[go: nahoru, domu]


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  


  • access control entry (ACE)
    • definition 1
  • access control list (ACL)
    • definition 1
    • overview 1
    • system 1
  • account XDB 1
  • ACE
    • See: access control entry
  • ACL
    • See: access control list
  • administering Oracle XML DB 1
  • Advanced Queuing (AQ)
    • IDAP 1
    • messaging scenarios 1
    • point-to-point support 1
    • publish/subscribe support 1
    • XMLType queue payloads 1
  • aggregate privilege
    • definition 1
  • annotations
    • XML schema
      • querying to obtain 1
  • appendChildXML SQL function (deprecated) 1
  • array
    • JavaScript 1
  • array element 1
  • array step, Oracle JSON path expression 1
  • ASCII escape sequences, JSON 1
  • ASCII keyword, JSON SQL functions 1
  • atomic privilege
    • definition 1
  • attributes
    • xdb:columnProps 1
    • xdb:defaultTable 1
    • xdb:defaultTableSchema (deprecated) 1
    • xdb:maintainDOM 1
    • xdb:maintainOrder (deprecated) 1 , 2
    • xdb:mapUnboundedStringToLob (deprecated) 1 , 2
    • xdb:maxOccurs (deprecated) 1
    • xdb:SQLCollSchema (deprecated) 1 , 2
    • xdb:SQLCollType 1
    • xdb:SQLInline 1
    • xdb:SQLName 1
    • xdb:SQLSchema (deprecated) 1
    • xdb:SQLType 1
    • xdb:srclang (deprecated) 1
    • xdb:storeVarrayAsTable (deprecated) 1 , 2
    • xdb:tableProps 1
    • xdb:translate (deprecated) 1
  • attribute XML Schema data types
    • mapping to SQL 1
  • authentication
    • definition 1
  • authorization
    • definition 1


  • backward-compatible XML schema evolution
    • definition 1
  • binary XML
    • definition 1
  • bootstrap ACL
    • definition 1


  • C API for XML 1
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 1
  • chaining XMLTable calls 1
  • check constraint used to ensure well-formed JSON 1
  • child COLUMNS clause, json_table SQL function 1
  • circular dependencies
    • XML schemas 1
  • CLASSPATH environment variable
    • for JCR 1
  • collection
    • in out-of-line tables 1
    • loading and retrieving large documents 1
    • XML
      • definition 1
  • collection attribute (SQL) 1
  • column pattern, XMLTable SQL function
    • definition 1
  • columnProps attribute 1
  • COLUMNS clause
    • json_table SQL function 1
  • complexType
    • handling cycles 1
    • handling inheritance 1
    • mapping
      • fragments to LOBs 1
      • XML Schema data types to SQL 1
    • Oracle XML DB restrictions and extensions 1
  • complex XLink link
    • definition 1
  • component of a resource path name
    • definition 1
  • compound XML document
    • definition 1
  • compression
    • for online transaction processing (OLTP)
      • using CREATE TABLE 1
    • XMLType support 1
  • configuring Oracle XML DB
    • protocol server 1
    • repository 1
    • servlets 1
    • using DBMS_XDB API 1
    • using Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
    • xdbconfig.xml configuration file 1
  • constraints on XMLType data
    • repetitive XML elements 1
  • contains XPath function (Oracle) 1
  • content-management application
    • definition 1
  • content of a resource
    • definition 1
  • Content Repository API for Java 1
    • See: JCR
  • Content Repository API for Java (JCR) 1
  • context item, Oracle JSON path expression 1
  • copy-based XML schema evolution 1
  • copyEvolve PL/SQL procedure 1
  • copy-namespace mode, XQuery 1
  • COST_XML_QUERY_REWRITE optimizer hint 1
  • cost-based XML query rewrite
    • definition 1
  • CREATE TABLE statement
    • encoding options for binary XML 1
    • storage options 1
  • creating an XMLType table
    • for nested collections 1
    • storage options 1
    • XML schema-based 1 , 2
  • CTXAPP role 1
  • CTXCAT index 1
  • CTXSYS.JSON_SECTION_GROUP Oracle Text section group 1
  • cyclical dependencies
    • XML schemas 1


