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Cirrus CI API

Cirrus CI exposes GraphQL API for integrators to use through https://api.cirrus-ci.com/graphql endpoint. Please check Cirrus CI GraphQL Schema for a full list of available types and methods. Or check built-in interactive GraphQL Explorer. Here is an example of how to get a build for a particular SHA of a given repository:

curl -X POST --data \
  "query": "query BuildBySHAQuery($owner: String!, $name: String!, $SHA: String) { searchBuilds(repositoryOwner: $owner, repositoryName: $name, SHA: $SHA) { id } }",
  "variables": {
    "owner": "ORGANIZATION",
    "name": "REPOSITORY NAME",
    "SHA": "SOME SHA"
}' \
https://api.cirrus-ci.com/graphql | python -m json.tool


In order for a tool to access Cirrus CI API, an organization admin should generate an access token through Cirrus CI settings page for a corresponding organization. Here is a direct link to the settings page: https://cirrus-ci.com/settings/github/<ORGANIZATION>. An access token will allow full write and read access to both public and private repositories of your organization on Cirrus CI: it will be possible to create new builds and perform any other GraphQL mutations. It is also possible to generate scoped access tokens for a subset of repositories to perform read or write operations on the same settings page.

Note that if you only need read access to public repositories of your organization you can skip this step and don't provide Authorization header.

Once an access token is generated and securely stored, it can be used to authorize API requests by setting Authorization header to Bearer $TOKEN.

User API Token Permission Scope

It is also possible to generate API tokens for personal accounts but they will be scoped only to access personal public and private repositories of a particular user. It won't be possible to access private repositories of an organization, even if they have access.


Builds and Tasks WebHooks

It is possible to subscribe for updates of builds and tasks. If a WebHook URL is configured on Cirrus CI Settings page for an organization, Cirrus CI will try to POST a webhook event payload to this URL.

POST request will contain X-Cirrus-Event header to specify if the update was made to a build or a task. The event payload itself is pretty basic:

  "action": "created" | "updated",
  "old_status": "FAILED", # optional field for "updated" action in case a task or a build transitioned from one status to another
  "data": ...

data field will be populated by executing the following GraphQL query:

repository(id: $repositoryId) {
build(id: $buildId) {
task(id: $taskId) {
  notifications {

Audit Events WebHooks

In addition to updates to builds and tasks, Cirrus CI will also send audit_event events to the configured WebHook URL. action for these audit events will be always "create" and the data field will contain the following GraphQL fragment for the particular audit event:

fragment AuditEventWebhookPayload on AuditEventType {
  actor {
  repository {

Here is an example of an audit event for when a user re-ran a task with an attached Terminal within your organization:

  "action": "created" | "updated",
  "data": {
    "id": "uuid-uuid-uuid-uuid",
    "type": "graphql.mutation",
    "timestamp": ...,
    "data": "{\n  \"mutationName\": \"TaskReRun\",\n  \"taskId\": \"1\",\n  \"attachTerminal\": true,\n  \"newTaskId\": 2\n}",
    "actor": {
      "id": "..." // internal to Cirrus CI user Id
    "repository": {
      "id": "123",
      "owner": "ACME",
      "name": "super-project",
      "isPrivate": true

At the moment only two types of audit events are supported:

  • graphql.mutation - any GraphQL mutation was performed for your organization (re-running tasks, creating an encrypted variable, etc.).
  • user.authenticated - a user that has access to your organization logs in to Cirrus CI.

Securing WebHooks

Imagine you've been given a https://example.com/webhook endpoint by your administrator, and for some reason there's no easy way to change that. This kind of URL is easily discoverable on the internet, and an attacker can take advantage of this by sending requests to this URL, thus pretending to be the Cirrus CI.

To avoid such situations, set the secret token in the repository settings, and then validate the X-Cirrus-Signature for each WebHook request.

Once configured, the secret token and the request's body are fed into the HMAC algorithm to generate the X-Cirrus-Signature for each request coming from the Cirrus CI.

Missing X-Cirrus-Signature header

When secret token is configured in the repository settings, all WebHook requests will contain the X-Cirrus-Signature-Header. Make sure to assert the presence of X-Cirrus-Signature-Header header and correctness of its value in your validation code.

Using HMAC is pretty straightforward in many languages, here's an example of how to validate the X-Cirrus-Signature using Python's hmac module:

import hmac

def is_signature_valid(secret_token: bytes, body: bytes, x_cirrus_signature: str) -> bool:
    expected_signature = hmac.new(secret_token, body, "sha256").hexdigest()

    return hmac.compare_digest(expected_signature, x_cirrus_signature)