[go: nahoru, domu]

Network Traffic Annotations

This document presents a practical guide to using network traffic annotations in Chrome.

Problem Statement

To make Chrome’s network communication transparent, we would need to be able to provide the following answers:

  • What is the intent behind each network request?
  • What user data is sent in the request, and where does it go?

Besides these requirements, the following information helps Enterprise admins and help desk:

  • How can a network communication be stopped or controlled?
  • What are the traces of the communication on the client?

It should be noted that the technical details of requests are not necessarily important to the users, but in order to provide the intended transparency, we need to show that we have covered all bases and there are no back doors.

The Solution

We can provide up to date, in-line documentation on origin, intent, payload, and control mechanisms of each network communication. This is done by adding a NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag to all network communication functions. Please note that as the goal is to specify the intent behind each network request and its payload, this metadata does not need to be transmitted with the request during runtime and it is sufficient to have it in appropriate positions in the code. Having that as an argument of all network communication functions is a mechanism to enforce its existence and showing the users our intent to cover the whole repository.

Best Practices

Where to add annotation?

All network requests are ultimately sending data through sockets or native API functions, but we should note that the concern is about the main intent of the communication and not the implementation details. Therefore we do not need to specify this data separately for each call to each function that is used in the process and it is sufficient that the most rational point of origin would be annotated and the annotation would be passed through the downstream steps. Best practices for choosing annotation code site include where:

  1. The origin of user’s intent or internal requirement for the request is stated.
  2. The controls over stopping or limiting the request (Chrome settings or policies) are enforced.
  3. The data that is sent is specified. If there is a conflict between where is the best annotation point, please refer to the Partial Annotations section for an approach to split annotation.

Merged Requests

There are cases where requests are received from multiple sources and merged into one connection, like when a socket merges several data frames and sends them together, or a device location is requested by different components, and just one network request is made to fetch it. In these cases, the merge point can ensure that all received requests are properly annotated and just pass one of them to the downstream step. This decision is driven from the fact that we do not need to transmit the annotation metadata in runtime and enforced annotation arguments are just to ensure that the request is annotated somewhere upstream.


Network traffic annotations are currently enforced on all url requests in Windows and Linux, and are expanding to sockets and native API functions in 2017,Q4 - 2018,Q1. Currently there is no plan to expand the task to other platforms.

Network Traffic Annotation Tag

net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag is the main definition for annotations. There are few variants of it that are specified in later sections. The goal is to have one object of this type or its variants as an argument of all functions that create a network request.

Content of Annotation Tag

Each network traffic annotation should specify the following items:

  • uniqueـid: A globally unique identifier that must stay unchanged while the network request carries the same semantic meaning. If the network request gets a new meaning, this ID needs to be changed. The purpose of this ID is to give humans a chance to reference NetworkTrafficAnnotations externally even when those change a little bit (e.g. adding a new piece of data that is sent along with a network request). IDs of one component should have a shared prefix so that sorting all NetworkTrafficAnnotations by unique_id groups those that belong to the same component together.
  • TrafficSource: These set of fields specify the location of annotation in the source code. These fields are automatically set and do not need specification.
  • TrafficSemantics: These set of fields specify meta information about the network request’s content and reason.
    • sender: What component triggers the request. The components should be human readable and don’t need to reflect the components/ directory. Avoid abbreviations.
    • description: Plaintext description of the network request in language that is understandable by admins (ideally also users). Please avoid acronyms and describe the feature and the feature's value proposition as well.
    • trigger: What user action triggered the network request. Use a textual description. This should be a human readable string.
    • data: What nature of data is being sent. This should be a human readable string. Any user data and/or PII should be pointed out.
    • destination: Target of the network request. It can be either the website that user visits and interacts with, a Google service, a request that does not go to network and just fetches a local resource, or other endpoints like a service hosting PAC scripts. The distinction between a Google owned service and website can be difficult when the user navigates to google.com or searches with the omnibar. Therefore follow the following guideline: If the source code has hardcoded that the request goes to Google (e.g. for ZeroSuggest), use GOOGLE_OWNED_SERVICE. If the request can go to other domains and is perceived as a part of a website rather than a native browser feature, use WEBSITE. Use LOCAL if the reques is processed locally and doesn't go to network, otherwise use OTHER. If OTHER is used, please add plain text description in destination_other field.
    • destination_other: Human readable description in case the destination points to OTHER.
  • TrafficPolicy: These set of fields specify the controls that a user may have on disabling or limiting the network request and its trace.
    • empty_policy_justification: If traffic policy cannot be specified, like when the request originates from inside network stack and none of the below control policies applies to it, a plain text here can specify it.
    • cookies_allowed: Specifies if this request stores and uses cookies or not. Use values YES or NO.
    • cookies_store: If a request sends or stores cookies/channel IDs/... (i.e. if cookies_allowed is true), we want to know which cookie store is being used. The answer to this question can typically be derived from the URLRequestContext that is being used. The three most common cases will be:
      • If cookies_allowed is false, leave this field unset.
      • If the profile‘s default URLRequestContext is being used (e.g. from Profile::GetRequestContext()), this means that the user’s normal cookies sent. In this case, put user here.
      • If the system URLRequestContext is being used (for example via io_thread()->system_url_request_context_getter()), put system here.
      • Otherwise, please explain (e.g. SafeBrowsing uses a separate cookie store).
    • setting: Human readable description of how to enable/disable a feature that triggers this network request by a user (e.g. “Disable ‘Use a web service to help resolve spelling errors.’ in settings under Advanced”). Note that settings look different on different platforms, make sure your description works everywhere!
    • chrome_policy: Policy configuration that disables or limits this network request. This would be a text serialized protobuf of any enterprise policy. See policy list or chrome_settings.proto for the full list of policies.
    • policy_exception_justification: If there is no policy to disable or limit this request, a justification can be presented here. In case ‘Empty Policy Justification’ is presented, this field is not required.
  • comments: If required, any human readable extra comments.

