[go: nahoru, domu]

tree: 40f03f99230aed8bb522d67160106773f298d61e [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. accelerometer-back.svg
  3. accelerometer-bottom.png
  4. accelerometer-front.svg
  5. accelerometer-left.png
  6. accelerometer-right.png
  7. accelerometer-top.png
  8. baseline-icon.svg
  9. breaking_change_icon.svg
  10. BUILD.gn
  11. checkboxCheckmark.svg
  12. checker.png
  13. chevrons.svg
  14. chromeDisabledSelect.png
  15. chromeDisabledSelect_2x.png
  16. chromeLeft.avif
  17. chromeMiddle.avif
  18. chromeRight.avif
  19. chromeSelect.svg
  20. chromeSelectDark.svg
  21. cssoverview_icons_2x.avif
  22. dropdown_7x6_icon.svg
  23. elements_panel_icon.svg
  24. error_icon.svg
  25. errorWave.svg
  26. feedback_thin_16x16_icon.svg
  27. flex-align-content-center-icon.svg
  28. flex-align-content-end-icon.svg
  29. flex-align-content-space-around-icon.svg
  30. flex-align-content-space-between-icon.svg
  31. flex-align-content-space-evenly-icon.svg
  32. flex-align-content-start-icon.svg
  33. flex-align-content-stretch-icon.svg
  34. flex-align-items-center-icon.svg
  35. flex-align-items-flex-end-icon.svg
  36. flex-align-items-flex-start-icon.svg
  37. flex-align-items-stretch-icon.svg
  38. flex-align-self-center-icon.svg
  39. flex-align-self-flex-end-icon.svg
  40. flex-align-self-flex-start-icon.svg
  41. flex-align-self-stretch-icon.svg
  42. flex-direction-icon.svg
  43. flex-justify-content-center-icon.svg
  44. flex-justify-content-flex-end-icon.svg
  45. flex-justify-content-flex-start-icon.svg
  46. flex-justify-content-space-around-icon.svg
  47. flex-justify-content-space-between-icon.svg
  48. flex-justify-content-space-evenly-icon.svg
  49. flex-nowrap-icon.svg
  50. flex-wrap-icon.svg
  51. ic_checkmark_16x16.svg
  52. ic_delete_filter.svg
  53. ic_delete_list.svg
  54. ic_info_black_18dp.svg
  55. ic_memory_16x16.svg
  56. ic_page_next_16x16_icon.svg
  57. ic_page_prev_16x16_icon.svg
  58. ic_redo_16x16_icon.svg
  59. ic_show_node_16x16.svg
  60. ic_suggest_color.svg
  61. ic_undo_16x16_icon.svg
  62. ic_warning_black_18dp.svg
  63. issue-text-icon.svg
  64. largeIcons.svg
  65. lighthouse_logo.svg
  66. link_icon.svg
  67. mediumIcons.svg
  68. navigationControls.png
  69. navigationControls_2x.png
  70. network_panel_icon.svg
  71. node_search_icon.svg
  72. nodeIcon.avif
  73. OWNERS
  74. popoverArrows.png
  75. profileGroupIcon.png
  76. profileIcon.png
  77. profileSmallIcon.png
  78. radioDot-dark-theme.png
  79. radioDot.png
  80. readme.md
  81. refresh_12x12_icon.svg
  82. resizeDiagonal.svg
  83. resizeHorizontal.svg
  84. resizeVertical.svg
  85. resourceCSSIcon.png
  86. resourceDocumentIcon.png
  87. resourceDocumentIconSmall.png
  88. resourceJSIcon.png
  89. resourcePlainIcon.png
  90. resourcePlainIconSmall.png
  91. resourcesTimeGraphIcon.avif
  92. searchNext.png
  93. searchPrev.png
  94. securityIcons.svg
  95. settings_14x14_icon.svg
  96. smallIcons.svg
  97. sources_panel_icon.svg
  98. speech.png
  99. switcherIcon.svg
  100. toolbarResizerVertical.png
  101. touchCursor.png
  102. touchCursor_2x.png
  103. treeoutlineTriangles.svg
  104. warning_icon.svg
  105. whatsnew.avif

Adding new icons:

  1. Out of a spritesheet (if you have a separately saved icon already go to 2.):

    • Open a spritesheet with the icon of interest, like largeIcons.svg in Inkscape.
    • Make sure it's the src/ version of the spritesheet.
    • Copy-paste the icon to a new page. Make sure it preserved its original size and aspect ratio, and isn't otherwise altered.
    • To make sure step (3) below doesn't destroy the icon, it might be necessary to resize it. Just select everything and use the elements in the top toolbar to resize the icon (make sure the aspect ratio is preserved).
    • Set the size of the page to match the icon. You may use Inkscape's Edit>Resize Page to Selection command to accomplish this.
    • If you chose to include padding in the icon, make sure the icon is centered within the page.
    • Save the icon with _icon.svg suffix. For instance list_icon.svg.
  2. Add respective entries to .gni files.

    • Update the devtols_image_files list in devtools_image_files.gni.
    • Update the grd_files_release_sources list in devtools_grd_files.gni.
  3. Optimize:

    • ./scripts/optimize_svg_images.py.
    • This script produces, for example, Images/list_icon.svg from Images/src/list_icon.svg by rounding numbers and removing hopefully unnecessary content. However, it might end up distorting/destroying the icon, especially if it is too small. Make sure to open the output of the optimiztion process (e.g. Images/list_icon.svg) in Inkscape and inspect it for damage. Enlarging the input image, as desribed in step (1) usually circumvents this.
  4. Use Icon component in the DevTools front-end: