event2(&mouse_event);
-    SendEventToSink(&mouse_event2, display_id, std::move(closure));
-  }
-  void PostTouchEvent(ui::EventType type,
-                      const gfx::PointF& host_location,
-                      int id,
-                      int64_t display_id,
-                      base::OnceClosure closure) {
-    base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
-        FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&UIControlsOzone::PostTouchEventTask,
-                                  base::Unretained(this), type, host_location,
-                                  id, display_id, std::move(closure)));
-  }
-  void PostTouchEventTask(ui::EventType type,
-                          const gfx::PointF& host_location,
-                          int id,
-                          int64_t display_id,
-                          base::OnceClosure closure) {
-    ui::PointerDetails details(ui::EventPointerType::kTouch, id, 1.0f, 1.0f,
-                               0.0f);
-    ui::TouchEvent touch_event(type, host_location, host_location,
-                               ui::EventTimeForNow(), details);
-    SendEventToSink(&touch_event, display_id, std::move(closure));
-  }
-  bool ScreenDIPToHostPixels(gfx::PointF* location, int64_t* display_id) {
-    // The location needs to be in display's coordinate.
-    display::Display display =
-        display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestPoint(
-            gfx::ToFlooredPoint(*location));
-    if (!display.is_valid()) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find the display for " << location->ToString();
-      return false;
-    }
-    *display_id = display.id();
-    *location -= display.bounds().OffsetFromOrigin();
-    location->Scale(display.device_scale_factor());
-    return true;
-  }
-  // This is the default host used for events that are not scoped to a window.
-  // Events scoped to a window always use the window's host.
-  WindowTreeHost* host_;
-  // Mask of the mouse buttons currently down. This is static as it needs to
-  // track the state globally for all displays. A UIControlsOzone instance is
-  // created for each display host.
-  static unsigned button_down_mask_;
-// static
-unsigned UIControlsOzone::button_down_mask_ = 0;
-}  // namespace
-ui_controls::UIControlsAura* CreateUIControlsAura(WindowTreeHost* host) {
-  return new UIControlsOzone(host);
-}  // namespace test
-}  // namespace aura
diff --git a/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_ozone.cc b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_ozone.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93ee63a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_ozone.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "ui/aura/test/ui_controls_ozone.h"
+#include "build/build_config.h"
+namespace aura {
+namespace test {
+// static
+unsigned UIControlsOzone::button_down_mask_ = 0;
+UIControlsOzone::UIControlsOzone(WindowTreeHost* host) : host_(host) {}
+UIControlsOzone::~UIControlsOzone() = default;
+bool UIControlsOzone::SendKeyPress(gfx::NativeWindow window,
+                                   ui::KeyboardCode key,
+                                   bool control,
+                                   bool shift,
+                                   bool alt,
+                                   bool command) {
+  return SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(window, key, control, shift, alt, command,
+                                    base::OnceClosure());
+bool UIControlsOzone::SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(gfx::NativeWindow window,
+                                                 ui::KeyboardCode key,
+                                                 bool control,
+                                                 bool shift,
+                                                 bool alt,
+                                                 bool command,
+                                                 base::OnceClosure closure) {
+  WindowTreeHost* optional_host = nullptr;
+  // Send the key event to the window's host, which may not match |host_|.
+  // This logic should probably exist for the non-aura path as well.
+  // TODO(https://crbug.com/1116649) Support non-aura path.
+#if defined(USE_AURA)
+  if (window != nullptr && window->GetHost() != nullptr &&
+      window->GetHost() != host_)
+    optional_host = window->GetHost();
+  int flags = button_down_mask_;
+  int64_t display_id =
+      display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestWindow(window).id();
+  if (control) {
+    flags |= ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN;
+    PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_CONTROL, flags, display_id,
+                 base::OnceClosure(), optional_host);
+  }
+  if (shift) {
+    flags |= ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN;
+    PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_SHIFT, flags, display_id,
+                 base::OnceClosure(), optional_host);
+  }
+  if (alt) {
+    flags |= ui::EF_ALT_DOWN;
+    PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_MENU, flags, display_id,
+                 base::OnceClosure(), optional_host);
+  }
+  if (command) {
+    flags |= ui::EF_COMMAND_DOWN;
+    PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_LWIN, flags, display_id,
+                 base::OnceClosure(), optional_host);
+  }
+  PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, key, flags, display_id, base::OnceClosure(),
+               optional_host);
+  const bool has_modifier = control || shift || alt || command;
+  // Pass the real closure to the last generated KeyEvent.
