[go: nahoru, domu]

tree: 4fa5f84d29315b6c102bd64aa4d43e0678b46f74 [path history] [tgz]
  1. document.js
  2. get-lang.js
  3. get-syntax.js
  4. index.js
  6. load-syntax.js
  7. normal-opts.js
  8. package.json
  9. parse-style.js
  10. parse.js
  11. parser.js
  12. patch-postcss.js
  13. processor.js
  14. README.md
  15. stringify.js
  16. syntax.js

PostCSS Syntax

NPM version Travis Travis Codecov David

postcss-syntax can automatically switch the required PostCSS syntax by file extension/source

Getting Started

First thing's first, install the module:

npm install postcss-syntax --save-dev

If you want support SCSS/SASS/LESS/SugarSS syntax, you need to install these module:

If you want support HTML (and HTML-like)/Markdown/CSS-in-JS file format, you need to install these module:

Use Cases

const postcss = require('postcss');
const syntax = require('postcss-syntax')({
	rules: [
			test: /\.(?:[sx]?html?|[sx]ht|vue|ux|php)$/i,
			extract: 'html',
			test: /\.(?:markdown|md)$/i,
			extract: 'markdown',
			test: /\.(?:m?[jt]sx?|es\d*|pac)$/i,
			extract: 'jsx',
			// custom language for file extension
			test: /\.postcss$/i,
			lang: 'scss'
			// custom language for file extension
			test: /\.customcss$/i,
			lang: 'custom'

	// custom parser for CSS (using `postcss-safe-parser`)
	css: 'postcss-safe-parser',
	// custom parser for SASS (PostCSS-compatible syntax.)
	sass: require('postcss-sass'),
	// custom parser for SCSS (by module name)
	scss: 'postcss-scss',
	// custom parser for LESS (by module path)
	less: './node_modules/postcss-less',
	// custom parser for SugarSS
	sugarss: require('sugarss'),
	// custom parser for custom language
	custom: require('postcss-custom-syntax'),

postcss(plugins).process(source, { syntax: syntax }).then(function (result) {
	// An alias for the result.css property. Use it with syntaxes that generate non-CSS output.