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Oracle® Database JPublisher User's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B10983-01
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1 Introduction to JPublisher

Overview of JPublisher
JPublisher Initial Considerations
New JPublisher Features in Oracle Database 10g
New Features for Web Services
Awareness of Java Environment Classpath
New Features for Usage of SQLJ
JPublisher Usage of the Oracle SQLJ Implementation
Overview of SQLJ Usage
Overview of SQLJ Concepts
Backward Compatibility Modes Affecting SQLJ Source Files
JPublisher General Requirements
Required Packages and JAR Files in the Database
Verifying or Installing the UTL_DBWS Package
Verifying or Installing the SQLJUTL and SQLJUTL2 Packages
Verifying or Loading the utl_dbws_jserver.jar File
Loading JAR Files For Web Services Call-outs in Oracle9i or Oracle8i
Verifying or Loading the sqljutl.jar File
Situations for Reduced Requirements
JPublisher Limitations
What JPublisher Can Publish
Publishing SQL User-Defined Types
Publishing PL/SQL Packages
Use of Object Types Instead of Java Primitive Numbers
Wrapper Class for Procedures at the SQL Top Level
Publishing Server-Side Java Classes
Publishing SQL Queries or DML Statements
Publishing Proxy Classes and Wrappers for Web Services Call-Outs
JPublisher Mappings and Mapping Categories
JPublisher Mappings for User-Defined Types and PL/SQL Types
Representing User-Defined SQL Types Through JPublisher
Using Strongly Typed Object References for ORAData Implementations
Using PL/SQL Types Through JPublisher
JPublisher Mapping Categories
JDBC Mapping
Object JDBC Mapping
BigDecimal Mapping
Oracle Mapping
JPublisher Input and Output
Input to JPublisher
Output from JPublisher
Java Output for User-Defined Object Types
Java Output for User-Defined Collection Types
Java Output for OPAQUE Types
Java Output for PL/SQL Packages
Java Output for Server-Side Java Classes and Web Services Call-Outs
Java Output for SQL Queries or DML Statements
PL/SQL Output
JPublisher Operation
Summary of the Publishing Process: Generation and Use of Output
JPublisher Command-Line Syntax
Sample JPublisher Translation

2 Datatype and Java-to-Java Type Mappings

JPublisher Datatype Mappings
Overview of JPublisher Datatype Mappings
SQL and PL/SQL Mappings to Oracle and JDBC Types
JPublisher User Type Map and Default Type Map
JPublisher Logical Progression for Datatype Mappings
Allowed Object Attribute Types
Mapping of REF CURSOR Types and Result Sets
Data Link Support and Mapping
Support for PL/SQL Datatypes
Type Mapping Support for OPAQUE Types
General Support for OPAQUE Types
Support for XMLTYPE
Type Mapping Support for Scalar Indexed-by Tables Using JDBC OCI
Type Mapping Support Through PL/SQL Conversion Functions
Type Mapping Support for PL/SQL RECORD and Indexed-by Table Types
Sample Package for RECORD Type and Indexed-by Table Type Support
Support for RECORD Types
Support for Indexed-by Table Types
Direct Use of PL/SQL Conversion Functions Versus Use of Wrapper Functions
Other Alternatives for Datatypes Unsupported by JDBC
JPublisher Styles and Style Files
Style File Specification and Locations
Style File Formats
Style File OPTIONS Section
Summary of Key Java-to-Java Type Mappings in Oracle Style Files
Use of Multiple Style Files

3 Generated Classes and Interfaces

JPublisher Treatment of Output Parameters
Passing Output Parameters in Arrays
Passing Output Parameters in JAX-RPC Holders
Passing Output Parameters in Function Returns
Translation of Overloaded Methods
JPublisher Generation of SQLJ Classes
Important Notes About Generation of SQLJ Classes
Use of SQLJ Classes That JPublisher Generates for PL/SQL Packages
Use of SQLJ Classes That JPublisher Generates for Object Types
More About Connection Contexts and Instances in SQLJ Classes
The setFrom(), setValueFrom(), and setContextFrom() Methods
JPublisher Generation of Non-SQLJ Classes
JPublisher Generation of Java Interfaces
JPublisher Subclasses
Extending JPublisher-Generated Classes
Syntax for Mapping to Alternative Classes
Format of the Class that Extends the Generated Class
JPublisher-Generated Subclasses for Java-to-Java Type Transformations
JPublisher Support for Inheritance
ORAData Object Types and Inheritance
Precautions when Combining Partially Generated Type Hierarchies
Mapping of Type Hierarchies in JPublisher-Generated Code
ORAData Reference Types and Inheritance
Casting a Reference Type Instance into Another Reference Type
Why Reference Type Inheritance Does Not Follow Object Type Inheritance
Manually Converting Between Reference Types
Example: Manually Converting Between Reference Types
SQLData Object Types and Inheritance

