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UL certifications and UL Evaluation Reports provide the technical foundation relied upon by architects, designers, contractors and code authorities to provide safe, code compliant installations.

UL certifications and evaluation reports

UL evaluation reports

In some specific situations, code authorities use product evaluation reports to provide technical evidence that a new or alternative material, product, design or method of construction complies with the intent of the building codes. To satisfy this need, UL has been asked by customers to provide such technical evaluations through the issuance of UL Evaluation Reports. UL has vast testing experience, a strong reputation for technical excellence, thousands of UL product safety certifications within the built environment, intimate knowledge of the product and test standards referenced within the model codes, and full involvement with the model code development processes. UL Evaluation Reports are intended to provide guidance to code authorities, architects, designers, contractors, installers, and other built environment influencers in determining code compliance for products where:

    1. The product is not included in the model installation codes, or
    2. The model installation codes do not identify specific and clear requirements for the product, or
    3. The model installation codes have multiple requirements for the product not covered by a single standard.

These Evaluation Reports are based on the requirements in the model installation codes and other standardized requirements. UL Certifications and Evaluation Reports demonstrate product compliance with code requirements.

Learn how to navigate UL’s Code Correlation Database and Evaluation Report Directory to easily identify compliant products in a free one-hour webinar.

Code authorities trust UL Evaluation Reports

A recent survey of code authorities revealed 100% would accept UL Evaluation Reports to make code compliance decisions of installed products. Learn more.

Tools for achieving code compliance

UL Certifications and UL Evaluation Reports

Learn how to use the Product iQ database to access UL Evaluation Reports in order to determine code compliance.

Locating evaluation reports

The individual reports include identification of the codes and their editions, the evaluation requirements, product use and installation, condition of use, product description, performance characteristics, markings and identification. UL Evaluation Reports can be found in the Evaluation Reports Directory under the UL Evaluation Reports category (ULER and ULER7). The categories for UL Evaluation Reports are:

Category Name CSI MasterFormat® Division Number UL Product Category Code
Thermal Protection 07 20 00 ULEX and ULEX7
Weather Barriers 07 25 00 ULEY
Steep-slope Roofing 07 30 00 ULEZ
Membrane Roofing 07 50 00 ULFB
Roof and Wall Specialties and Accessories 07 70 00 ULFD
Fire and Smoke Protection 07 80 00 ULFE
Plaster and Gypsum Board 09 20 00 ULFP
Cast Decks and Underlayments 03 50 00 ULEU
Plastic Composites 06 00 00 ULEV
Fire-retardant-treated Wood 06 05 00 ULET
HVAC Air Distribution 23 30 00 ULFR
Ventilation Hoods 23 38 00 ULFZ
Factory-fabricated 3D Printed Building Construction ULFQ

The approval of building products, materials or systems is the responsibility of the code authority or authority having jurisdiction.

Obtaining an evaluation report

Evaluation Reports are offered as an adjunct service to UL customers whose products or materials are certified by UL. We are uniquely qualified to get your products to market in a timely manner, with high technical quality, and at reasonable costs. For more information on this service, please visit the Code Evaluation Service website or contact us by phone at 877.854.3577, or by email FireSafetyQuote@ul.com.