  • database role
    • definition 1
  • database user
    • definition 1
  • date and time XML Schema data types
    • mapping to SQL 1
  • DBMS_XDB_CONFIG PL/SQL package 1
  • DBMS_XDB_REPOS PL/SQL package 1
  • DBMS_XMLDOM PL/SQL package
    • examples 1
  • DBMS_XMLGEN PL/SQL package 1
    • modifyParameter procedure 1
    • registerParameter procedure 1
    • syncIndex procedure 1
    • copyEvolve procedure 1
    • inPlaceEvolve procedure 1
    • registerSchema procedure 1
    • disableIndexesAndConstraints procedure 1
    • enableIndexesAndConstraints procedure 1
    • exchangePostProc procedure 1
    • exchangePreProc procedure 1
    • renameCollectionTable procedure 1
    • XPath2TabColMapping procedure 1 , 3
  • DBMS_XMLSTORE PL/SQL package 1
  • DBUri
    • definition 1
    • generating using sys_DburiGen SQL function 1
    • identifying a row 1
    • identifying a target column 1
    • retrieving column text value 1
    • retrieving the whole table 1
    • security 1
    • servlet, installation 1
  • DBUri-refs
    • HTTP access 1
  • DBUriServlet
    • definition 1
  • debugging
    • XML schema registration 1
  • defaultTable attribute 1
  • default tables
    • creating during XML schema registration 1
  • defaultTableSchema attribute (deprecated) 1
  • deleteXML SQL function (deprecated) 1
  • deleting
    • resource 1
    • XML schema using DBMS_XMLSCHEMA 1
  • depth SQL function 1
  • derived XML Schema data types
    • mapping to SQL 1
  • digest access authentication 1
  • digest access authentication, configuring 1
  • digest authentication 1
  • digest authentication, configuring 1
  • directory
    • See: folder
  • document (DOM)
    • definition 1
  • document-correlated recursive query
    • definition 1
  • document link
    • definition 1 , 2
  • document location hint
    • definition 1
  • Document Object Model
    • See: DOM
  • Document Type Definition
    • See: DTD
  • document view serialization, JCR
    • definition 1
  • DOM
    • definition 1
    • difference from SAX 1
    • document
      • definition 1
    • fidelity
      • for XML schema mapping 1
      • using SQL function updateXML 1
    • Java API for XMLType 1
    • NamedNodeMap object 1
    • NodeList object 1
    • overview 1
    • PL/SQL API for XMLType 1
  • DOM fidelity
    • definition 1
  • DTD
    • definition 1
    • support in Oracle XML DB 1
    • use with Oracle XML DB 1
  • duplicate field names in JSON objects 1
  • dynamic type-checking
    • XQuery language 1


  • effective text value of a node
    • definition 1
  • element
    • array 1
  • element XML Schema data types
    • mapping to SQL 1
  • Enterprise Manager
    • administering Oracle XML DB 1
  • entities, XML
    • using a DTD with binary XML storage 1
  • equipartitioning of XMLType tables
    • definition 1
  • error
    • ORA-08181 1
    • ORA-18177 1
  • error clause, JSON SQL functions 1
  • event
    • repository
      • configuring 1
      • predefined 1
  • event handler, repository
    • definition 1
  • event listener, repository
    • definition 1
  • evolution, XML schema 1
  • EXISTS keyword, json_table SQL function 1
  • extended XLink link
    • definition 1
  • extracting data from XML 1


  • fidelity
    • DOM
      • for XML schema mapping 1
      • using SQL function updateXML 1
  • field 1
  • FLWOR XQuery expression 1
  • fn:available XQuery function
    • support 1
  • fn:collection XQuery function
    • support 1
  • fn:doc XQuery function
    • support 1
  • fn:idref XQuery function
    • support 1
  • fn:id XQuery function
    • support 1
  • fn:replace XQuery function 1
  • folder
    • definition 1
  • foldering 1
  • folder link
    • definition 1
  • folder-restricted query
    • definition 1
  • FORMAT JSON keywords, json_table SQL function 1
  • FOR ORDINALITY keywords, json_table SQL function 1
  • fragment, XML
    • definition 1
    • SQL operations on 1
  • fragments, XML
    • mapping to LOBs 1
  • FROM list order
    • XMLTable PASSING clause 1
  • FTP
    • configuration parameters 1
    • creating default tables 1
    • protocol server, features 1
  • full-text indexing 1
  • full-text search
    • JSON data 1
    • XML data 1 , 2
  • fully qualified XML schema URLs 1
  • functional evaluation
    • definition 1
  • functions
    • SQL
      • appendChildXML (deprecated) 1
      • deleteXML (deprecated) 1
      • depth 1
      • insertChildXML (deprecated) 1
      • insertChildXMLafter (deprecated) 1
      • insertChildXMLbefore (deprecated) 1
      • insertXMLafter (deprecated) 1
      • insertXMLbefore (deprecated) 1
      • json_query 1
      • json_table 1
      • json_value 1
      • sys_DburiGen 1
      • sys_XMLAgg 1
      • under_path 1 , 2
      • updateXML (deprecated) 1
      • updating XML data 1
      • XMLAgg 1
      • XMLAttributes 1
      • XMLCast 1
      • XMLCDATA 1
      • XMLColAttVal 1
      • XMLComment 1
      • XMLConcat 1
      • XMLElement 1
      • XMLExists 1
      • XMLForest 1
      • XMLIsValid 1
      • XMLParse 1
      • XMLPI 1
      • XMLQuery 1 , 2
      • XMLRoot 1
      • XMLSerialize 1
      • XMLTable 1 , 2
      • XMLtransform 1


