The OpenShift Service Mesh Console (OSSMC) plugin is an extension to the OpenShift Container Platform web console that provides visibility into your Service Mesh.
The OSSMC plugin only supports a single Kiali instance. Whether that Kiali instance is configured to access only a subset of OpenShift projects or has access cluster-wide to all projects does not matter. However, only a single Kiali instance can be accessed.
You can install the OSSMC plugin in only one of two ways: using the OpenShift Container Platform web console, or through the CLI.
The OSSMC plugin is only supported on Service Mesh 2.5 or later. Specifically, the ServiceMeshControlPlane version must be set to 2.5 or later.
Installing the OSSMC plugin creates a new category, Service Mesh, in the main OpenShift Container Platform web console navigation. Click Service Mesh to see:
Overview for a summary of your mesh displayed as cards that represent the namespaces in the mesh
Graph for a full topology view of your mesh represented by nodes and edges, each node representing a component of the mesh and each edge representing traffic flowing through the mesh between components
Istio config for a list of all Istio configuration files in your mesh with a column that provides a quick way to know if the configuration for each resource is valid
Under Workloads, the OSSMC plugin adds a Service Mesh tab that contains the following subtabs:
Overview subtab provides a summary of the selected workload including a localized topology graph showing the workload with all inbound and outbound edges and nodes
Traffic subtab displays information about all inbound and outbound traffic to the workload.
Logs subtab shows the logs for the workload’s containers
You can view container logs individually or in a unified fashion, ordered by log time. This is especially helpful to see how the Envoy sidecar proxy logs relate to your workload’s application logs.
You can enable the tracing span integration which then allows you to see which logs correspond to trace spans.
Metrics subtab shows both inbound and outbound metric graphs in the corresponding subtabs. All the workload metrics can be displayed here, providing you with a detail view of the performance of your workload.
Traces provides a chart showing the trace spans collected over the given timeframe.
Click a bubble to drill down into those trace spans; the trace spans can provide you the most low-level detail within your workload application, down to the individual request level. The trace details view gives further details, including heatmaps that provide you with a comparison of one span in relation to other requests and spans in the same timeframe.
If you hover over a cell in a heatmap, a tooltip gives some details on the cell data.
Envoy subtab provides information about the Envoy sidecar configuration. This is useful when you need to dig down deep into the sidecar configuration when debugging things such as connectivity issues.
Under Networking, the OSSMC plugin adds a Service Mesh tab to Services and contains the Overview, Traffic, Inbound Metrics, and Traces subtabs that are similar to the same subtabs found in Workloads.