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Configuration Tips and Tricks

Custom Clone Command

By default, Cirrus CI uses a Git client implemented purely in Go to perform a clone of a single branch with full Git history and no tags. It is possible to control clone depth via CIRRUS_CLONE_DEPTH environment variable.

Customizing clone behavior is a simple as overriding clone_script. For example, here an override to use a pre-installed Git client (if your build environment has it) to do a shallow clone of a single branch:

  clone_script: |
    if [ -z "$CIRRUS_PR" ]; then
      git clone --recursive --branch=$CIRRUS_BRANCH https://x-access-token:${CIRRUS_REPO_CLONE_TOKEN}@github.com/${CIRRUS_REPO_FULL_NAME}.git $CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR
      git reset --hard $CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO
      git clone --recursive https://x-access-token:${CIRRUS_REPO_CLONE_TOKEN}@github.com/${CIRRUS_REPO_FULL_NAME}.git $CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR
      git fetch origin pull/$CIRRUS_PR/head:pull/$CIRRUS_PR
      git reset --hard $CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO
  # ...

In addition if you need to use Git tags, set CIRRUS_CLONE_TAGS environment variable to true:

  fetch_deps_script: ...

You can also use the script below, but note that it requires git to be present in the container:

  git_tags_script: git fetch --tags

go-git benefits

Using go-git made it possible not to require a pre-installed Git from an execution environment. For example, most of alpine-based containers don't have Git pre-installed. Because of go-git you can even use distroless containers with Cirrus CI, which don't even have an Operating System.

Sharing configuration between tasks

You can use YAML aliases to share configuration options between multiple tasks. For example, here is a 2-task build which only runs for "master", PRs and tags, and installs some framework:

# Define a node anywhere in YAML file to create an alias. Make sure the name doesn't clash with an existing keyword.
regular_task_template: &REGULAR_TASK_TEMPLATE
  only_if: $CIRRUS_BRANCH == 'master' || $CIRRUS_TAG != '' || $CIRRUS_PR != ''
    FRAMEWORK_PATH: "${HOME}/framework"
  install_framework_script: curl https://example.com/framework.tar | tar -C "${FRAMEWORK_PATH}" -x

  # This operator will insert REGULAR_TASK_TEMPLATE at this point in the task node.
  name: linux
    image: alpine:latest
  test_script: ls "${FRAMEWORK_PATH}"

  name: osx
    image: catalina-xcode
  test_script: ls -w "${FRAMEWORK_PATH}"

Long lines in configuration file

If you like your YAML file to fit on your screen, and some commands are just too long, you can split them across multiple lines. YAML supports a variety of options to do that, for example here's how you can split ENCRYPTED values:


Setting environment variables from scripts

Even through most of the time you can configure environment variables via env, there are cases when a variable value is obtained only when the task is already running.

Normally you'd use export for that, but since each script instruction is executed in a separate shell, the exported variables won't propagate to the next instruction.

However, there's a simple solution: just write your variables in a KEY=VALUE format to the file referenced by the CIRRUS_ENV environment variable.

Here's a simple example:

  get_date_script: echo "MEMOIZED_DATE=$(date)" >> $CIRRUS_ENV
  show_date_script: echo $MEMOIZED_DATE