  • generating XML
    • DBMS_XMLGEN PL/SQL package 1
    • SQL functions 1
    • sys_XMLAgg SQL function 1
    • XMLAgg SQL function 1
    • XMLAttributes SQL function 1
    • XMLCDATA SQL function 1
    • XMLColAttVal SQL function 1
    • XMLComment SQL function 1
    • XMLConcat SQL function 1
    • XMLElement SQL function 1
    • XMLForest SQL function 1
    • XMLParse SQL function 1
    • XMLPI SQL function 1
    • XMLRoot SQL function 1
    • XMLSerialize SQL function 1
  • getCLOB() XMLType method 1
  • getSchemaURL() XMLType method 1
  • getting JCR repository objects 1
  • global XML schema
    • using fully qualified URL to override 1
  • group in an XMLIndex structured component
    • definition 1


  • hard link
    • definition 1
    • JCR 1
  • hierarchical repository index 1
  • hierarchy-enabled table
    • definition 1
  • HTTP
    • access for DBUri-refs 1
    • accessing Java servlet or XMLType 1
    • accessing repository resources 1
    • configuration parameters, WebDAV 1
    • creating default tables 1
    • improved performance 1
    • Oracle XML DB servlets 1
    • protocol server, features 1
    • requests 1
    • servlets 1
    • using UriRefs to store pointers 1
  • httpconfig element, xdbconfig.xml 1
  • HTTPUri
    • definition 1
  • hybrid columnar compression 1


  • IDAP
    • architecture 1
    • transmitted over Internet 1
  • index
    • hierarchical repository 1
  • indexing
    • CTXCAT 1
    • full-text 1
    • Oracle Text
      • XML-enabled 1
    • XMLType
      • choosing 1
  • indexing JSON data
    • composite B-tree index for multiple fields 1
    • for json_table queries 1
    • for search 1
    • json_exists SQL condition 1
    • json_value SQL function
      • data type considerations 1
      • for json_table queries 1
  • index-organized tables 1
  • inheritance
    • XML schema, restrictions in complexTypes 1
  • inPlaceEvolve PL/SQL procedure 1
  • in-place XML schema evolution 1
  • insertChildXMLafter SQL function (deprecated) 1
  • insertChildXMLbefore SQL function (deprecated) 1
  • insertChildXML SQL function (deprecated) 1
  • insertXMLafter SQL function (deprecated) 1
  • insertXMLbefore SQL function (deprecated) 1
  • instance document
    • definition 1 , 2
    • specifying root element namespace 1
  • Internet Data Access Presentation (IDAP)
    • SOAP specification for AQ 1
  • Internet Protocol Version 6
    • FTP 1
    • HTTP(S) 1
  • IPv6
    • FTP 1
    • HTTP(S) 1
  • is json SQL condition
    • STRICT keyword 1
  • is not json SQL condition
    • STRICT keyword 1
  • isSchemaBased() XMLType method 1
  • isSchemaValidated() XMLType method 1


  • Java
    • connections, thick and thin 1
    • DOM API for XMLType 1
    • Oracle XML DB applications 1
  • Java Content Repository API
    • See: JCR
  • JavaScript
    • array 1
    • object 1
    • object literal 1
  • JavaScript notation compared with JSON 1
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 1
  • Java Specification Request
    • 170 1 , 2
    • 173 1
    • 225 1
  • JCR
    • compliance levels supported 1
    • document view serialization
      • definition 1
    • files and folders, exposure 1
    • getPath() Java method 1
    • hard link 1
    • logging 1
    • Oracle XML DB Repository access 1
    • overview 1
    • restrictions for Oracle XML DB Content Connector 1
    • weak link 1
    • XML schema 1
  • jcr:content 1
  • jcr:data property 1
  • JCR node types
    • mapping from XML Schema data types 1
    • mapping from XML Schema global element declarations 1
    • nt:file 1
    • nt:folder 1
    • Oracle extensions 1
  • JDBC
    • accessing XML documents 1
    • drivers, OCI and thin 1
    • loading large XML documents 1
    • manipulating XML documents 1
  • JSON
    • ASCII escape sequences 1
    • character encoding 1
    • character-set conversion 1
    • compared with JavaScript notation 1
    • compared with XML 1
    • path expression
      • syntax 1
    • syntax
      • lax 1
      • strict 1
  • json_exists SQL condition
    • as json_table 1
    • indexing 1
  • json_query SQL function
    • as json_table 1
    • PRETTY keyword 1
  • json_table
    • indexing for queries 1
  • json_table SQL function
    • EXISTS keyword 1
    • FORMAT JSON keywords 1
    • FOR ORDINALITY keywords 1
    • PATH clause 1
  • json_textcontains SQL condition 1
  • json_value SQL function
    • as json_table 1
    • indexing for json_table queries 1
  • JSON, overview 1
  • JSON, syntax 1
  • JSON search index 1
  • JSON SQL function
    • WITH WRAPPER keywords 1
  • JSON SQL functions
    • json_query
      • as json_table 1
    • json_table 1
    • json_value
      • as json_table 1
  • JSR-170 1 , 2
    • See also: JCR
  • JSR-173 1
  • JSR-225 1


