This component provides a helper that allows a server process to handle multiple concurrent IPCs coming through a NamedPlatformChannel
In the server process:
static const uint64_t kMessagePipeId = 0u; class MyInterfaceImpl: public mojom::MyInterface { void Start() { server_.set_disconnect_handler( base::BindRepeating(&MyInterfaceImpl::OnDisconnected, this)); server_.StartServer(); } void OnDisconnected() { LOG(INFO) << "Receiver disconnected: " << server_.current_receiver(); } // mojom::MyInterface Implementation. void DoWork() override { // Do something... // If you want to close the connection: server_.Close(server_.current_receiver()); } NamedMojoIpcServer<mojom::MyInterface> server_{ { .server_name = "my_server_name", .message_pipe_id = kMessagePipeId, // Other options when necessary... }, this, base::BindRepeating([](mojom::MyInterface* impl, base::ProcessId caller) { // Verify the calling process, returning nullptr if unverified. return impl; // impl must outlive NamedMojoIpcServer. }, this)}; };
Note: In unittests base::test:TaskEnvironment
should run until idle after NamedMojoIpcServer
is shutdown. Otherwise, memory may leak. E.g:
void MyTestFixture::TearDown() { ipc_server_->StopServer(); task_environment_.RunUntilIdle(); }
In the client:
void ConnectToServer() { mojo::PlatformChannelEndpoint endpoint = named_mojo_ipc_server::ConnectToServer(server_name); auto invitation = mojo::IncomingInvitation::Accept(std::move(endpoint)); mojo::Remote<mojom::MyInterface> remote( mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::MyInterface>( invitation.ExtractMessagePipe(kMessagePipeId), 0)); }
Note that for compatibility with all supported platforms clients should use named_mojo_ipc_server::ConnectToServer
instead of mojo::NamedPlatformChannel::ConnectToServer
. Some platforms require additional connection brokerage steps which are abstracted by the former.
On Windows, the server needs to have the following access rights on the client process: PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION
It is possible to bind a different implementation of the interface to each connection by returning different mojom::MyInterface*
values rather than this
. All implementations must outlive the NamedMojoIpcServer.