This directory contains code for logging device and system events.
Use device event log macros to record events without contributing to noise in the chrome log.
The events can also be queried for viewing in other informational pages, e.g:
device_event_log::GetAsString(device_event_log::OLDEST_FIRST, "json", "bluetooth", device_event_log::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 1000);
Typical usage:
NET_LOG(EVENT) << "NetworkState Changed " << name << ": " << state;
POWER_LOG(USER) << "Suspend requested";
POWER_LOG(DEBUG) << "Sending suspend request to dbus object: " << path;
BLUETOOTH_LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized DBus error " << error_name;
Advanced usage:
device_event_log::LogLevel log_level = SuppressError(dbus_error_message) ? device_event_log::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG : device_event_log::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR; DEVICE_LOG(device_event_log::LOG_TYPE_NETWORK, log_level) << detail;
USB_PLOG(DEBUG) << "Failed to set configuration " << configuration_value;