[go: nahoru, domu]

Privacy Budget: Instrumentation

Refer to Privacy Budget: Code Locations for details on where the code is located.

All instrumentation for the identifiability study is done via the API exposed in third_party/blink/public/common/privacy_budget.

Follow the instructions below for adding instrumentation for an API.

  1. Are you annotating a direct surface? Jump to Annotating Direct Surfaces below.

  2. Are you annotating a volatile surface? For now we aren‘t annotating those. So let’s go ahead and pick a different API to work on.

  3. Determine the UkmSourceId and UkmRecorder to use for reporting, which depends on what you have. See the table below:

    You have thisUse this
    blink::DocumentDocument::UkmRecorder() and Document::UkmSourceID()
    blink::ExecutionContextExecutionContext::UkmRecorder() and ExecutionContext::UkmSourceID()

    Several classes inherit blink::ExecutionContext and therefore implement UkmRecorder() and UkmSourceID() methods. E.g.:

    • blink::LocalDOMWindow
    • blink::WorkerGlobalScope
      • ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
      • SharedWorkerGlobalScope
      • DedicatedWorker

    If you can get your hand on any of these, you are all set. Otherwise you may need to plumb a UkmSourceID down the stack.

    The only requirement as far as Privacy Budget is concerned is that the given source ID can be mapped to a top level navigation.

  4. Decide on the blink::IdentifiableSurface to use, and the method for constructing it. If there's no corresponding surface type, see the Surface Types section for instructions on adding a new type.

  5. Condition all additional work on whether the study is active and whether the type and surface should be sampled.

    On both the browser process and the renderer process the global blink::IdentifiabilityStudySettings singleton knows whether the study is active or not and whether a given blink::IdentifiableSurface or blink::IdentifiableSurface::Type should be sampled.

    If you know the final blink::IdentifiableSurface that you are going to use, then:

    #include "third_party/blink/public/common/privacy_budget/identifiability_study_settings.h"
    /* ... */
    if (IdentifiabilityStudySettings::Get()->ShouldSampleSurface(my_surface)) {
      // Only do work here.

    Otherwise, if you know the surface type, then:

    #include "third_party/blink/public/common/privacy_budget/identifiability_study_settings.h"
    /* ... */
    if (IdentifiabilityStudySettings::Get()->ShouldSampleType(my_surface_type)) {
      // Only do work here.

    If you neither know the surface nor the type (this happens if the code you are working on is common to a number of different surfaces or types) then:

    #include "third_party/blink/public/common/privacy_budget/identifiability_study_settings.h"
    /* ... */
    if (IdentifiabilityStudySettings::Get()->IsActive()) {
      // Only do work here.

    Important: There should be zero additional work done if the study is not active. If the surface or the type is disabled, then corresponding sampling code should do no work.

    This includes calculating the IdentifiableSurface and any related digests. If calculating the IdentifiableSurface is expensive, then the code should check ShouldSampleType() before progressing.

    The primary mechanism for recovering from an unforeseen adverse effect of sampling a surface is to stop the collection of that specific sample by way of the global blink::IdentifiabilityStudySettings. The success of this depends entirely on whether turning off the surface or type results in the sampling code not doing any work when the surface or type is disabled.

    If not, we'd need to shut down progressively larger scopes (i.e. the type or the entire experiment). Granular checks are important to minimize the fallout of such an event.

    Avoid using IdentifiabilityStudySettings::Get()->IsActive() except as a last resort. Use one of the more granular conditions instead.

    The decision on whether to activate the study is made on a per client (i.e. a browser instance) basis. It's not based on user profile nor any property associated with the user.

  6. Calculate the sample value based on the documentation in identifiable_surface.h or whatever criteria you came up with.

    More specific guidelines and low level details about deriving an IdentifiableToken can be found in identifiable_token.h. However, the gist of it is:

    WAIT: Is the value being derived from a string that could potentially contain sensitive information? (E.g. all strings originating from the document that is not defined as a constant somewhere in the browser is likely going to be sensitive). Then only extract a maximum of 16 bits from the string.

    For blink::String a.k.a. WTF::String types, this is implemented as IdentifiabilitySensitiveStringToken() and IdentifiabilitySensitiveCaseFoldingStringToken() in identifiability_digest_helpers.h.

    • If you are about to construct a token out of a WTF::String type use one of the helpers in identifiability_digest_helpers.h. As mentioned above, you'll need to decide:

      • Whether this is a hardcoded string or not.
      • Whether the case of the string is relevant or not.

