[go: nahoru, domu]

Debuggin SSL on Linux

To help anyone looking at the SSL code, here are a few tips I've found handy.

Building your own NSS

In order to use a debugger with the NSS library, it helps to build NSS yourself. Here's how I did it:

First, read Network Security Services and/or Build instructions.

Then, to build the most recent source tarball:

cd $HOME
wget ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/security/nss/releases/NSS_3_12_RTM/src/nss-3.12-with-nspr-4.7.tar.gz
tar -xzvf nss-3.12-with-nspr-4.7.tar.gz
cd nss-3.12/
cd mozilla/security/nss/
make nss_build_all

Sadly, the latest release, 3.12.2, isn't available as a tarball, so you have to build it from cvs:

cd $HOME
mkdir nss-3.12.2
cd nss-3.12.2
export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot
cvs login
cvs co -r NSPR_4_7_RTM NSPR
cvs co -r NSS_3_12_2_RTM NSS
cd mozilla/security/nss/
make nss_build_all

Linking against your own NSS

Sadly, I don't know of a nice way to do this; I always do

hammer --verbose net > log 2>&1

then grab the line that links my app and put it into a shell script link.sh, and edit it to include the line


and insert a -L$DIR right before the -lnss3.

Note that hammer often builds the app in one, deeply buried, place, then copies it into Hammer for ease of use. You'll probably want to make your link.sh do the same thing.

Then, after a source code change, do the usual hammer net followed by sh link.sh.

Then, to run the resulting app, use a script like

Running against your own NSS

Create a script named run.sh like this:

set -x

Then run your app with

sh run.sh Hammer/foo

Or, to debug it, do

sh run.sh gdb Hammer/foo


There are several flavors of logging you can turn on.

  • SSLClientSocketNSS can log its state transitions and function calls using base/logging.cc. To enable this, edit net/base/ssl_client_socket_nss.cc and change #if 1 to #if 0. See base/logging.cc for where the output goes (on Linux, it's usually stderr).

  • HttpNetworkTransaction and friends can log its state transitions using base/trace_event.cc. To enable this, arrange for your app to call base::TraceLog::StartTracing(). The output goes to a file named trace...pid.log in the same directory as the executable (e.g. Hammer/trace_15323.log).

  • NSS itself can log some events. To enable this, set the environment variables SSLDEBUGFILE=foo.log SSLTRACE=99 SSLDEBUG=99 before running your app.

Network Traces

http://wiki.wireshark.org/SSL describes how to decode SSL traffic. Chromium SSL unit tests that use net/base/ssl_test_util.cc to set up their servers always use port 9443 with net/data/ssl/certificates/ok_cert.pem, and port 9666 with net/data/ssl/certificates/expired_cert.pem This makes it easy to configure Wireshark to decode the traffic: do

Edit / Preferences / Protocols / SSL, and in the “RSA Keys List” box, enter,9443,http,<path to ok_cert.pem>;,9666,http,<path to expired_cert.pem>


Then capture all tcp traffic on interface lo, and run your test.

Valgrinding NSS

Read https://developer.mozilla.org/en/NSS_Memory_allocation and do


before valgrinding if you want to find where a block was originally allocated.

If you get unsymbolized entries in NSS backtraces, try setting:


(Note that if you use the Chromium valgrind scripts like tools/valgrind/chrome_tests.sh or tools/valgrind/valgrind.sh these will both be set automatically.)

Support forums

If you have nonconfidential questions about NSS, check the newsgroup. The NSS maintainer monitors that group and gives good answers.