[go: nahoru, domu]

Adding Multiwindow EG Tests


This document is a simple guidance on adding Multiwindow EG tests, using a limited set of helper functions.

Window Number

Windows are numbered, through their accessibilityIdentifier, in the order they are created. The first window will be @"0", the second window will be @"1", etc. In most helper functions, the integer is used to identify windows.

Windows are not automatically renumbered so it is possible to end up with two windows with the same number. You can use [ChromeEarlGrey changeWindowWithNumber:toNewNumber:] to fix that in the unlikely case it is needed. Depending on the needs of the test, you can decide on how to proceed, for example wanting to keep the left window as 0 and the right window as 1. See [BrowserViewControllerTestCase testMultiWindowURLLoading] as an example of this.


Multiwindow helpers are divided into two groups: window management functions and tabs management functions, the latter being similar to their previously existing single window counterpart versions but with an extra inWindowWithNumber parameter.

The helpers all live in ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_earl_grey.h

Window Management

Window Creation

You can artificially create a new window, as if the user had done it through the dock:

// Opens a new window.
- (void)openNewWindow;

Or by triggering any chrome function that opens one. Either way, it is strongly recommended to call the following function to wait and verify that the action worked (It can also be a good idea to call it before as well as after the action):

// Waits for there to be |count| number of browsers within a timeout,
// or a GREYAssert is induced.
- (void)waitForForegroundWindowCount:(NSUInteger)count;

Two helpers allow getting the current window counts. Note that calling [ChromeEarlGrey waitForForegroundWindowCount:] above is probably a better choice than asserting on these counts.

// Returns the number of windows, including background and disconnected or
// archived windows.
- (NSUInteger)windowCount WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;

// Returns the number of foreground (visible on screen) windows.
- (NSUInteger)foregroundWindowCount WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;

Window destruction

You can manually destroy a window:

// Closes the window with given number. Note that numbering doesn't change and
// if a new window is to be added in a test, a renumbering might be needed.
- (void)closeWindowWithNumber:(int)windowNumber;

Or destroy all but one, leaving the test application ready for the next test.

// Closes all but one window, including all non-foreground windows. No-op if
// only one window presents.
- (void)closeAllExtraWindows;

Window renumbering

As discussed before, it is possible to renumber a window. Note that if more than one window has the same number, only the first one found will be renamed.

// Renumbers given window with current number to new number. For example, if
// you have windows 0 and 1, close window 0, then add new window, then both
// windows would be 1. Therefore you should renumber the remaining ones
// before adding new ones.
- (void)changeWindowWithNumber:(int)windowNumber

Tab Management

All the following functions work like their non multiwindow counterparts. Note that those non multiwindow counterparts can still be called in a multiwindow test when only one window is visible, but their result becomes undefined if more than one window exists.

// Opens a new tab in window with given number and waits for the new tab
// animation to complete within a timeout, or a GREYAssert is induced.
- (void)openNewTabInWindowWithNumber:(int)windowNumber;

// Loads |URL| in the current WebState for window with given number, with
// transition type ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED, and if waitForCompletion is YES
// waits for the loading to complete within a timeout.
// Returns nil on success, or else an NSError indicating why the operation
// failed.
- (void)loadURL:(const GURL&)URL

// Loads |URL| in the current WebState for window with given number, with
// transition type ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED, and waits for the loading to
// complete within a timeout. If the condition is not met within a timeout
// returns an NSError indicating why the operation failed, otherwise nil.
- (void)loadURL:(const GURL&)URL inWindowWithNumber:(int)windowNumber;

// Waits for the page to finish loading for window with given number, within a
// timeout, or a GREYAssert is induced.
- (void)waitForPageToFinishLoadingInWindowWithNumber:(int)windowNumber;

// Returns YES if the window with given number's current WebState is loading.
- (BOOL)isLoadingInWindowWithNumber:(int)windowNumber WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;

// Waits for the current web state for window with given number, to contain
// |UTF8Text|. If the condition is not met within a timeout a GREYAssert is
// induced.
- (void)waitForWebStateContainingText:(const std::string&)UTF8Text

// Waits for the current web state for window with given number, to contain
// |UTF8Text|. If the condition is not met within the given |timeout| a
// GREYAssert is induced.
- (void)waitForWebStateContainingText:(const std::string&)UTF8Text

// Waits for there to be |count| number of non-incognito tabs within a timeout,
// or a GREYAssert is induced.
- (void)waitForMainTabCount:(NSUInteger)count

// Waits for there to be |count| number of incognito tabs within a timeout, or a
// GREYAssert is induced.
- (void)waitForIncognitoTabCount:(NSUInteger)count


Most existing matchers can be used when multiple windows are present by setting a global root matcher with [EarlGrey setRootMatcherForSubsequentInteractions:]. For example, in the following blurb, the BackButton is tapped in window 0, then later the TabGridDoneButton is tapped in window 1:

 [EarlGrey setRootMatcherForSubsequentInteractions:WindowWithNumber(1)];
 [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:chrome_test_util::BackButton()]
 [ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebStateContainingText:kResponse1

 [EarlGrey setRootMatcherForSubsequentInteractions:WindowWithNumber(0)];
 [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:chrome_test_util::TabGridDoneButton()]

If grey_tap() fails unexpectedly and unexplainably, see Actions section below.

