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Oracle® Streams Concepts and Administration
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B10727-01
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What's New in Oracle Streams?

Streams Performance Improvements
Streams Configuration and Manageability Enhancements
Streams Replication Enhancements
Streams Messaging Enhancements
Rules Interface Enhancements

Part I Streams Concepts

1 Introduction to Streams

Overview of Streams
What Can Streams Do?
What Are the Uses of Streams?
Overview of the Capture Process
Overview of Event Staging and Propagation
Overview of Directed Networks
Explicit Enqueue and Dequeue of Events
Overview of the Apply Process
Overview of the Messaging Client
Overview of Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution
Overview of Rules
Overview of Transformations
Overview of Streams Tags
Overview of Heterogeneous Information Sharing
Overview of Oracle to Non-Oracle Data Sharing
Overview of Non-Oracle to Oracle Data Sharing
Example Streams Configurations
Administration Tools for a Streams Environment
Oracle-Supplied PL/SQL Packages
Streams Data Dictionary Views
Streams Tool in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console

2 Streams Capture Process

The Redo Log and a Capture Process
Logical Change Records (LCRs)
Row LCRs
Extra Information in LCRs
Capture Process Rules
Datatypes Captured
Types of Changes Captured
Types of DML Changes Captured
Types of DDL Changes Ignored by a Capture Process
Other Types of Changes Ignored by a Capture Process
NOLOGGING and UNRECOVERABLE Keywords for SQL Operations
UNRECOVERABLE Clause for Direct Path Loads
Supplemental Logging in a Streams Environment
Instantiation in a Streams Environment
Local Capture and Downstream Capture
Local Capture
Downstream Capture
SCN Values Relating to a Capture Process
Captured SCN and Applied SCN
First SCN and Start SCN
Streams Capture Processes and RESTRICTED SESSION
Streams Capture Processes and Oracle Real Application Clusters
Capture Process Architecture
Capture Process Components
Capture Process States
Multiple Capture Processes in a Single Database
Capture Process Checkpoints
Capture Process Creation
A New First SCN Value and Purged LogMiner Dictionary Information
The Streams Data Dictionary
ARCHIVELOG Mode and a Capture Process
Capture Process Parameters
Capture Process Rule Evaluation
Persistent Capture Process Status Upon Database Restart

3 Streams Staging and Propagation

Introduction to Event Staging and Propagation
Captured and User-Enqueued Events
Event Propagation Between Queues
Propagation Rules
Ensured Event Delivery
Directed Networks
Binary File Propagation
Messaging Clients
SYS.AnyData Queues and User Messages
SYS.AnyData Queues and Oracle Real Application Clusters
Streams Staging and Propagation Architecture
Buffered Queues
Propagation Jobs
Secure Queues
Transactional and Nontransactional Queues
Streams Data Dictionary for Propagations

4 Streams Apply Process

Introduction to the Apply Process
Apply Process Rules
Event Processing with an Apply Process
Processing Captured and User-Enqueued Events with an Apply Process
Event Processing Options with an Apply Process
Datatypes Applied
Streams Apply Processes and RESTRICTED SESSION
Streams Apply Processes and Oracle Real Application Clusters
Apply Process Architecture
Apply Process Components
Apply Process Creation
Streams Data Dictionary for an Apply Process
Apply Process Parameters
Persistent Apply Process Status Upon Database Restart
The Error Queue

5 Rules

The Components of a Rule
Rule Condition
Rule Evaluation Context
Rule Action Context
Rule Set Evaluation
Rule Set Evaluation Process
Partial Evaluation
Database Objects and Privileges Related to Rules
Privileges for Creating Database Objects Related to Rules
Privileges for Altering Database Objects Related to Rules
Privileges for Dropping Database Objects Related to Rules
Privileges for Placing Rules in a Rule Set
Privileges for Evaluating a Rule Set
Privileges for Using an Evaluation Context

