[go: nahoru, domu]


You can monitor the progress of a live migration of a virtual machine instance from either the web console or the CLI.

Monitoring live migration of a virtual machine instance in the web console

For the duration of the migration, the virtual machine has a status of Migrating. This status is displayed in the Virtual Machines list or in the Virtual Machine Details screen for the migrating virtual machine.

  • In the container-native virtualization console, click WorkloadsVirtual Machines.

Monitoring live migration of a virtual machine instance in the CLI

The status of the virtual machine migration is stored in the Status component of the VirtualMachineInstance configuration.

  • Use the oc describe command on the migrating virtual machine instance:

    $ oc describe vmi vmi-fedora
        Last Probe Time:       <nil>
        Last Transition Time:  <nil>
        Status:                True
        Type:                  LiveMigratable
      Migration Method:  LiveMigration
      Migration State:
        Completed:                    true
        End Timestamp:                2018-12-24T06:19:42Z
        Migration UID:                d78c8962-0743-11e9-a540-fa163e0c69f1
        Source Node:                  node2.example.com
        Start Timestamp:              2018-12-24T06:19:35Z
        Target Node:                  node1.example.com
        Target Node Address:
        Target Node Domain Detected:  true