[go: nahoru, domu]

tree: 67ddba16fc5c1966d48e92b2400036cecf44bc7b [path history] [tgz]
  1. accelerators/
  2. clipboard/
  3. cocoa/
  4. cursor/
  5. data_transfer_policy/
  6. dragdrop/
  7. emoji/
  8. glib/
  9. idle/
  10. ime/
  11. interaction/
  12. l10n/
  13. linux/
  14. metadata/
  15. models/
  16. mojom/
  17. pointer/
  18. prediction/
  19. resource/
  20. test/
  21. text/
  22. user_activity/
  23. wayland/
  24. webui/
  25. win/
  26. x/
  27. base_window.cc
  28. base_window.h
  29. BUILD.gn
  30. class_property.cc
  31. class_property.h
  32. class_property_unittest.cc
  33. command_id_constants.h
  34. default_style.h
  35. DEPS
  36. device_form_factor.h
  37. device_form_factor_android.cc
  38. device_form_factor_desktop.cc
  39. device_form_factor_ios.mm
  40. fullscreen_win.cc
  41. fullscreen_win.h
  42. hit_test.cc
  43. hit_test.h
  44. layout.cc
  45. layout.h
  46. menu_source_utils.cc
  47. menu_source_utils.h
  48. nine_image_painter_factory.cc
  49. nine_image_painter_factory.h
  50. owned_window_anchor.h
  51. OWNERS
  52. page_transition_types.cc
  53. page_transition_types.h
  54. README.chromium
  55. README.md
  56. scoped_visibility_tracker.cc
  57. scoped_visibility_tracker.h
  58. scoped_visibility_tracker_unittest.cc
  59. shortcut_mapping_pref_delegate.cc
  60. shortcut_mapping_pref_delegate.h
  61. template_expressions.cc
  62. template_expressions.h
  63. template_expressions_unittest.cc
  64. theme_provider.cc
  65. theme_provider.h
  66. themed_vector_icon.cc
  67. themed_vector_icon.h
  68. themed_vector_icon_unittest.cc
  69. ui_base_exports.cc
  70. ui_base_features.cc
  71. ui_base_features.h
  72. ui_base_paths.cc
  73. ui_base_paths.h
  74. ui_base_switches.cc
  75. ui_base_switches.h
  76. ui_base_switches_util.cc
  77. ui_base_switches_util.h
  78. ui_base_types.h
  79. ui_features.gni
  80. view_prop.cc
  81. view_prop.h
  82. view_prop_unittest.cc
  83. window_open_disposition.h
  84. window_open_disposition_utils.cc
  85. window_open_disposition_utils.h
  86. wm_role_names_linux.cc
  87. wm_role_names_linux.h


This directory contains low-level code that is reused throughout the chromium UI stack. Code in this directory can't depend on most of the rest of //ui (with a few exceptions), and code throughout the rest of //ui can depend on it.

Toolkit-specific libraries in this directory include:

  • cocoa: for working with Cocoa on macOS
  • wayland: for Linux systems with Wayland
  • webui: for WebUI in Chromium
  • win: for Windows systems
  • x: for Linux systems with X11

Platform-independent libraries in this directory include:

  • l10n: localization APIs used throughout all of chromium, especially the widely-used l10n_util::GetString* functions
  • metadata: the implementation of the property/metadata system used throughout views
  • models: toolkit-agnostic types used to represent the data shown in UI controls and dialogs
  • resource: resource bundle APIs, which are used for retrieving icons and raw localized strings from the app package

As with most “base” libraries this is somewhat of a dumping ground of code that is used in a bunch of other places, and there‘s no hard and fast rule to tell what should or shouldn’t be in here. If in doubt, consult with the owners.