  • large node handling 1
  • lax JSON syntax 1
  • lazy XML loading (lazy manifestation) 1
  • LDAP principal
    • definition 1
  • link
    • document
      • definition 1
    • folder
      • definition 1
    • hard
      • definition 1
    • repository
      • definition 1
    • weak
      • definition 1
  • linking, repository
    • definition 1
  • link name
    • definition 1
  • link-properties document
    • definition 1
  • loading
    • large documents with collections 1
  • loading large XML documents using JDBC 1
  • loading of XML data, lazy 1
  • LOB locator 1
  • LOBs
    • mapping XML fragments to 1
  • local XML schema
    • definition 1
    • using fully qualified URL to specify 1


  • maintainDOM attribute 1
  • maintainOrder attribute (deprecated) 1 , 2
  • manifestation, lazy 1
  • mapping
    • complexType to SQL
      • out-of-line storage 1 , 2
    • overriding using SQLType attribute 1
    • simpleContent to object types 1
  • mapping XML Schema complexType data types to SQL 1
  • mapping XML Schema data types to SQL data types 1
  • mapUnboundedStringToLob attribute (deprecated) 1 , 2
  • maxOccurs attribute in xdb namespace (deprecated) 1
  • metadata
    • definition 1
    • system-defined
      • definition 1
    • user-defined
      • definition 1
  • methods
    • XMLType
      • getCLOB() 1
      • getSchemaURL() 1
      • isSchemaBased() 1
      • isSchemaValid() 1
      • isSchemaValidated() 1
      • schemaValidate() 1
      • setSchemaValidated() 1
      • XML schema 1
  • MIME
    • overriding with DBUri servlet 1
  • mix:referenceable 1
  • model, XML Schema
    • definition 1
  • modifyParameter PL/SQL procedure 1


  • NamedNodeMap object (DOM) 1
  • namespace
    • prefixes
      • ocjr 1
    • XQuery 1 , 2
  • naming SQL objects 1
  • navigational access to repository resources 1
  • NESTED_TABLE_ID pseudocolumn 1
  • NESTED PATH clause, json_table, json_table SQL function
    • NESTED PATH clause 1
  • nested XML
    • generating using DBMS_XMLGEN 1
    • generating with XMLElement 1
  • NodeList object (DOM) 1
  • nodes, large (DBMS_XMLDOM) 1
  • nonce
    • definition 1
  • nonce key
    • definition 1
  • non-schema-based view
    • definition 1
  • nt:file JCR node type 1
  • nt:folder 1
  • nt:folder JCR node type 1
  • numeric XML Schema data types
    • mapping to SQL 1