+  PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, key, flags, display_id,
+               has_modifier ? base::OnceClosure() : std::move(closure),
+               optional_host);
+  if (alt) {
+    flags &= ~ui::EF_ALT_DOWN;
+    PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, ui::VKEY_MENU, flags, display_id,
+                 (shift || control || command) ? base::OnceClosure()
+                                               : std::move(closure),
+                 optional_host);
+  }
+  if (shift) {
+    flags &= ~ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN;
+    PostKeyEvent(
+        ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, ui::VKEY_SHIFT, flags, display_id,
+        (control || command) ? base::OnceClosure() : std::move(closure),
+        optional_host);
+  }
+  if (control) {
+    flags &= ~ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN;
+    PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, ui::VKEY_CONTROL, flags, display_id,
+                 command ? base::OnceClosure() : std::move(closure),
+                 optional_host);
+  }
+  if (command) {
+    flags &= ~ui::EF_COMMAND_DOWN;
+    PostKeyEvent(ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, ui::VKEY_LWIN, flags, display_id,
+                 std::move(closure), optional_host);
+  }
+  return true;
+bool UIControlsOzone::SendMouseMove(int screen_x, int screen_y) {
+  return SendMouseMoveNotifyWhenDone(screen_x, screen_y, base::OnceClosure());
+bool UIControlsOzone::SendMouseMoveNotifyWhenDone(int screen_x,
+                                                  int screen_y,
+                                                  base::OnceClosure closure) {
+  gfx::PointF host_location(screen_x, screen_y);
+  int64_t display_id = display::kInvalidDisplayId;
+  if (!ScreenDIPToHostPixels(&host_location, &display_id))
+    return false;
+  ui::EventType event_type;
+  if (button_down_mask_)
+    event_type = ui::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED;
+  else
+    event_type = ui::ET_MOUSE_MOVED;
+  PostMouseEvent(event_type, host_location, button_down_mask_, 0, display_id,
+                 std::move(closure));
+  return true;
+bool UIControlsOzone::SendMouseEvents(ui_controls::MouseButton type,
+                                      int button_state,
+                                      int accelerator_state) {
+  return SendMouseEventsNotifyWhenDone(type, button_state, base::OnceClosure(),
+                                       accelerator_state);
+bool UIControlsOzone::SendMouseEventsNotifyWhenDone(
+    ui_controls::MouseButton type,
+    int button_state,
+    base::OnceClosure closure,
+    int accelerator_state) {
+  gfx::PointF host_location(Env::GetInstance()->last_mouse_location());
+  int64_t display_id = display::kInvalidDisplayId;
+  if (!ScreenDIPToHostPixels(&host_location, &display_id))
+    return false;
+  int changed_button_flag = 0;
+  switch (type) {
+    case ui_controls::LEFT:
+      changed_button_flag = ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON;
+      break;
+    case ui_controls::MIDDLE:
+      changed_button_flag = ui::EF_MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON;
+      break;
+    case ui_controls::RIGHT:
+      changed_button_flag = ui::EF_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON;
+      break;
+    default:
+      NOTREACHED();
+      break;
+  }
+  // Process the accelerator key state.
+  int flag = changed_button_flag;
+  if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kShift)
+    flag |= ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN;
+  if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kControl)
+    flag |= ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN;
+  if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kAlt)
+    flag |= ui::EF_ALT_DOWN;
+  if (accelerator_state & ui_controls::kCommand)
+    flag |= ui::EF_COMMAND_DOWN;
+  if (button_state & ui_controls::DOWN) {
+    button_down_mask_ |= flag;
+    // Pass the real closure to the last generated MouseEvent.
+    PostMouseEvent(ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, host_location,
+                   button_down_mask_ | flag, changed_button_flag, display_id,
+                   (button_state & ui_controls::UP) ? base::OnceClosure()
+                                                    : std::move(closure));
+  }
+  if (button_state & ui_controls::UP) {
+    button_down_mask_ &= ~flag;
+    PostMouseEvent(ui::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED, host_location,
+                   button_down_mask_ | flag, changed_button_flag, display_id,
+                   std::move(closure));
+  }
+  return true;
+bool UIControlsOzone::SendMouseClick(ui_controls::MouseButton type) {
+  return SendMouseEvents(type, ui_controls::UP | ui_controls::DOWN,
+                         ui_controls::kNoAccelerator);
+#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
+bool UIControlsOzone::SendTouchEvents(int action, int id, int x, int y) {
+  return SendTouchEventsNotifyWhenDone(action, id, x, y, base::OnceClosure());
+bool UIControlsOzone::SendTouchEventsNotifyWhenDone(int action,
+                                                    int id,
+                                                    int x,
+                                                    int y,
+                                                    base::OnceClosure task) {
+  DCHECK_NE(0, action);
+  gfx::PointF host_location(x, y);
+  int64_t display_id = display::kInvalidDisplayId;
+  if (!ScreenDIPToHostPixels(&host_location, &display_id))
+    return false;
+  bool has_move = action & ui_controls::MOVE;
+  bool has_release = action & ui_controls::RELEASE;
+  if (action & ui_controls::PRESS) {
+    PostTouchEvent(
+        ui::ET_TOUCH_PRESSED, host_location, id, display_id,
+        (has_move || has_release) ? base::OnceClosure() : std::move(task));
+  }
+  if (has_move) {
+    PostTouchEvent(ui::ET_TOUCH_MOVED, host_location, id, display_id,
+                   has_release ? base::OnceClosure() : std::move(task));
+  }
+  if (has_release) {
+    PostTouchEvent(ui::ET_TOUCH_RELEASED, host_location, id, display_id,
+                   std::move(task));
+  }
+  return true;
+void UIControlsOzone::SendEventToSink(ui::Event* event,
+                                      int64_t display_id,
+                                      base::OnceClosure closure,
+                                      WindowTreeHost* optional_host) {
+  // Post the task before processing the event. This is necessary in case
+  // processing the event results in a nested message loop.
