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prd, prds




prd x    prd[x]

Where x is a numeric list, returns its product.

Nulls are treated as 1s.

q)prd 7                    / product of atom (returned unchanged)
q)prd 2 3 5 7              / product of list
q)prd 2 3 0N 7             / 0N is treated as 1
q)prd (1 2 3 4;2 3 5 7)    / product of list of lists
2 6 15 28
q)prd 101b
q)prd "abc"

prd is an aggregate function, equivalent to */.



prds x    prds[x]

Where x is a numeric list, returns the cumulative products of its items.

q)prds 7                     / atom is returned unchanged
q)prds 2 3 5 7               / cumulative products of list
2 6 30 210
q)prds 2 3 0N 7              / 0N is treated as 1
2 6 6 42
q)prds (1 2 3;2 3 5)         / cumulative products of list of lists
1 2 3                        / same as (1 2 3;1 2 3 * 2 3 5)
2 6 15
q)prds "abc"                 / type error if list is not numeric

prds is a uniform function, equivalent to *\.

Implicit iteration

prd and prds apply to dictionaries and tables.

q)k:`k xkey update k:`abc`def`ghi from t:flip d:`a`b!(10 21 3;4 5 6)

a| 10 21 3
b| 4  5  6
a  b
10 4
21 5
3  6
k  | a  b
---| ----
abc| 10 4
def| 21 5
ghi| 3  6

q)prd d
40 105 18
q)prds d
a| 10 21  3
b| 40 105 18

q)prd t
a| 630
b| 120
q)prds t
a   b
10  4
210 20
630 120

q)prd k
a| 630
b| 120
q)prds k
k  | a   b
---| -------
abc| 10  4
def| 210 20
ghi| 630 120

Domains and ranges

domain: b g x h i j e f c s p m d z n u v t
range:  i . i i i j e f i . p m d z n u v t
