[go: nahoru, domu]

tree: 789a8076ee20fbd5c919d75487561697822dc9e2 [path history] [tgz]
  1. server/
  2. test/
  3. wayland/
  4. buffer.cc
  5. buffer.h
  6. buffer_unittest.cc
  7. BUILD.gn
  8. client_controlled_accelerators.cc
  9. client_controlled_accelerators.h
  10. client_controlled_shell_surface.cc
  11. client_controlled_shell_surface.h
  12. client_controlled_shell_surface_unittest.cc
  13. data_device.cc
  14. data_device.h
  15. data_device_delegate.h
  16. data_device_unittest.cc
  17. data_exchange_delegate.h
  18. data_offer.cc
  19. data_offer.h
  20. data_offer_delegate.h
  21. data_offer_observer.h
  22. data_offer_unittest.cc
  23. data_source.cc
  24. data_source.h
  25. data_source_delegate.h
  26. data_source_observer.h
  27. data_source_unittest.cc
  28. DEPS
  30. display.cc
  31. display.h
  32. display_unittest.cc
  33. drag_drop_operation.cc
  34. drag_drop_operation.h
  35. drag_drop_operation_unittest.cc
  36. extended_drag_offer.cc
  37. extended_drag_offer.h
  38. extended_drag_source.cc
  39. extended_drag_source.h
  40. extended_drag_source_unittest.cc
  41. frame_sink_resource_manager.cc
  42. frame_sink_resource_manager.h
  43. fullscreen_shell_surface.cc
  44. fullscreen_shell_surface.h
  45. fullscreen_shell_surface_unittest.cc
  46. gamepad.cc
  47. gamepad.h
  48. gamepad_delegate.h
  49. gamepad_observer.h
  50. gamepad_unittest.cc
  51. gaming_seat.cc
  52. gaming_seat.h
  53. gaming_seat_delegate.h
  54. gaming_seat_unittest.cc
  55. input_method_surface.cc
  56. input_method_surface.h
  57. input_method_surface_manager.h
  58. input_method_surface_unittest.cc
  59. input_trace.h
  60. keyboard.cc
  61. keyboard.h
  62. keyboard_delegate.h
  63. keyboard_device_configuration_delegate.h
  64. keyboard_modifiers.h
  65. keyboard_observer.h
  66. keyboard_unittest.cc
  67. layer_tree_frame_sink_holder.cc
  68. layer_tree_frame_sink_holder.h
  69. mime_utils.cc
  70. mime_utils.h
  71. mime_utils_unittest.cc
  72. mock_vsync_timing_observer.cc
  73. mock_vsync_timing_observer.h
  74. notification.cc
  75. notification.h
  76. notification_surface.cc
  77. notification_surface.h
  78. notification_surface_manager.h
  79. notification_unittest.cc
  80. OWNERS
  81. permission.cc
  82. permission.h
  83. permission_unittest.cc
  84. pointer.cc
  85. pointer.h
  86. pointer_constraint_delegate.h
  87. pointer_delegate.h
  88. pointer_gesture_pinch_delegate.h
  89. pointer_stylus_delegate.h
  90. pointer_unittest.cc
  91. README.md
  92. relative_pointer_delegate.h
  93. seat.cc
  94. seat.h
  95. seat_observer.h
  96. seat_unittest.cc
  97. shared_memory.cc
  98. shared_memory.h
  99. shared_memory_unittest.cc
  100. shell_surface.cc
  101. shell_surface.h
  102. shell_surface_base.cc
  103. shell_surface_base.h
  104. shell_surface_unittest.cc
  105. shell_surface_util.cc
  106. shell_surface_util.h
  107. sub_surface.cc
  108. sub_surface.h
  109. sub_surface_unittest.cc
  110. surface.cc
  111. surface.h
  112. surface_delegate.h
  113. surface_observer.h
  114. surface_tree_host.cc
  115. surface_tree_host.h
  116. surface_unittest.cc
  117. text_input.cc
  118. text_input.h
  119. text_input_unittest.cc
  120. toast_surface.cc
  121. toast_surface.h
  122. toast_surface_manager.h
  123. toast_surface_unittest.cc
  124. touch.cc
  125. touch.h
  126. touch_delegate.h
  127. touch_stylus_delegate.h
  128. touch_unittest.cc
  129. ui_lock_controller.cc
  130. ui_lock_controller.h
  131. ui_lock_controller_unittest.cc
  132. vsync_timing_manager.cc
  133. vsync_timing_manager.h
  134. wm_helper.cc
  135. wm_helper.h
  136. wm_helper_chromeos.cc
  137. wm_helper_chromeos.h
  138. wm_helper_chromeos_unittest.cc
  139. xdg_shell_surface.cc
  140. xdg_shell_surface.h
  141. xdg_shell_surface_unittest.cc
  142. xkb_tracker.cc
  143. xkb_tracker.h

Exo implements a display server on top of the Aura Shell. It uses the Wayland protocol to communicate with clients. For a general introduction to Wayland see https://wayland-book.com/.

Current clients of Exo include:

  • ARC++ (Android apps on Chrome OS)
  • Chromecast
  • Crostini (Linux apps on Chrome OS)
  • Lacros
  • PluginVM

In addition to the core Wayland protocol, Exo supports a number of protocol extensions. Some are third-party; see //third_party/wayland-protocols/README.chromium. Others are Chromium-specific.

A few noteworthy extensions (this list is not at all exhaustive):