Format and Examples

Traffic annotations are kept in code as serialized protobuf. To define a NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag, you may use the function net::DefineNetworkTrafficAnnotation, with two arguments, the unique id, and all other fields bundled together as a serialized protobuf string.

Good examples

  net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation =
      net::DefineNetworkTrafficAnnotation("spellcheck_lookup", R"(
        semantics {
          sender: "Online Spellcheck"
            "Chrome can provide smarter spell-checking by sending text you "
            "type into the browser to Google's servers, allowing you to use "
            "the same spell-checking technology used by Google products, such "
            "as Docs. If the feature is enabled, Chrome will send the entire "
            "contents of text fields as you type in them to Google along with "
            "the browser’s default language. Google returns a list of "
            "suggested spellings, which will be displayed in the context menu."
          trigger: "User types text into a text field or asks to correct a "
                   "misspelled word."
          data: "Text a user has typed into a text field. No user identifier "
                "is sent along with the text."
          destination: GOOGLE_OWNED_SERVICE
        policy {
          cookies_allowed: NO
            "You can enable or disable this feature via 'Use a web service to "
            "help resolve spelling errors.' in Chrome's settings under "
            "Advanced. The feature is disabled by default."
          chrome_policy {
            SpellCheckServiceEnabled {
                SpellCheckServiceEnabled: false
  net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation2 =
        semantics {
          sender: "Safe Browsing"
            "Safe Browsing updates its local database of bad sites every 30 "
            "minutes or so. It aims to keep all users up-to-date with the same "
            "set of hash-prefixes of bad URLs."
            "On a timer, approximately every 30 minutes."
            "The state of the local DB is sent so the server can send just the "
            "changes. This doesn't include any user data."
          destination: GOOGLE_OWNED_SERVICE
        policy {
          cookies_allowed: YES
          cookies_store: "Safe Browsing cookie store"
            "Users can disable Safe Browsing by unchecking 'Protect you and "
            "your device from dangerous sites' in Chromium settings under "
            "Privacy. The feature is enabled by default."
          chrome_policy {
            SafeBrowsingEnabled {
              policy_options {mode: MANDATORY}
              SafeBrowsingEnabled: false

Bad Examples

  net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag bad_traffic_annotation =
        trigger: "Chrome sends this when [obscure event that is not related to "
                 "anything user-perceivable]."
          // Please specify the exact user action that results in this request.
        data: "This sends everything the feature needs to know."
          // Please be precise, name the data items. If they are too many, name
          // the sensitive user data and general classes of other data and refer
          // to a document specifying the details.
        policy_exception_justification: "None."
          // Check again! Most features can be disabled or limited by a policy.

Empty Template

You can copy/paste the following template to define an annotation.

  net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation =
    net::DefineNetworkTrafficAnnotation("...", R"(
        semantics {
          sender: "..."
          description: "..."
          trigger: "..."
          data: "..."
        policy {
          empty_policy_justification = "..."
          cookies_allowed: NO/YES
          cookies_store: "..."
          setting: "..."
          chrome_policy {
            [POLICY_NAME] {
                [POLICY_NAME]: ...
          policy_exception_justification = "..."
        comments: "..."

