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over, scan

The keywords over and scan are covers for the accumulating iterators, Over and Scan. It is good style to use over and scan with unary and binary values.

Just as with Over and Scan, over and scan share the same syntax and perform the same computation; but while scan returns the result of each evaluation, over returns only the last.

See the Accumulators for a more detailed discussion.


 v1 over x    over[v1;x]        v1 scan x    scan[v1;x]
(vv)over x    over[vv;x]       (vv)scan x    scan[vv;x]


applies the value progressively to x, then to v1[x] (or vv[x]), and so on, until the result matches (within comparison tolerance) either

  • the previous result; or
  • x.
q)n:("the ";("quick ";"brown ";("fox ";"jumps ";"over ");"the ");("lazy ";"dog."))
q)raze over n
"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
q)(,/)over n
"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
q){x*x} scan .01
0.01 0.0001 1e-08 1e-16 1e-32 1e-64 1e-128 1e-256 0

See the Accumulators for more detail, and for the related forms Do and While.

MapReduce, Fold

v2 over x   over[v2;x]        v2 scan x   scan[v2;x]

Where v2 is a binary applicable value, applies v2 progressively between successive items.

scan[v2;] is a uniform function and over[v2;] is an aggregate function.

q)(+) scan 1 2 3 4 5
1 3 6 10 15
q)(*) over 1 2 3 4 5

See the Accumulators for a more detailed discussion.


Q has keywords for common projections of scan and over. For example, sums is scan[+;] and prd is over[*;].

Efficiency and good q style prefers these keywords; i.e. prd rather than over[*;] or */.

keyword  equivalents
all      over[and;]   &/  Lesser Over
any      over[or;]    |/  Greater Over
max      over[|;]     |/  Greater Over
maxs     scan[|;]     |\  Greater Scan
min      over[&;]     &/  Lesser Over
mins     scan[&;]     &\  Lesser Scan
prd      over[*;]     */  Multiply Over
prds     scan[*;]     *\  Multiply Scan
raze     over[,;]     ,/  Join Over
sum      over[+;]     +/  Add Over
sums     scan[+;]     +\  Add Scan