Thanks to the root matcher, a limited number of matchers, require the window number to be specified. WindowWithNumber is useful as a root matcher and MatchInWindowWithNumber if you want to match without using a root matcher:


// Matcher for a window with a given number.
// Window numbers are assigned at scene creation. Normally, each EGTest will
// start with exactly one window with number 0. Each time a window is created,
// it is assigned an accessibility identifier equal to the number of connected
// scenes (stored as NSString). This means typically any windows created in a
// test will have consecutive numbers.
id<GREYMatcher> WindowWithNumber(int window_number);

// Shorthand matcher for creating a matcher that ensures the given matcher
// matches elements under the given window.
id<GREYMatcher> MatchInWindowWithNumber(int window_number,
                                       id<GREYMatcher> matcher);

The settings back button is the hardest matcher to get right. Their
characteristics change based on iOS versions, on device types and on an
unexplainable situation where the label appears or not.  For this reason,
there’s a special matcher for Multiwindow:

// Returns matcher for the back button on a settings menu in given window
// number.
id<GREYMatcher> SettingsMenuBackButton(int window_number);

Chrome Matchers

Some chrome matchers have a version where the window number needs to be specified. On those, the root matcher will be set and left set on return to allow less verbosity at call site.

// Makes the toolbar visible by swiping downward, if necessary. Then taps on
// the Tools menu button. At least one tab needs to be open and visible when
// calling this method.
// Sets and Leaves the root matcher to the given window with |windowNumber|.
- (void)openToolsMenuInWindowWithNumber:(int)windowNumber;

// Opens the settings menu by opening the tools menu, and then tapping the
// Settings button. There will be a GREYAssert if the tools menu is open when
// calling this method.
// Sets and Leaves the root matcher to the given window with |windowNumber|.
- (void)openSettingsMenuInWindowWithNumber:(int)windowNumber;

For example, the following code:

  [EarlGrey setRootMatcherForSubsequentInteractions:
  [ChromeEarlGreyUI openToolsMenu];
  [ChromeEarlGreyUI tapToolsMenuButton:HistoryDestinationButton()];

Can be reduced to:

  [ChromeEarlGreyUI openToolsMenuInWindowWithNumber:windowNumber];
  [ChromeEarlGreyUI tapToolsMenuButton:HistoryDestinationButton()];


There are actions that cannot be done using EarlGrey (yet?). One of those is Drag and drop. But XCUI is good at that, so there are two new client-side-triggered actions that can be used, that work across multiple windows:


// Action (XCUI, hence local) to long press a cell item with
// |accessibility_identifier| in |window_number| and drag it to the given |edge|
// of the app screen (can trigger a new window) before dropping it. Returns YES
// on success (finding the item).
BOOL LongPressCellAndDragToEdge(NSString* accessibility_identifier,
                               GREYContentEdge edge,
                               int window_number);

// Action (XCUI, hence local) to long press a cell item  with
// |src_accessibility_identifier| in |src_window_number| and drag it to the
// given normalized offset of the cell or window with
// |dst_accessibility_identifier| in |dst_window_number| before dropping it. To
// target a window, pass nil as |dst_accessibility_identifier|. Returns YES on
// success (finding both items).
BOOL LongPressCellAndDragToOffsetOf(NSString* src_accessibility_identifier,
                                   int src_window_number,
                                   NSString* dst_accessibility_identifier,
                                   int dst_window_number,
                                   CGVector dst_normalized_offset);

Also there’s a bug in EarlGrey that makes some actions fail without a reason on a second or third window due to a false negative visibility computation. To palliate this for now, this XCUI action helper can be used:

// Action (XCUI, hence local) to tap item with |accessibility_identifier| in
// |window_number|.
BOOL TapAtOffsetOf(NSString* accessibility_identifier,
                  int window_number,
                  CGVector normalized_offset);

It’s hard to know when you will need it, but unexpected and unexplainable failures in the simulator are a good clue...

If you need window resizing, the following allows you to:

// Action (XCUI, hence local) to resize split windows by dragging the splitter.
// This action requires two windows (|first_window_number| and
// |second_window_number|, in any order) to find where the splitter is located.
// A given |first_window_normalized_screen_size| defines the normalized size
// [0.0 - 1.0] wanted for the |first_window_number|. Returns NO if any window
// is not found or if one of them is a floating window.
// Notes: The size requested
// will be matched by the OS to the closest available multiwindow layout. This
// function works with any device orientation and with either LTR or RTL
// languages. Example of use:
//   [ChromeEarlGrey openNewWindow];
//   [ChromeEarlGrey waitForForegroundWindowCount:2];
//   chrome_test_util::DragWindowSplitterToSize(0, 1, 0.25);
// Starting with window sizes 438 and 320 pts, this will resize
// them to 320pts and 438 pts respectively.
BOOL DragWindowSplitterToSize(int first_window_number,
                             int second_window_number,
                             CGFloat first_window_normalized_screen_size);


In multiwindow tests, a failure to clear extra windows and root matcher at the end of a test, would mean a more than likely failure on the next one. To do so, the setUp/tearDown methods do not need any changes. closeAllExtraWindows and [EarlGrey setRootMatcherForSubsequentInteractions:nil] are called on [ChromeTestCase tearDown] and [ChromeTestCase setUpForTestCase].

Tests should check if multiwindow is available on their first lines, to avoid failing on iPhones:

- (void)testDragAndDropAtEdgeToCreateNewWindow {
 if (![ChromeEarlGrey areMultipleWindowsSupported])
   EARL_GREY_TEST_DISABLED(@"Multiple windows can't be opened.");