  • object
    • JavaScript 1
  • object attributes
    • for collection (SQL) 1
    • sys_DburiGen SQL function
      • passing to 1
    • XMLType, in AQ 1
  • object-based persistence of XML data
    • definition 1
  • object identifier
    • definition 1
  • object literal
    • Javascript 1
  • object member 1
  • object-relational storage of XML data
    • definition 1
  • object step, Oracle JSON path expression 1
  • occurrence indicator
    • definition 1
  • OCI API for XML 1
  • ocjr namespace prefix 1
  • OCT
    • definition 1
  • ODP.NET 1
  • OID
    • See: object identifier
  • ojcr:folder 1
  • optimizer hints
  • ora:contains Oracle XPath function
    • policy
      • definition 1
  • ora:defaultTable Oracle XQuery pragma 1
  • ora:matches Oracle XQuery function (deprecated) 1 , 2
  • ora:no_schema Oracle XQuery pragma 1
  • ora:no_xmlquery_rewrite Oracle XQuery pragma 1
  • ora:replace Oracle XQuery function (deprecated) 1
  • ora:sqrt Oracle XQuery function 1
  • ora:tokenize Oracle XQuery function 1
  • ora:use_xmltext_idx Oracle XQuery pragma 1
  • ORA-08181 error 1
  • ORA-18177 error 1
  • Oracle ASM files
    • accessing
      • using FTP 1
  • Oracle ASM virtual folder 1
  • Oracle Data Provider for .NET 1
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager
    • administering Oracle XML DB 1
  • Oracle extensions to JCR node types 1
  • Oracle Internet Directory 1
  • Oracle JSON path expression
    • relaxed 1
  • Oracle Net Services 1
  • OracleRepository 1
  • Oracle Text
    • index 1
    • searching for resources 1
    • XML-enabled index 1
  • Oracle XML DB
    • access models 1
    • architecture 1
    • features 1
    • Java applications 1
    • overview 1
    • Repository
      • See repository 1
    • upgrading 1
    • versioning 1
    • when to use 1
  • Oracle XML DB Content Connector
    • logging API 1
    • overview 1
    • restrictions 1
    • sample code to upload file 1
  • ordered collection
    • definition 1
  • ordered collections in tables (OCTs)
    • default storage of varray 1
  • ordered collection table (OCT)
    • definition 1
  • order index of XMLIndex
    • definition 1
  • out-of-line storage
    • collections 1
    • XPath rewrite 1


  • parent COLUMNS clause, json_table SQL function 1
  • partial update of XML data
    • definition 1
  • partial validation of XML data
    • definition 1
  • partitioning XMLType tables 1
  • PASSING clause of XMLTable
    • FROM list order 1
  • path-based access to repository resources 1
  • PATH clause, json_table 1
  • path component of a resource path name
    • definition 1
  • path expression, JSON 1 , 2
  • path index of XMLIndex
    • definition 1
  • path-index trigger
    • definition 1
  • path name
    • definition 1
    • resolution 1
  • path table of XMLIndex 1
  • PD (positional descriptor) 1
  • persistence models for XML data 1
  • PL/SQL functions
    • See: functions, PL/SQL
  • PL/SQL packages
    • for XMLType 1
  • PL/SQL procedures
    • See: procedures, PL/SQL
  • point-to-point
    • support in AQ 1
  • policy for ora:contains XPath function (Oracle)
    • definition 1
  • port, FTP 1
  • port, HTTP 1
  • ports
    • configuring
      • FTP 1
      • HTTP 1
      • HTTPS 1
  • positional descriptor (PD) 1
  • post-parse persistence of XML data
    • definition 1
  • pragmas, XQuery
    • See: XQuery pragmas, Oracle
  • predefined ACLs 1
  • preference
    • Oracle Text indexing
      • definition 1
  • PRETTY keyword, json_query 1
  • PRETTY keyword, JSON SQL functions 1
  • pretty-printing
    • in book examples 1
    • not done by SQL/XML functions 1
    • Web service output 1
  • primitive XML Schema data types
    • mapping to SQL 1
  • principal
    • definition 1
    • LDAP
      • definition 1
  • private (local) XML schema, definition 1
  • privilege
    • definition 1
  • procedures
    • PL/SQL
      • copyEvolve 1
      • disableIndexesAndConstraints 1
      • enableIndexesAndConstraints 1
      • exchangePostProc 1
      • exchangePreProc 1
      • inPlaceEvolve 1
      • modifyParameter 1
      • registerParameter 1
      • registerSchema 1
      • renameCollectionTable 1
      • syncIndex 1
      • XPath2TabColMapping 1 , 3
  • protocolconfig element, xdbconfig.xml 1
  • protocols, access to repository resources 1
  • protocol server
    • architecture 1
    • configuration parameters 1
    • event-based logging 1
    • FTP
      • configuration parameters 1
    • HTTP
      • configuration parameters 1
    • WebDAV
      • configuration parameters 1
  • public (global) XML schema, definition 1
  • publish/subscribe
    • support in AQ 1
  • purchase-order XML document
    • used in full-text examples 1
  • purchase-order XML schema
    • annotated 1
    • revised 1 , 2


  • qualified XML schema URLs 1
  • query-based access to resources
    • using RESOURCE_VIEW and PATH_VIEW 1
    • using SQL 1
  • querying XMLType data
    • choices 1
    • transient data 1


