[go: nahoru, domu]


A  B  C  D  E  G  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  U  V  W  X  


  • Active Directory Integration 1


  • browser certificates, using with Oracle Wallet Manager 1


  • certificate
    • browser, using with Oracle Wallet Manager 1


  • database links
    • RADIUS not supported 1
  • directory administrative groups
    • OracleContextAdmins 1
    • OracleDBAdmins 1
    • OracleDBCreators 1
    • OracleDBSecurityAdmins 1
    • OraclePasswordAccessibleDomains list 1
    • OracleUserSecurityAdmins 1


  • enterprise user security
    • components 1
    • configuration flow chart 1
    • configuration roadmap 1
    • directory entries 1
    • enterprise domains 1
    • enterprise roles 1
    • enterprise users
      • mapping 1
    • global roles 1
    • overview 1
    • shared schemas
      • configuring 1
    • tools summary 1
    • using third-party directories 1


  • groups
    • OracleContextAdmins 1
    • OracleDBAdmins 1
    • OracleDBCreators 1
    • OracleDBSecurityAdmins 1
    • OraclePasswordAccessibleDomains list 1
    • OracleUserSecurityAdmins 1


  • Internet Explorer certificates
    • using with Oracle Wallet Manager 1


  • KERBEROS_PNAME column 1


  • LDAP directories
    • donwloading Oracle wallets from 1
    • Oracle Wallet support of 1
    • uploading Oracle wallets to 1


  • Microsoft Internet Explorer certificates
    • using with Oracle Wallet Manager 1
  • Microsoft Windows Registry
    • wallet storage 1
  • mkstore utility 1


  • Netscape certificates
    • using with Oracle Wallet Manager 1
  • nickname 1


  • ORA-28885 error 1
  • Oracle Applications wallet location 1
  • OracleContextAdmins directory group 1
  • OracleDBAdmins directory group
    • concepts 1
  • OracleDBCreators directory group 1
  • OracleDBSecurityAdmins directory group 1
  • Oracle Internet Directory
    • version supported by Enterprise User Security 1
  • Oracle JDBC OCI driver
    • used by user migration utility 1
  • OraclePasswordAccessibleDomains list directory group 1
  • OracleUserSecurityAdmins directory group 1
  • Oracle Wallet Manager
    • about 1
    • backward compatibility 1
    • importing PKCS #7 certificate chains 1
    • KeyUsage extension 1
    • LDAP directory support 1
    • Microsoft Windows Registry wallet storage 1
    • multiple certificate support 1
    • password management 1
    • starting 1
    • strong wallet encryption 1
  • Oracle wallets
    • auto login
      • about 1
      • disabling 1
      • enabling 1
    • certificates
      • about 1
    • certificates, trusted
      • exporting all certificates 1
      • exporting single certificate 1
      • importing 1
      • importing file with 1
      • removing 1
      • text-only (BASE64), copying and pasting 1
    • certificates, user
      • about 1
      • adding certificate request 1
      • exporting 1
      • importing from email text 1
      • importing from file 1
      • importing from third-party tools 1
      • importing into wallet 1
      • importing third-parties 1
      • removing certificate request 1
      • removing from wallet 1
      • saving 1
    • closing 1
    • creating hardware security wallet 1
    • creating standard wallet 1
    • deleting 1
    • downloading from LDAP directories 1
    • exporting to non-PKCS#12 tools 1
    • exporting to third-party environments 1
    • general process for creating 1
    • managing 1
    • opening 1
    • Oracle Applications wallet location 1
    • password guidelines 1
    • passwords, changing 1
    • saving changes to 1
    • saving to new location 1
    • saving to system default directory 1
    • SSL wallet location 1 , 2
    • uploading to LDAP directories 1
    • access to 1
    • KERBEROS_PNAME column 1


  • Password Policies 1
  • passwords
    • Oracle wallets, guidelines for 1
  • PKCS #7 certificate chain
    • difference from X.509 certificate 1
  • proxy
    • connect 1
  • public key cryptography standards support
    • Oracle wallets 1


    • database links not supported 1


  • shared schemas 1
  • SSL External Users Conversion Script 1
  • SSL wallet location 1 , 2
  • SYS schema 1


  • UMU utility
    • TRACE_UMU environment variable 1
  • Upgrade EUS 1
  • user migration utility
    • accessing help 1
    • access to interface table 1
    • certificate authenticated users 1
    • directory location of utility 1
    • example
      • parameter text file (par.txt) 1
      • users list text file (usrs.txt) 1
      • using CASCADE=NO 1
      • using CASCADE=YES 1
      • using MAPSCHEMA=PRIVATE 1
      • using MAPSCHEMA=SHARED 1
      • using MAPTYPE options 1
      • using PARFILE, USERSFILE, and LOGFILE parameters 1
    • KERBEROS_PNAME column 1
    • LOGFILE precedence 1
    • MAPTYPE parameter
      • SUBTREE mapping level 1
    • ORCL_GLOBAL_USR_MIGRATION_DATA interface table 1
    • password authenticated users 1
    • retrieving dropped schema objects 1
    • shared schema mapping 1
    • SSL authentication for current release 1
    • SYS schema 1
    • uses Oracle JDBC OCI driver 1
    • X.509 v3 certificates 1


  • viewing the database wallet DN 1


  • wallets 1
    • See also: Oracle wallets


  • X.509 certificate
    • difference from PKCS #7 certificate chain 1

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