[go: nahoru, domu]


An event source is an object that links an event producer with an event sink, or consumer. A sink can be a Knative Service, Channel, or Broker that receives events from an event source.

Currently, OpenShift Serverless supports the following event source types:


Connects a sink to the Kubernetes API server.


Periodically sends ping Events with a constant payload. It can be used as a timer.

SinkBinding is also supported, which allows you to connect core Kubernetes resources such as Deployment, Job, or StatefulSet with a sink.

You can create and manage Knative event sources using the Developer perspective in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, the kn CLI, or by applying YAML files.


  • You must have a current installation of OpenShift Serverless, including Knative Serving and Eventing, in your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. This can be installed by a cluster administrator.

Creating event sources

Additional resources