  • ra:use_text_index Oracle XQuery pragma 1
  • recursive schema support 1
  • registered XML schemas, list of 1
  • registering an XML schema
    • debugging 1
    • default tables, creating 1
    • SQL object types, creating 1
  • registering an XML schema for JCR 1
  • registerParameter PL/SQL procedure 1
  • registerSchema PL/SQL procedure 1
  • renaming an XMLIndex index 1
  • replace XQuery function 1
  • repository
    • access using JCR 1
    • data storage 1
    • event
      • configuring 1
      • predefined 1
    • event handler
      • definition 1
    • event listener
      • definition 1
    • hierarchical index 1
    • use with XQuery 1
  • repository link
    • definition 1
  • repository objects 1
    • definition 1
  • resource
    • access
      • using protocols 1
    • definition 1 , 2
    • deleting
      • nonempty container 1
      • using DELETE 1
    • management using DBMS_XDB_REPOS 1
    • managing with DBMS_XDB 1
    • required privileges for operations 1
    • searching for, using Oracle Text 1
    • setting property in ACLs 1
    • simultaneous operations 1
    • updating 1
    • explained 1
  • resource configuration file
    • definition 1
  • resource configuration list
    • definition 1
  • resource content
    • definition 1
  • resource document
    • definition 1
  • resource ID
    • definition 1
  • resource name
    • definition 1
  • resource version
    • definition 1
  • resource-view-cache-size configuration parameter 1
  • retrieving large documents with collections 1
  • RETURNING clause, JSON SQL functions 1
  • revalidation mode, XQuery Update 1
  • rewrite
    • XPath (XPath) 1
    • XQuery 1
  • role
    • CTXAPP 1
    • database
      • definition 1
  • root configuration 1
  • root folder, repository 1
  • root XML Schema
    • definition 1
  • row pattern, XMLTable SQL function
    • definition 1
  • row source
    • JSON
      • definition 1
  • rule-based XML query rewrite
    • definition 1


  • scalar value 1
  • schema evolution
    • See: XML schema evolution
  • schema for schemas (XML Schema)
    • definition 1
  • schema location hint
    • definition 1
  • schemaValidate() XMLType method 1
  • security
    • DBUri 1
  • servlet element, xdbconfig.xml 1
  • servlets
    • accessing repository data 1
    • APIs 1
    • configuring 1
    • session pooling 1
    • writing
      • in Java 1
    • XML manipulation 1
  • session pooling
    • protocol server 1
  • sibling COLUMNS clauses, json_table SQL function 1
  • simpleContent
    • mapping to object types 1
  • simple XLink link
    • definition 1
  • SOAP
    • IDAP 1
  • SQL/XML generation functions
    • definition 1 , 2
  • SQL/XML publishing functions
    • definition 1 , 2
  • SQL/XML query and update functions
    • definition 1
  • SQL/XML standard
    • generating XML data 1
    • querying XML data
      • XMLQuery and XMLTable 1
  • SQL*Loader 1
  • SQL*Plus
    • XQUERY command 1
  • SQLCollSchema attribute (deprecated) 1 , 2
  • SQLCollType attribute 1
  • SQL conditions
    • IS (NOT) NULL and JSON null 1
    • is json 1
    • is not json 1
    • json_exists
      • as json_table 1
      • indexing 1
    • json_textcontains 1
  • SQL functions
    • See: functions, SQL
  • SQLInline attribute 1
  • SQLJ 1
  • SQLName attribute 1
  • SQL object types
    • creating during XML schema registration 1
  • SQLSchema attribute (deprecated) 1
  • SQLType attribute 1
  • sqrt XQuery function (Oracle) 1
  • srclang attribute (deprecated) 1
  • standard metadata 1
  • static type-checking
    • XQuery language 1
  • step, Oracle JSON path expression 1
  • storage
    • out of line
      • collections 1
  • storage models for XMLType
    • choosing 1
  • storeVarrayAsTable attribute (deprecated) 1 , 2
  • strict JSON syntax 1
  • STRICT keyword for is (not) json syntax 1
  • string XML Schema data types
    • mapping to SQL 1
    • mapping to VARCHAR2 vs CLOB 1
  • structured storage of XMLType data
    • definition 1 , 2
  • structured XMLIndex component
    • definition 1
  • style sheet, CSS 1
  • stylesheet for updating XML instance documents 1
  • syncIndex PL/SQL procedure 1
  • sys_DburiGen SQL function
    • inserting database references 1
  • SYS_NC_ARRAY_INDEX$ column 1
  • sys_XMLAgg SQL function 1
  • sysconfig element, xdbconfig.xml 1
  • system ACL
    • definition 1
  • system ACLs 1
  • system-defined metadata
    • definition 1


  • tableProps attribute 1
  • tables
    • index-organized 1
  • text value of a node, effective
    • definition 1
  • third-party XLink link
    • definition 1
  • time zone support, implicit 1
  • translate attribute (deprecated) 1
  • trigger, path-index
    • definition 1
  • type-checking, static and dynamic
    • XQuery language 1


