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Developer tools

KX Developer

KX Developer

KX Developer is a visual environment used to manage, manipulate and explore massive datasets in real-time by exploiting kdb+’s server-based analytics technology.

KX Analyst

KX Analyst

KX Analyst is a version of KX Developer extended for use by enterprise customers. It supports a wide range of users, from non-technical analysts to experienced q programmers.

KX Libraries

KX Libraries are a collection of useful q libraries for q development and build pipelines. The KX Libraries package provides libraries for Markdown documentation generation from q source, unit testing and property-based testing frameworks, static code linting, code profiling, code coverage, and an expressive data visualization library.

KX Dashboards

KX Dashboards offers an easy-to-use, yet powerful drag-and-drop interface to allow creators to build dashboards without the need for programming experience.

KX Delta Platform

KX Delta Platform is a suite of products for building kdb+ user interfaces in HTML5/JS. It has three modules.

KX Control

KX Control

KX Control is a client-server application that allows you to design, build, deploy and manage data-capture/streaming systems.

KX Stream

KX Stream is a platform for capturing, storing and enriching large volumes of data. It provides a framework to develop and deploy customized analytics that quickly perform complex calculations on large volumes of real-time and historical market data.

KX Stream
Stream for KX deployed in a financial market

KX Monitoring

KX Monitoring

KX Monitoring gathers and displays information about a server’s status. Each server requires a SysMon Java application installed and running to collect the server and process statistics. The dashboards provide powerful tools for visualizing and analyzing the current and historical state of the system.