[go: nahoru, domu]

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BigQuery View and Looker template for FOCUS™ v1.0 GA

At Google Cloud, open specification is part of our DNA; we were a founding member of the FinOps Foundation and are excited to support open billing specification with the launch of the FOCUS v1.0 GA

Normalize billing data across clouds

We strongly believe customers should have a way to easily compare their cloud costs alongside other cloud providers to better manage and optimize cloud costs. Customers should not need to spend time mapping billing terminology across cloud providers. With the recent launch of the FOCUS™ v1.0 GA, we’re excited to announce a new Looker template view that leverages the latest specification to help simplify cloud cost management across clouds, as well as an updated BigQuery View.

Introducing a new Looker template for FOCUS™ v1.0 GA

This new Looker template allows you to visualize your open billing data in Looker, generating a table based on the results of the FOCUS query. The provided LookML code creates and manages these tables automatically, so you won't need to create them manually. This template offers a glimpse of what’s possible to visualize your cost trends across services, SKUS, zones, regions, and resource types, offering many benefits including an out-of-the-box template, easy filtering, and customization. 

An updated BigQuery View for FOCUS™ v1.0

We offer three ways to export cost and usage-related Cloud Billing data to BigQuery: Standard Billing Export, Detailed Billing Export (resource-level data and price fields to join with Price Export table), and Price Export. In January, we introduced a new BigQuery view that transforms data toward FOCUS™ v1.0 Preview format, and today we’re announcing an update to that BigQuery view to move toward the FOCUS™ v1.0 GA launch. If you are already using the Preview, the existing guide will be updated to reflect the latest updates. 

Google Cloud's Guide to FOCUS™ v1.0
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