+  if (closure) {
+    base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+                                                  std::move(closure));
+  }
+  WindowTreeHost* host = optional_host ? optional_host : host_;
+  ui::EventSourceTestApi event_source_test(host->GetEventSource());
+  ignore_result(event_source_test.SendEventToSink(event));
+void UIControlsOzone::PostKeyEvent(ui::EventType type,
+                                   ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
+                                   int flags,
+                                   int64_t display_id,
+                                   base::OnceClosure closure,
+                                   WindowTreeHost* optional_host) {
+  base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
+      FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&UIControlsOzone::PostKeyEventTask,
+                                base::Unretained(this), type, key_code, flags,
+                                display_id, std::move(closure), optional_host));
+void UIControlsOzone::PostKeyEventTask(ui::EventType type,
+                                       ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
+                                       int flags,
+                                       int64_t display_id,
+                                       base::OnceClosure closure,
+                                       WindowTreeHost* optional_host) {
+  // Do not rewrite injected events. See crbug.com/136465.
+  flags |= ui::EF_FINAL;
+  ui::KeyEvent key_event(type, key_code, flags);
+  SendEventToSink(&key_event, display_id, std::move(closure), optional_host);
+void UIControlsOzone::PostMouseEvent(ui::EventType type,
+                                     const gfx::PointF& host_location,
+                                     int flags,
+                                     int changed_button_flags,
+                                     int64_t display_id,
+                                     base::OnceClosure closure) {
+  base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
+      FROM_HERE,
+      base::BindOnce(&UIControlsOzone::PostMouseEventTask,
+                     base::Unretained(this), type, host_location, flags,
+                     changed_button_flags, display_id, std::move(closure)));
+void UIControlsOzone::PostMouseEventTask(ui::EventType type,
+                                         const gfx::PointF& host_location,
+                                         int flags,
+                                         int changed_button_flags,
+                                         int64_t display_id,
+                                         base::OnceClosure closure) {
+  ui::MouseEvent mouse_event(type, host_location, host_location,
+                             ui::EventTimeForNow(), flags,
+                             changed_button_flags);
+  // This hack is necessary to set the repeat count for clicks.
+  ui::MouseEvent mouse_event2(&mouse_event);
+  SendEventToSink(&mouse_event2, display_id, std::move(closure));
+void UIControlsOzone::PostTouchEvent(ui::EventType type,
+                                     const gfx::PointF& host_location,
+                                     int id,
+                                     int64_t display_id,
+                                     base::OnceClosure closure) {
+  base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
+      FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&UIControlsOzone::PostTouchEventTask,
+                                base::Unretained(this), type, host_location, id,
+                                display_id, std::move(closure)));
+void UIControlsOzone::PostTouchEventTask(ui::EventType type,
+                                         const gfx::PointF& host_location,
+                                         int id,
+                                         int64_t display_id,
+                                         base::OnceClosure closure) {
+  ui::PointerDetails details(ui::EventPointerType::kTouch, id, 1.0f, 1.0f,
+                             0.0f);
+  ui::TouchEvent touch_event(type, host_location, host_location,
+                             ui::EventTimeForNow(), details);
+  SendEventToSink(&touch_event, display_id, std::move(closure));
+bool UIControlsOzone::ScreenDIPToHostPixels(gfx::PointF* location,
+                                            int64_t* display_id) {
+  // The location needs to be in display's coordinate.
+  display::Display display =
+      display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestPoint(
+          gfx::ToFlooredPoint(*location));
+  if (!display.is_valid()) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find the display for " << location->ToString();
+    return false;
+  }
+  *display_id = display.id();
+  *location -= display.bounds().OffsetFromOrigin();
+  location->Scale(display.device_scale_factor());
+  return true;
+// To avoid multiple definitions when use_x11 && use_ozone is true, disable this
+// factory method for OS_LINUX as Linux has a factory method that decides what
+// UIControls to use based on IsUsingOzonePlatform feature flag.
