[go: nahoru, domu]


As a cluster user you can remove a Pod from an additional network.

Removing a Pod from an additional network

You can remove a Pod from an additional network.

  • You have configured an additional network for your cluster.

  • You have an additional network attached to the Pod.

  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • You must log in to the cluster.


To remove a Pod from an additional network, complete the following steps:

  1. Edit the Pod resource definition by running the following command. Replace <name> with the name of the Pod to edit.

    $ oc edit pod <name>
  2. Update the annotations mapping to remove the additional network from the Pod by performing one of the following actions:

    • To remove all additional networks from a Pod, remove the k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks parameter from the Pod resource definition as in the following example:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
        name: example-pod
        annotations: {}
        - name: example-pod
          command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "sleep 2000000000000"]
          image: centos/tools
    • To remove a specific additional network from a Pod, update the k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks parameter by removing the name of the NetworkAttachmentDefinition for the additional network.

  3. Optional: Confirm that the Pod is no longer attached to the additional network by running the following command. Replace <name> with the name of the Pod.

    $ oc describe pod <name>

    In the following example, the example-pod Pod is attached only to the default cluster network.

    $ oc describe pod example-pod
    Example output
    Name:               example-pod
    Annotations:        k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks-status:
                              "name": "openshift-sdn",
                              "interface": "eth0",
                              "ips": [
                              "default": true, (1)
                              "dns": {}
    Status:             Running
    1 Only the default cluster network is attached to the Pod.