4 Additional Features and Considerations

Summary of JPublisher Support for Web Services
Summary of Support for Web Services Call-Ins to the Database
Support for Web Services Call-Outs from the Database
Features to Filter JPublisher Output
Publishing a Specified Subset of Functions or Procedures
Publishing Functions or Procedures According to Parameter Modes or Types
Ensuring that Generated Methods Adhere to the JavaBeans Specification
Backward Compatibility and Migration
JPublisher Backward Compatibility
Changes in JPublisher Behavior Between Oracle9i and Oracle Database 10g
Changes in JPublisher Behavior Between Oracle8i and Oracle9i
JPublisher Backward Compatibility Modes and Settings
Explicit Generation of .sqlj Files
Oracle9i Compatibility Mode
Oracle8i Compatibility Mode
Individual Settings to Force Oracle8i JPublisher Behavior

5 Command-Line Options and Input Files

JPublisher Options
JPublisher Option Summary
JPublisher Option Tips
Notational Conventions
Options for Input Files and Items to Publish
File Containing Names of Objects and Packages to Translate (-input)
Declaration of Server-Side Java Classes to Translate (-java)
Input Properties File (-props)
Declaration of Object Types and Packages to Translate (-sql)
Declaration of SQL Statements to Translate (-sqlstatement)
Declaration of Object Types to Translate (-types)
Connection Options
SQLJ Connection Context Classes (-context)
JDBC Driver Class for Database Connection (-driver)
Connection URL for Target Database (-url)
User Name and Password for Database Connection (-user)
Options for Datatype Mappings
Mappings For Built-In Types (-builtintypes)
Mappings For LOB Types (-lobtypes)
Mappings For Numeric Types (-numbertypes)
Mappings for User-Defined Types (-usertypes)
Mappings for All Types (-mapping)
Style File for Java-to-Java Type Mappings (-style)
Options for Type Maps
Additional Entry to the Default Type Map (-adddefaulttypemap)
Additional Entry to the User Type Map (-addtypemap)
Default Type Map for JPublisher (-defaulttypemap)
Replacement of the JPublisher Type Map (-typemap)
Java Code Generation Options
Method Access (-access)
Case of Java Identifiers (-case)
Method Filtering According to Parameter Modes (-filtermodes)
Method Filtering According to Parameter Types (-filtertypes)
Code Generation Adherence to the JavaBeans Specification (-generatebean)
Class and Interface Naming Pattern (-genpattern)
Generation of User Subclasses (-gensubclass)
Generation of Package Classes and Wrapper Methods (-methods)
Omission of Schema Name from Name References (-omit_schema_names)
Holder Types for Output Arguments (-outarguments)
Name for Generated Java Package (-package)
Serializability of Generated Object Wrapper Classes (-serializable)
Generation of toString() Method on Object Wrapper Classes (-tostring)
PL/SQL Code Generation Options
File Names for PL/SQL Scripts (-plsqlfile)
Generation of PL/SQL Wrapper Functions (-plsqlmap)
Package for Generated PL/SQL Code (-plsqlpackage)
Input/Output Options
No Compilation or Translation (-compile)
Output Directories for Generated Source and Class Files (-dir and -d)
Java Character Encoding (-encoding)
Options to Facilitate Web Services Call-Outs
Mechanisms Used in Exposing Java to PL/SQL
Classes for Java and PL/SQL Wrapper Generation (-proxyclasses)
Settings for Java and PL/SQL Wrapper Generation (-proxyopts)
WSDL Document for Java and PL/SQL Wrapper Generation (-proxywsdl)
Web Services Endpoint (-endpoint)
Proxy URL for WSDL (-httpproxy)
Superuser for Permissions to Run Client Proxies (-sysuser)
Option to Access SQLJ Functionality
Settings for the SQLJ Translator (-sqlj)
Backward Compatibility Option
Backward-Compatible Oracle Mapping for User-Defined Types (-compatible)
Java Environment Options
Classpath for Translation and Compilation (-classpath)
Java Compiler (-compiler-executable)
Java Version (-vm)
Code Generation for Wrapper Class and PL/SQL Wrapper Options
Wrapper Class Generation without Handles
Wrapper Class Generation with Handles
Code Generation for Method Parameters
Code Generation for Table Functions
JPublisher Input Files
Properties File Structure and Syntax
INPUT File Structure and Syntax
Understanding the Translation Statement
Sample Translation Statement
INPUT File Precautions
Requesting the Same Java Class Name for Different Object Types
Requesting the Same Attribute Name for Different Object Attributes
Specifying Nonexistent Attributes
JPublisher Reserved Terms

A Generated Code Examples

Generated Code: User Subclass for Java-to-Java Transformations
Interface Code
Base Class Code
User Subclass Code
Generated Code: SQL Statement
Generated Code: Java and PL/SQL Wrappers for Web Services
WSDL Document
JAX-RPC Client Proxy Classes and Interfaces
Java Wrapper Class and PL/SQL Wrapper
Additional PL/SQL Utility Scripts
Generated Code: Java and PL/SQL Wrappers for General Use
Classes to Be Wrapped
Java and PL/SQL Wrappers for Static Methods
Java and PL/SQL Wrappers for Instance Methods Using the Handle Mechanism