6 How Rules Are Used In Streams

Overview of How Rules Are Used In Streams
Rule Sets and Rule Evaluation of Events
Streams Client With No Rule Set
Streams Client With a Positive Rule Set Only
Streams Client With a Negative Rule Set Only
Streams Client With Both a Positive and a Negative Rule Set
Streams Client With One or More Empty Rule Sets
Summary of Rule Sets and Streams Client Behavior
System-Created Rules
Global Rules
Schema Rules
Table Rules
Subset Rules
Message Rules
System-Created Rules and Negative Rule Sets
System-Created Rules with Added User-Defined Conditions
Evaluation Contexts Used in Streams
Evaluation Context for Global, Schema, Table, and Subset Rules
Evaluation Contexts for Message Rules
Streams and Event Contexts
Streams and Action Contexts
Purposes of Action Contexts in Streams
Make Sure Only One Rule Can Evaluate to TRUE for a Particular Rule Condition
Action Context Considerations for Schema and Global Rules
User-Created Rules, Rule Sets, and Evaluation Contexts
User-Created Rules and Rule Sets
User-Created Evaluation Contexts
Rule-Based Transformations
Rule-Based Transformations and a Capture Process
Rule-Based Transformations and a Propagation
Rule-Based Transformations and an Apply Process
Rule-Based Transformations and a Messaging Client
Multiple Rule-Based Transformations

7 Streams High Availability Environments

Overview of Streams High Availability Environments
Protection from Failures
Streams Replica Database
When Not to Use Streams
Application Maintained Copies
Best Practices for Streams High Availability Environments
Configuring Streams for High Availability
Recovering from Failures

Part II Streams Administration

8 Preparing a Streams Environment

Configuring a Streams Administrator
Setting Initialization Parameters Relevant to Streams
Preparing a Database to Run a Streams Capture Process
Configuring Network Connectivity and Database Links

9 Managing a Capture Process

Creating a Capture Process
Creating a Local Capture Process
Creating a Downstream Capture Process That Assigns Log Files Implicitly
Creating a Downstream Capture Process That Assigns Log Files Explicitly
Creating a Local Capture Process with Non-NULL Start SCN
Starting, Stopping, and Dropping a Capture Process
Starting a Capture Process
Stopping a Capture Process
Dropping a Capture Process
Managing the Rule Set for a Capture Process
Specifying a Rule Set for a Capture Process
Adding Rules to a Rule Set for a Capture Process
Removing a Rule from a Rule Set for a Capture Process
Removing a Rule Set for a Capture Process
Setting a Capture Process Parameter
Setting the Capture User for a Capture Process
Specifying Supplemental Logging at a Source Database
Adding an Archived Redo Log File to a Capture Process Explicitly
Setting SCN Values for an Existing Capture Process
Setting the First SCN for an Existing Capture Process
Setting the Start SCN for an Existing Capture Process
Specifying Whether Downstream Capture Uses a Database Link
Managing Extra Attributes in Captured LCRs
Including Extra Attributes in Captured LCRs
Excluding Extra Attributes from Captured LCRs

10 Managing Staging and Propagation

Managing SYS.AnyData Queues
Creating a SYS.AnyData Queue
Enabling a User to Perform Operations on a Secure Queue
Disabling a User from Performing Operations on a Secure Queue
Removing a SYS.AnyData Queue
Managing Streams Propagations and Propagation Jobs
Creating a Propagation
Enabling a Propagation Job
Scheduling a Propagation Job
Altering the Schedule of a Propagation Job
Unscheduling a Propagation Job
Specifying the Rule Set for a Propagation
Specifying a Positive Rule Set for a Propagation
Specifying a Negative Rule Set for a Propagation
Adding Rules to the Rule Set for a Propagation
Removing a Rule from the Rule Set for a Propagation
Removing a Rule Set for a Propagation
Disabling a Propagation Job
Dropping a Propagation
Managing a Streams Messaging Environment
Wrapping User Message Payloads in a SYS.AnyData Wrapper and Enqueuing Them
Dequeuing a Payload That Is Wrapped in a SYS.AnyData Payload
Configuring a Messaging Client and Message Notification

