$ oc patch hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv \
--type=json -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/tuningPolicy", \
"value": "highBurst"}]'
OpenShift Virtualization offers the following tuning options at the control-plane level:
The highBurst
profile, which uses fixed QPS
and burst
rates, to create hundreds of virtual machines (VMs) in one batch
Migration setting adjustment based on workload type
Use the highBurst
profile to create and maintain a large number of virtual machines (VMs) in one cluster.
Apply the following patch to enable the highBurst
tuning policy profile:
$ oc patch hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv \
--type=json -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/tuningPolicy", \
"value": "highBurst"}]'
Run the following command to verify the highBurst
tuning policy profile is enabled:
$ oc get kubevirt.kubevirt.io/kubevirt-kubevirt-hyperconverged \
-n openshift-cnv -o go-template --template='{{range $config, \
$value := .spec.configuration}} {{if eq $config "apiConfiguration" \
"webhookConfiguration" "controllerConfiguration" "handlerConfiguration"}} \
{{"\n"}} {{$config}} = {{$value}} {{end}} {{end}} {{"\n"}}