[go: nahoru, domu]

tree: b1ac60bc405636032d1ad23fc854ad4f63c3ff2c [path history] [tgz]
  1. accelerators/
  2. animation/
  3. app_list/
  4. autoclick/
  5. content/
  6. display/
  7. drag_drop/
  8. fast_ink/
  9. first_run/
  10. frame/
  11. high_contrast/
  12. highlighter/
  13. host/
  14. ime/
  15. keyboard/
  16. laser/
  17. login/
  18. magnifier/
  19. metrics/
  20. mus/
  21. perftests/
  22. public/
  23. resources/
  24. rotator/
  25. session/
  26. shelf/
  27. shell/
  28. sticky_keys/
  29. strings/
  30. system/
  31. test/
  32. tooltips/
  33. touch/
  34. touch_hud/
  35. tray_action/
  36. utility/
  37. wallpaper/
  38. wm/
  39. accessibility_delegate.h
  40. accessibility_types.h
  41. ash_constants.cc
  42. ash_constants.h
  43. ash_export.h
  44. ash_layout_constants.cc
  45. ash_layout_constants.h
  46. ash_strings.grd
  47. ash_switches.cc
  48. ash_switches.h
  49. ash_touch_exploration_manager_chromeos.cc
  50. ash_touch_exploration_manager_chromeos.h
  51. ash_touch_exploration_manager_chromeos_unittest.cc
  52. ash_view_ids.h
  53. BUILD.gn
  54. cancel_mode.cc
  55. cancel_mode.h
  56. cast_config_controller.cc
  57. cast_config_controller.h
  58. debug.cc
  59. debug.h
  60. default_accessibility_delegate.cc
  61. default_accessibility_delegate.h
  62. default_wallpaper_delegate.cc
  63. default_wallpaper_delegate.h
  64. DEPS
  65. dip_unittest.cc
  66. extended_desktop_unittest.cc
  67. focus_cycler.cc
  68. focus_cycler.h
  69. focus_cycler_unittest.cc
  70. gpu_support.h
  71. gpu_support_stub.cc
  72. gpu_support_stub.h
  73. link_handler_model.cc
  74. link_handler_model.h
  75. link_handler_model_factory.cc
  76. link_handler_model_factory.h
  77. login_status.h
  78. media_controller.cc
  79. media_controller.h
  80. mojo_interface_factory.cc
  81. mojo_interface_factory.h
  82. multi_profile_uma.cc
  83. multi_profile_uma.h
  84. mus_property_mirror_ash_unittest.cc
  85. new_window_controller.cc
  86. new_window_controller.h
  87. OWNERS
  88. palette_delegate.h
  89. pointer_watcher_adapter_classic.cc
  90. pointer_watcher_adapter_classic.h
  91. pointer_watcher_adapter_classic_unittest.cc
  92. README.md
  93. root_window_controller.cc
  94. root_window_controller.h
  95. root_window_controller_unittest.cc
  96. root_window_settings.cc
  97. root_window_settings.h
  98. scoped_root_window_for_new_windows.cc
  99. scoped_root_window_for_new_windows.h
  100. screen_util.cc
  101. screen_util.h
  102. screen_util_unittest.cc
  103. screenshot_delegate.h
  104. shell.cc
  105. shell.h
  106. shell_delegate.h
  107. shell_init_params.h
  108. shell_observer.h
  109. shell_port.cc
  110. shell_port.h
  111. shell_port_classic.cc
  112. shell_port_classic.h
  113. shell_test_api.cc
  114. shell_test_api.h
  115. shell_unittest.cc
  116. shutdown_controller.cc
  117. shutdown_controller.h
  118. shutdown_reason.h
  119. test_screenshot_delegate.cc
  120. test_screenshot_delegate.h
  121. test_shell_delegate.cc
  122. test_shell_delegate.h
  123. virtual_keyboard_controller.cc
  124. virtual_keyboard_controller.h
  125. virtual_keyboard_controller_unittest.cc
  126. window_user_data.h
  127. window_user_data_unittest.cc


Ash is the “Aura Shell”, the window manager and system UI for Chrome OS. Ash uses the views UI toolkit (e.g. views::View, views::Widget, etc.) backed by the aura native widget and layer implementations.

Ash sits below chrome in the dependency graph (i.e. it cannot depend on code in //chrome). It has a few dependencies on //content, but these are isolated in their own module in //ash/content. This allows targets like ash_unittests to build more quickly.


Most tests should be added to the ash_unittests target. Tests that rely on //content should be added to ash_content_unittests, but these should be rare.

Tests can bring up most of the ash UI and simulate a login session by deriving from AshTestBase. This is often needed to test code that depends on ash::Shell and the controllers it owns.

Test support code (TestFooDelegate, FooControllerTestApi, etc.) lives in the same directory as the class under test (e.g. //ash/foo rather than //ash/test). Test code uses namespace ash; there is no special “test” namespace.


Ash is transitioning to use the mus window server and gpu process, found in //services/ui. Ash continues to use aura, but aura is backed by mus. Code to support mus is found in //ash/mus. There should be relatively few differences between the pure aura and the aura-mus versions of ash. Ash can by run in mus mode by passing the --mus command line flag.

Ash is also transitioning to run as a mojo service in its own process. This means that code in chrome cannot call into ash directly, but must use the mojo interfaces in //ash/public/interfaces.

Out-of-process Ash is referred to as “mash” (mojo ash). In-process ash is referred to as “classic ash”. Ash can run in either mode depending on the --mash command line flag.

Historical notes

Ash shipped on Windows for a couple years to support Windows 8 Metro mode. Windows support was removed in 2016.