+#if !defined(OS_LINUX)
+ui_controls::UIControlsAura* CreateUIControlsAura(WindowTreeHost* host) {
+  return new UIControlsOzone(host);
+}  // namespace test
+}  // namespace aura
diff --git a/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_ozone.h b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_ozone.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e85844f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/aura/test/ui_controls_ozone.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/location.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
+#include "ui/aura/env.h"
+#include "ui/aura/test/aura_test_utils.h"
+#include "ui/aura/test/env_test_helper.h"
+#include "ui/aura/test/ui_controls_factory_aura.h"
+#include "ui/aura/window_tree_host.h"
+#include "ui/base/test/ui_controls_aura.h"
+#include "ui/display/display.h"
+#include "ui/display/screen.h"
+#include "ui/events/event_utils.h"
+#include "ui/events/test/events_test_utils.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_conversions.h"
+namespace aura {
+namespace test {
+class UIControlsOzone : public ui_controls::UIControlsAura {
+ public:
+  explicit UIControlsOzone(WindowTreeHost* host);
+  UIControlsOzone(const UIControlsOzone&) = delete;
+  UIControlsOzone& operator=(const UIControlsOzone&) = delete;
+  ~UIControlsOzone() override;
+ private:
+  // ui_controls::UIControlsAura:
+  bool SendKeyPress(gfx::NativeWindow window,
+                    ui::KeyboardCode key,
+                    bool control,
+                    bool shift,
+                    bool alt,
+                    bool command) override;
+  bool SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(gfx::NativeWindow window,
+                                  ui::KeyboardCode key,
+                                  bool control,
+                                  bool shift,
+                                  bool alt,
+                                  bool command,
+                                  base::OnceClosure closure) override;
+  bool SendMouseMove(int screen_x, int screen_y) override;
+  bool SendMouseMoveNotifyWhenDone(int screen_x,
+                                   int screen_y,
+                                   base::OnceClosure closure) override;
+  bool SendMouseEvents(ui_controls::MouseButton type,
+                       int button_state,
+                       int accelerator_state) override;
+  bool SendMouseEventsNotifyWhenDone(ui_controls::MouseButton type,
+                                     int button_state,
+                                     base::OnceClosure closure,
+                                     int accelerator_state) override;
+  bool SendMouseClick(ui_controls::MouseButton type) override;
+#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
+  bool SendTouchEvents(int action, int id, int x, int y) override;
+  bool SendTouchEventsNotifyWhenDone(int action,
+                                     int id,
+                                     int x,
+                                     int y,
+                                     base::OnceClosure task) override;
+  // Use |optional_host| to specify the host.
+  // When |optional_host| is not null, event will be sent to |optional_host|.
+  // When |optional_host| is null, event will be sent to the default host.
+  void SendEventToSink(ui::Event* event,
+                       int64_t display_id,
+                       base::OnceClosure closure,
+                       WindowTreeHost* optional_host = nullptr);
+  void PostKeyEvent(ui::EventType type,
+                    ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
+                    int flags,
+                    int64_t display_id,
+                    base::OnceClosure closure,
+                    WindowTreeHost* optional_host = nullptr);
+  void PostKeyEventTask(ui::EventType type,
+                        ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
+                        int flags,
+                        int64_t display_id,
+                        base::OnceClosure closure,
+                        WindowTreeHost* optional_host);
+  void PostMouseEvent(ui::EventType type,
+                      const gfx::PointF& host_location,
+                      int flags,
+                      int changed_button_flags,
+                      int64_t display_id,
+                      base::OnceClosure closure);
+  void PostMouseEventTask(ui::EventType type,
+                          const gfx::PointF& host_location,
+                          int flags,
+                          int changed_button_flags,
+                          int64_t display_id,
+                          base::OnceClosure closure);
+  void PostTouchEvent(ui::EventType type,
+                      const gfx::PointF& host_location,
+                      int id,
+                      int64_t display_id,
+                      base::OnceClosure closure);
+  void PostTouchEventTask(ui::EventType type,
+                          const gfx::PointF& host_location,
+                          int id,
+                          int64_t display_id,
+                          base::OnceClosure closure);
+  bool ScreenDIPToHostPixels(gfx::PointF* location, int64_t* display_id);
+  // This is the default host used for events that are not scoped to a window.
+  // Events scoped to a window always use the window's host.
+  WindowTreeHost* const host_;
+  // Mask of the mouse buttons currently down. This is static as it needs to
+  // track the state globally for all displays. A UIControlsOzone instance is
+  // created for each display host.
+  static unsigned button_down_mask_;
+}  // namespace test
+}  // namespace aura