11 Managing an Apply Process

Creating, Starting, Stopping, and Dropping an Apply Process
Creating an Apply Process
Starting an Apply Process
Stopping an Apply Process
Dropping an Apply Process
Managing the Rule Set for an Apply Process
Specifying the Rule Set for an Apply Process
Adding Rules to the Rule Set for an Apply Process
Removing a Rule from the Rule Set for an Apply Process
Removing a Rule Set for an Apply Process
Setting an Apply Process Parameter
Setting the Apply User for an Apply Process
Managing the Message Handler for an Apply Process
Setting the Message Handler for an Apply Process
Removing the Message Handler for an Apply Process
Managing the Precommit Handler for an Apply Process
Creating a Precommit Handler for an Apply Process
Setting the Precommit Handler for an Apply Process
Removing the Precommit Handler for an Apply Process
Specifying Event Enqueues by Apply Processes
Setting the Destination Queue for Events That Satisfy a Rule
Removing the Destination Queue Setting for a Rule
Specifying Execute Directives for Apply Processes
Specifying That Events That Satisfy a Rule Are Not Executed
Specifying That Events That Satisfy a Rule Are Executed
Managing an Error Handler
Creating an Error Handler
Setting an Error Handler
Unsetting an Error Handler
Managing Apply Errors
Retrying Apply Error Transactions
Deleting Apply Error Transactions

12 Managing Rules and Rule-Based Transformations

Managing Rule Sets and Rules
Creating a Rule Set
Creating a Rule
Adding a Rule to a Rule Set
Altering a Rule
Modifying System-Created Rules
Removing a Rule from a Rule Set
Dropping a Rule
Dropping a Rule Set
Managing Privileges on Evaluation Contexts, Rule Sets, and Rules
Granting System Privileges on Evaluation Contexts, Rule Sets, and Rules
Granting Object Privileges on an Evaluation Context, Rule Set, or Rule
Revoking System Privileges on Evaluation Contexts, Rule Sets, and Rules
Revoking Object Privileges on an Evaluation Context, Rule Set, or Rule
Managing Rule-Based Transformations
Creating a Rule-Based Transformation
Altering a Rule-Based Transformation
Removing a Rule-Based Transformation

13 Other Streams Management Tasks

Performing Full Database Export/Import in a Streams Environment
Removing a Streams Configuration

14 Monitoring a Streams Environment

Summary of Streams Static Data Dictionary Views
Summary of Streams Dynamic Performance Views
Monitoring Streams Administrators and Other Streams Users
Listing Local Streams Administrators
Listing Users Who Allow Access to Remote Streams Administrators
Monitoring a Streams Capture Process
Displaying the Queue, Rule Sets, and Status of Each Capture Process
Displaying General Information About Each Capture Process
Displaying Information About Each Downstream Capture Process
Displaying the Registered Redo Log Files for Each Capture Process
Displaying the Redo Log Files That Will Never Be Needed by Any Capture Process
Displaying SCN Values for Each Redo Log File Used by a Capture Process
Displaying the Last Archived Redo Entry Available to Each Capture Process
Listing the Parameter Settings for Each Capture Process
Viewing the Extra Attributes Captured by Each Capture Process
Determining the Applied SCN for All Capture Processes in a Database
Determining Redo Log Scanning Latency for Each Capture Process
Determining Event Enqueuing Latency for Each Capture Process
Displaying Information About Rule Evaluations for Each Capture Process
Monitoring a SYS.AnyData Queue and Messaging
Displaying the SYS.AnyData Queues in a Database
Viewing the Messaging Clients in a Database
Viewing Message Notifications
Determining the Consumer of Each User-Enqueued Event in a Queue
Viewing the Contents of User-Enqueued Events in a Queue
Monitoring Streams Propagations and Propagation Jobs
Determining the Source Queue and Destination Queue for Each Propagation
Determining the Rule Sets for Each Propagation
Displaying the Schedule for a Propagation Job
Determining the Total Number of Events and Bytes Propagated by Each Propagation
Monitoring a Streams Apply Process
Determining the Queue, Rule Sets, and Status for Each Apply Process
Displaying General Information About Each Apply Process
Listing the Parameter Settings for Each Apply Process
Displaying Information About Apply Handlers
Displaying Information About the Reader Server for Each Apply Process
Determining Capture to Dequeue Latency for an Event
Displaying General Information About Each Coordinator Process
Displaying Information About Transactions Received and Applied
Determining the Capture to Apply Latency for an Event for Each Apply Process
Displaying Information About the Apply Servers for Each Apply Process
Displaying Effective Apply Parallelism for an Apply Process
Viewing Rules That Specify a Destination Queue On Apply
Viewing Rules That Specify No Execution On Apply
Checking for Apply Errors
Displaying Detailed Information About Apply Errors
Monitoring Rules and Rule-Based Transformations
Displaying All Rules Used by All Streams Clients
Displaying the Streams Rules Used by a Specific Streams Client
Displaying the Current Condition for a Rule
Displaying Rule Conditions for Streams Rules That Have Been Modified
Displaying the Evaluation Context for Each Rule Set
Displaying Information About the Tables Used by an Evaluation Context
Displaying Information About the Variables Used in an Evaluation Context
Displaying All of the Rules in a Rule Set
Displaying the Condition for Each Rule in a Rule Set
Listing Each Rule that Contains a Specified Pattern in Its Condition
Displaying Rule-Based Transformations
Displaying Aggregate Statistics for All Rule Set Evaluations
Displaying General Information About Rule Set Evaluations
Determining the Resources Used by Evaluation of Each Rule Set
Displaying Evaluation Statistics for a Rule
Monitoring Compatibility in a Streams Environment
Listing the Database Objects That Are Not Compatible With Streams
Listing the Database Objects That Have Become Compatible With Streams Recently
Monitoring Streams Performance Using Statspack

