[go: nahoru, domu]

tree: 2f540b679879b58096e8d79d1875eba6a111bab6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. accessibility/
  2. android/
  3. animations/
  4. app_banner/
  5. bindings/
  6. clipboard/
  7. compositing/
  8. crypto/
  9. css-parser/
  10. css1/
  11. css2.1/
  12. css3/
  13. cssom/
  14. custom-elements/
  15. custom-properties/
  16. dark-mode/
  17. dom/
  18. editing/
  19. external/
  20. fast/
  21. flag-specific/
  22. FlagExpectations/
  23. fonts/
  24. fragmentation/
  25. fullscreen/
  26. gamepad/
  27. handwriting/
  28. harness-tests/
  29. hittesting/
  30. html/
  31. html5lib/
  32. http/
  33. idle-callback/
  34. ietestcenter/
  35. images/
  36. inspector-protocol/
  37. intersection-observer/
  38. jquery/
  39. js/
  40. loader/
  41. media/
  42. media_capabilities/
  43. mhtml/
  44. navigator_language/
  45. navigator_webdriver/
  46. netinfo/
  47. overflow/
  48. paint/
  49. payments/
  50. performance_timeline/
  51. permissionclient/
  52. platform/
  53. plugins/
  54. pointer-lock/
  55. ppapi/
  56. print_testharness/
  57. printing/
  58. register-protocol-handler/
  59. regress/
  60. resize-observer/
  61. resources/
  62. rootscroller/
  63. screen_orientation/
  64. scrollbars/
  65. scrollingcoordinator/
  66. security/
  67. shadow-dom/
  68. storage/
  69. svg/
  70. synthetic_gestures/
  71. tables/
  72. test_runner/
  73. TestLists/
  74. third_party/
  75. timezonechange/
  76. touchadjustment/
  77. transforms/
  78. transitions/
  79. traversal/
  80. typedcssom/
  81. vibration/
  82. view-transition/
  83. virtual/
  84. virtualkeyboard/
  85. wasm/
  86. webaudio/
  87. webexposed/
  88. webgpu/
  89. wpt_internal/
  90. xmlviewer/
  91. .clang-format
  92. .gitattributes
  93. .gitignore
  94. ASANExpectations
  95. ChromeTestExpectations
  96. FlagSpecificConfig
  97. IOSTestExpectations
  98. LeakExpectations
  99. MobileTestExpectations
  100. MSANExpectations
  101. NeverFixTests
  102. OWNERS
  103. PRESUBMIT.py
  104. PRESUBMIT_test.py
  105. README.md
  106. SlowTests
  107. StaleTestExpectations
  108. TestExpectations
  110. VirtualTestSuites
  111. W3CImportExpectations
  112. WebGPUExpectations
  113. whitespace.txt
  114. wptrunner.blink.ini

The documentation for this directory is at:

WPT Configuration

There are some special files under this directory for adapting web platform tests for Blink:

  • web_tests/external/wpt/config.json: wptserve configuration file for overriding default routes and ports. Note that filesystem paths are relative to blink/web_tests, where wptserve runs. When changing the ports (HTTP/S, WS/S), make sure to also:
    • Update WPT_HOST_AND_PORTS in //third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/web_tests/port/driver.py
    • Update WebTestContentBrowserClient::GetOriginsRequiringDedicatedProcess
  • web_tests/wptrunner.blink.ini: Describes WPT tests other than external/wpt, which is automatically mapped to the document root http://web-platform.test/. Note that this config is only ingested by wptrunner; run_web_tests.py automatically recognizes all tests under web_tests/.