  • UDT
    • generating an element from 1
  • UNCONDITIONAL keyword, JSON SQL functions 1
  • under_path SQL function
    • different correlations for different folders 1
  • uniform access control mechanism
    • definition 1
  • unique constraint on parent element of an attribute 1
  • unique field names in JSON objects 1
  • unresolved XLink and XInclude links 1
  • unstructured XMLIndex component
    • definition 1
  • updateXML SQL function (deprecated) 1
  • updating repository resource 1
  • updating XML data
    • partial update
      • definition 1
    • updating same node more than once 1
    • using SQL functions
      • optimization 1
  • upgrading Oracle XML DB 1
    • configuring to handle DBURI-ref 1
    • creating subtypes of URIType 1
  • Uri-reference
    • database and session 1
    • DBUri-ref 1
    • HTTP access for DBUri-ref 1
    • URIFACTORY PL/SQL package 1
    • URIType examples 1
  • URIType
    • examples 1
  • user
    • definition 1
  • userconfig element, xdbconfig.xml 1
  • user-defined metadata
    • definition 1
  • user XDB 1


  • validating
    • examples 1
    • XMLIsValid SQL function
      • use as CHECK constraint 1
  • validation of XML data, partial
    • definition 1
  • value 1
  • value index of XMLIndex
    • definition 1
  • varray in a LOB
    • definition 1
  • varray in a table
    • definition 1
  • VCR
    • See: version-controlled resource
  • versionable resource
    • definition 1
  • version-controlled resource
    • definition 1
  • versioning 1 , 2
  • version resource
    • definition 1
  • version series of a resource
    • definition 1
  • view
  • views
    • RESOURCE and PATH 1


  • weak link
    • definition 1
    • deletion 1
    • JCR 1
  • WebDAV
    • definition 1
  • WebFolder
    • creating in Windows 2000 1
  • Web service
    • pretty-printing output 1
  • well formed JSON data 1
  • well-formed XML document
    • definition 1
  • WITHOUT UNIQUE KEYS keywords, JSON condition is json 1
  • WITH UNIQUE KEYS keywords, JSON condition is json 1
  • WITH WRAPPER keywords, JSON SQL functions 1
  • wrapper clause, JSON SQL functions 1
  • WRAPPER keyword, JSON SQL functions 1
  • WSDL
    • Web service for accessing stored PL/SQL 1
    • Web service for database queries 1