      It should be obvious which of the variants to use based on that. E.g.:

      namespace blink {
      void Foo(const String& input) {
        auto sample_value =
        // ... other stuff
      }  // namespace blink
    • For scalar types, the implicit conversions of IdentifiableToken should be enough. I.e.:

      // `scalar_value` is an intrinsic integral or floating point type. So
      // implicit conversion kicks in.
      blink::IdentifiableToken sample_value = scalar_value;


      int scalar_input = GetInput();
      float scalar_value = GetValue();
        .Record(/* elided */);
  7. Report the value.

Surface Types

Every identifiable surface value should be aggregateable across clients.

What does aggregateable mean? Let's say we observe two samples for the same blink::IdentifiableSurface 𝑣₁ and 𝑣₂. We should be able to claim that 𝑣₁ = 𝑣₂ implies that the underlying sources of entropy are in identical states. Essentially this means that observations of a single identifiable surface value are measuring the same thing.

For example: The Screen.width attribute corresponds to the identifiable surface constructed as:

// Good
auto surface = blink::IdentifiableSurface::FromTypeAndToken(

All values for this surface are measuring the pixel width of the same display. All browser contexts active on the same browser window will report the same value.

Another example: The Plugin.filename attribute may be considered to correspond to the identifiable surface constructed as:

// Bad
auto surface = blink::IdentifiableSurface::FromTypeAndToken(

However two observed values for this surface can't be meaningfully compared. Their equivalence likely indicates that they are for the same plugin. However if they are different, that could be because the two values correspond to different plugins, or different versions of the same plugin. In the former case, the same browser context can produce both values, which is misleading. In the case of this specific attribute, the surface must be further keyed based on some stable identifier for the plugin. For example, the key could be derived from Plugin.name.

Whenever we are looking at two distinct sources of keys, the surfaces should belong to two different types. I.e. two different blink::IdentifiableSurface::Types. If a matching type doesn‘t exist, you’ll need to add one. See the next section for how to do that.

Adding a Surface Type

All surface types and their parameters must be documented in identifiable_surface.h. When adding a new type, you should document:

  1. The source of the key with enough detail for someone to independently construct the correct surface key.

  2. How to compute the value with enough detail for someone to independently construct the correct value. Different code locations where the same surface type is sampled must produce the same IdentifiableSurface value given the same inputs.

For an example, see the comments above the definition of kWebFeature in identifiable_surface.h.

Annotating Direct Surfaces via WebIDL Bindings

Since direct surfaces are quite common, instrumentation for those APIs are done via the Blink bindings generation process.

Operations and attributes (but not interfaces) that have been identified as being useful for client fingerprinting receive the HighEntropy extended attribute as follows:

interface MyInterface : EventTarget {
    // This method does not expose any information.
    void uninterestingMethod();

    // This method, on the other hand, can be informative. It is marked as
    // HighEntropy. This annotation alone doesn't provide any automated
    // instrumentation since the bindings doesn't know what to look for or the
    // relevance of the input parameters.
    [HighEntropy, Measure] unsigned long? userHeightInInches(boolean tippyToes);

    // All the returned contents of this attribute including their ordering is
    // relevant for identification. It has the additional `Direct` token which
    // signals to the bindings generator to emit sampling instrumentation.
    [HighEntropy=Direct, Measure] readonly attribute DOMStringList allergies;

All HighEntropy attributes must be accompanied by a corresponding Measure or MeasureAs attribute.

If there was no Measure or MeasureAs attribute then adding it also involves updating enums.xml and web_feature.mojom as described in Measure. Perhaps it's easier to follow an example like the one below.

Here's a sample CL that shows what needs to be done:

Don't add custom UseCounter enums and instead rely on the generated UseCounter name whenever possible.

E.g.: This is preferred.

interface MyInterface : EventTarget {
    [HighEntropy=Direct, Measure] readonly attribute unsigned short angle;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, Measure] readonly attribute DOMString type;

Over this...

interface MyInterface : EventTarget {
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=MyCustomUseCounterName1] readonly attribute unsigned short angle;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=MyCustomUseCounterName2] readonly attribute DOMString type;

    //                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //    You can optionally explicitly specify the UseCounter name like so.
    //    It's more meant for cases where two or more methods or attributes are
    //    effectively aliases of each other or the UseCounter only intends to
    //    measure usage of either.

There‘s no hard rule about this, but the UseCounter name is an implementation detail that doesn’t belong in the IDL. It also adds unnecessary noise.

IMPORTANT Make sure that each API has its own UseCounter name. Otherwise multiple APIs will have their samples aggregated within the same bucket. This alters the observed characteristics of the API from what it really is.