15 Troubleshooting a Streams Environment

Troubleshooting Capture Problems
Is the Capture Process Enabled?
Is the Capture Process Current?
Are Required Redo Log Files Missing?
Is a Downstream Capture Process Waiting for Redo Log Files?
Are You Trying to Configure Downstream Capture Using DBMS_STREAMS_ADM?
Are More Actions Required for Downstream Capture without a Database Link?
Troubleshooting Propagation Problems
Does the Propagation Use the Correct Source and Destination Queue?
Is the Propagation Job Used by a Propagation Enabled?
Are There Enough Job Queue Processes?
Is Security Configured Properly for the SYS.AnyData Queue?
Troubleshooting Apply Problems
Is the Apply Process Enabled?
Is the Apply Process Current?
Does the Apply Process Apply Captured Events or User-Enqueued Events?
Is the Apply Process Queue Receiving the Events to Apply?
Is a Custom Apply Handler Specified?
Is the AQ_TM_PROCESSES Initialization Parameter Set to Zero?
Are There Any Apply Errors in the Error Queue?
Troubleshooting Problems with Rules and Rule-Based Transformations
Are Rules Configured Properly for the Streams Client?
Are the Rule-Based Transformations Configured Properly?
Checking the Trace Files and Alert Log for Problems
Does a Capture Process Trace File Contain Messages About Capture Problems?
Do the Trace Files Related to Propagation Jobs Contain Messages About Problems?
Does an Apply Process Trace File Contain Messages About Apply Problems?

Part III Example Environments and Applications

16 Single Database Capture and Apply Example

Overview of the Single Database Capture and Apply Example
Set Up the Environment
Configure Capture and Apply
Make DML Changes, Query for Results, and Dequeue Events

17 Rule-Based Application Example

Overview of the Rule-Based Application
Using Rules on Non-Table Data Stored in Explicit Variables
Using Rules on Data in Explicit Variables with Iterative Results
Using Partial Evaluation of Rules on Data in Explicit Variables
Using Rules on Data Stored in a Table
Using Rules on Both Explicit Variables and Table Data
Using Rules on Implicit Variables and Table Data
Using Event Contexts and Implicit Variables with Rules
Dispatching Problems and Checking Results for the Table Examples

Part IV Appendixes

A XML Schema for LCRs

Definition of the XML Schema for LCRs

B Online Database Upgrade and Maintenance With Streams

Overview of Using Streams in the Database Maintenance Process
Performing a Database Version Upgrade Using Streams
Performing a Database Version Upgrade Using Streams and Original Export/Import
Performing a Database Version Upgrade Using Streams and RMAN
Performing a Database Maintenance Operation Using Streams
Preparing for Upgrades to User-Created Applications
Deciding Which Utility to Use for Instantiation
Performing the Maintenance Operation Using Export/Import and Streams
Performing the Maintenance Operation Using RMAN and Streams
Finishing the Database Maintenance Operation