  • xdb:columnProps attribute 1
  • xdb:defaultTable attribute 1
  • xdb:defaultTableSchema attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb:maintainDOM attribute 1
  • xdb:maintainOrder attribute (deprecated) 1 , 2
  • xdb:mapUnboundedStringToLob attribute (deprecated) 1 , 2
  • xdb:maxOccurs attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb:SQLCollSchema attribute (deprecated) 1 , 2
  • xdb:SQLCollType attribute 1
  • xdb:SQLInline attribute 1
  • xdb:SQLName attribute 1
  • xdb:SQLSchema attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb:SQLType attribute 1
  • xdb:srclang attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb:storeVarrayAsTable attribute (deprecated) 1 , 2
  • xdb:tableProps attribute 1
  • xdb:translate attribute (deprecated) 1
  • XDBBinary element
    • definition 1
  • xdbconfig.xml configuration file 1
  • xdbconfig element, xdbconfig.xml 1
  • xdbcore-loadableunit-size configuration parameter 1 , 2
  • xdbcore-xobmem-bound configuration parameter 1
  • XDB database schema (user account) 1 , 2
  • xdb namespace 1
  • XDBSchema.xsd
    • definition 1
  • XDBUri
    • definition 1 , 2
  • XInclude
    • definition 1
    • unresolved link 1
  • XLink
    • complex link
      • definition 1
    • definition 1
    • extended link
      • definition 1
    • link types 1
    • simple link
      • definition 1
    • third-party link
      • definition 1
    • unresolved link 1
  • XML
    • compared with JSON 1
  • XML_ENABLE path section group attribute 1
  • XMLAgg SQL function 1
  • XML attributes
    • See: attributes
  • XMLAttributes SQL function 1
  • XMLCast SQL function 1
  • XMLCDATA SQL function 1
  • XMLColAttVal SQL function 1
  • XMLComment SQL function 1
  • XMLConcat SQL function 1
  • XML diagnosability mode 1
  • XMLElement SQL function 1
  • XML entities
    • using a DTD with binary XML storage 1
  • XMLExists SQL function 1
  • XMLForest SQL function 1
  • XML fragment
    • definition 1
    • mapping to LOBs 1
    • SQL operations on 1
  • XMLIndex
    • creating index 1
    • dropping index 1
    • order index
      • definition 1
    • path index
      • definition 1
    • path table 1
    • renaming index 1
    • structured component
      • definition 1
    • synchronizing if ORA-08181 1
    • unstructured component
      • definition 1
    • value index
      • definition 1
  • XML instance document
    • definition 1 , 2
  • XMLIsValid SQL function 1
  • XMLNAMESPACES clause 1
  • XMLParse SQL function 1
  • XMLPI SQL function 1
  • XML query rewrite
    • definition
      • cost-based 1
      • rule-based 1
  • XMLQuery SQL function 1 , 2
  • XMLRoot SQL function 1
  • XML schema
    • annotations
      • querying to obtain 1
    • circular dependencies 1
    • complexType declarations 1 , 2
    • cyclical dependencies 1
    • definition 1 , 2
    • deletion 1
    • evolution
      • backward-compatible, definition 1
    • for XML schemas that can be registered 1
    • inheritance in, complexType restrictions 1
    • local and global 1
    • mapping to SQL object types 1
    • registration with Oracle XML DB
      • for use with JCR 1
    • updating after registering 1
    • URLs 1
    • use with JCR 1
    • W3C Recommendation 1 , 2
    • XMLType methods 1
  • XML Schema
    • definition 1
  • XML schema-based tables and columns, creating 1
  • XML schema-based view
    • definition 1
  • XML Schema data types
    • mapping to JCR node types 1
    • mapping to SQL data types 1
  • XML schema definition
    • definition 1
  • XML schema evolution
    • copy-based 1
    • in-place 1
  • XML search index
    • definition 1
  • XMLSerialize SQL function 1
  • XMLTable SQL function
    • breaking up an XML fragment 1
    • column pattern
      • definition 1
    • PASSING clause and FROM list order 1
    • reverse node references in COLUMNS clause 1
    • row pattern
      • definition 1
  • XMLtransform SQL function 1
  • XMLType
    • as abstract data type 1
    • constructors 1
    • extracting data 1
    • indexing columns 1
    • instances, PL/SQL APIs 1
    • loading data 1
    • loading with SQL*Loader 1
    • methods
      • getCLOB() 1
      • getSchemaURL() 1
      • isSchemaBased() 1
      • isSchemaValid() 1
      • setSchemaValidated() 1
      • XML schema 1
    • PL/SQL packages 1
    • querying 1
    • querying transient data 1
    • querying XMLType columns 1
    • queue payloads 1
    • storage models 1
    • tables, views, columns 1
    • views, access with PL/SQL DOM APIs 1
  • XPath language
    • functions
      • ora:contains (Oracle) 1 , 2
    • syntax 1
  • XPath rewrite
    • definition 1
    • indexes on singleton elements and attributes 1
    • out-of-line storage 1
  • XQJ 1
  • XQuery
    • copy-namespace mode 1
    • extension expressions
      • See XQuery pragmas, Oracle 1 , 2
    • pending update list 1
    • pragmas, Oracle
      • ora:defaultTable 1
      • ora:no_schema 1
      • ora:no_xmlquery_rewrite 1
      • ora:use_text_index 1
      • ora:use_xmltext_idx 1
    • revalidation mode 1
    • simple expression 1
    • static typing feature 1
    • time zone support, implicit 1
    • XDM instance 1
  • XQuery API for Java (XQJ) 1
  • XQUERY command, SQL*Plus 1
  • XQuery Data Model (XDM) 1
  • XQuery functions and operators
    • support 1
  • XQuery language
    • expressions
      • FLWOR 1
      • rewrite 1
    • functions
      • fn:replace 1
      • ora:,matches (deprecated, Oracle) 1
      • ora:contains (Oracle) 1 , 2
      • ora:matches (deprecated, Oracle) 1
      • ora:replace (deprecated, Oracle) 1
      • ora:sqrt (Oracle) 1
      • ora:tokenize (Oracle) 1
    • item
      • definition 1
    • namespaces 1 , 2
    • optimization 1
    • optimization over relational data 1
    • Oracle extension functions 1
    • Oracle XML DB support 1
    • performance 1
    • predefined namespaces and prefixes 1
    • referential transparency
      • definition 1
    • sequence
      • definition 1
    • SQL*Plus XQUERY command 1
    • tuning 1
    • type-checking, static and dynamic 1
    • unordered mode
      • definition 1
    • update snapshot 1
    • use with Oracle XML DB Repository 1
    • use with XMLType relational data
      • optimization 1
    • XMLQuery and XMLTable SQL functions
      • examples 1
  • XQuery Update Facility 1
  • XSD
    • definition 1
  • XSL stylesheet
    • definition 1
  • XSLT
    • stylesheets
      • for updating XML instance documents 1
      • use with DBUri servlet 1 , 2
      • use with Oracle XML DB 1
      • use with package DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR 1

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