Testing for errors

There are several checks that should be done on annotations before submitting a change list. These checks include:

  • The annotations are syntactically correct.
  • They have all required fields.
  • Partial annotations and completing parts match (please refer to the next section).
  • Annotations are not incorrectly defined.
    • e.g., traffic_annotation = NetworkTrafficAnnotation({1}).
  • All usages from Chrome have annotation.
  • Unique ids are unique, through history (even if an annotation gets deprecated, its unique id cannot be reused to keep the stats sound).

To do these tests, traffic_annotation_auditor binary runs over the whole repository and using a clang tool, checks if all above items are correct. Running the traffic_annotation_auditor requires exiting a compiled build directory and can be done with the following syntax. tools/traffic_annotation/bin/[linux64/windows32/mac]/traffic_annotation_auditor --build-path=[out/Default] If you are running the auditor on Windows, please refer to extra instructions in tools/traffic_annotation/auditor/README.md. As this test is slow, it is not a mandatory step of the presubmit checks on clients, and one can run it manually. The test is done on trybots as a commit queue step.

Annotations Review

Network traffic annotations require review by privacy, enterprise, and legal teams. To shorten the process of review, only privacy review is a blocking step and review by the other two teams will be done after code submission. Privacy reviews are enforced through keeping a summary of annotations in tools/traffic_annotation/summary/annotations.xml, which is owned by privacy team. Once a new annotation is added, one is updated, or deleted, this file should also be updated. To update the file automatically, one can run traffic_annotation_auditor as specified in above step. But if it is not possible to do so (e.g., if you are changing the code from an unsupported platform or you don’t have a compiled build directory), the code can be submitted to the trybot and the test on trybot will tell you the required modifications.

Partial Annotations (Advanced)

There are cases where the network traffic annotation cannot be fully specified in one place. For example, in one place we know the trigger of a network request and in another place we know the data that will be sent. In these cases, we prefer that both parts of the annotation appear in context so that they are updated if code changes. Partial annotations help splitting the network traffic annotation into two pieces. In these cases, we call the first part, the partial annotation, and the part the completes it, the completing annotation. Partial annotations and completing annotations do not need to have all annotation fields, but their composition should have all required fields.

Defining a Partial Annotation

To define a partial annotation, one can use net::DefinePartialNetworkTrafficAnnotation function. Besides the unique id and annotation text, this function requires the unique id of the completing part. For example, a partial annotation that only specifies the semantics part or a request with unique id “omnibox_prefetch_image”, and is completed later using an annotation with unique id “bitmap_fetcher”, can be defined as follows:

  net::PartialNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag partial_traffic_annotation =
                                                 "bitmap_fetcher", R"(
        semantics {
          sender: "Omnibox"
          Description: "..."
          Trigger: "..."
          Data: "..."
          destination: WEBSITE

Nx1 Partial Annotations

The cases where several partial annotations may be completed by one completing annotation are called Nx1. This also matches where N=1. To define a completing annotation for such cases, one can use net::CompleteNetworkTrafficAnnotation function. This function receives a unique id, the annotation text, and a net::PartialNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag object. Here is an example of a completing part for the previous example:

  net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation =
                                            partial_traffic_annotation, R"(
              policy {
                cookies_allowed: YES
                cookies_store: "user"
                setting: "..."
                chrome_policy {...}

1xN Partial Annotations

There are cases where one partial traffic annotation may be completed by different completing annotations. In these cases, net::BranchedCompleteNetworkTrafficAnnotation function can be used. This function has an extra argument that is common between all branches and is referred to by the partial annotation. For the above examples, if there would be two different ways of completing the received partial annotation, the following the definition can be used:

if (...) {
    return net::BranchedCompleteNetworkTrafficAnnotation(
        "bitmap_fetcher_type1", "bitmap_fetcher",
        partial_traffic_annotation, R"(
          policy {
            cookies_allowed: YES
            cookies_store: "user"
            setting: "..."
            chrome_policy {...}
  } else {
    return net::BranchedCompleteNetworkTrafficAnnotation(
        "bitmap_fetcher_type2", "bitmap_fetcher",
        partial_traffic_annotation, R"(
          policy {
            cookies_allowed: YES
            cookies_store: "system"
            setting: "..."
            chrome_policy {...}

Please refer to tools/traffic_annotation/sample_traffic_annotation.cc for more detailed examples.

Mutable Annotations (Advanced)

net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag and net::PartialNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag are defined with constant internal argument(s), so that once they are created, they cannot be modified. There are very few exceptions that may require modification of the annotation value, like the ones used by mojo interfaces where after serialization, the annotation object is first created, then receives value. In these cases, net::MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag and net::MutablePartialNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag can be used which do not have this limitation. It is strongly suggested that mutable annotations would be used only if there is no other way around it. Use cases are checked with the traffic_annotation_auditor to ensure proper values for the mutable annotations.