[go: nahoru, domu]

Workspace Environment Management

Environmental Settings

These options modify the user’s environmental settings. Some of the options are processed at logon, while some others can be refreshed in session with the agent refresh feature.

Start menu

These options modify the user’s Start menu.

Process Environmental Settings. This check box toggles whether the agent processes environmental settings. If it is cleared, no environmental settings are processed.

Exclude Administrators. If enabled, environmental settings are not processed for administrators, even if the agent is launched.

User Interface: Start Menu. These settings control which Start menu functions are disabled by the agent.


On operating systems other than Windows 7, the options under User Interface: Start Menu might not work, except Hide System Clock and Hide Turnoff Computer.

User Interface: Appearance. These settings allow you to customize the user’s Windows theme and desktop. Paths to resources must be entered as they are accessed from the user’s environment.


While using a non-domain-joined agent, WEM might not work if you use a network share.


User Interface: Desktop. These settings control which desktop elements are disabled by the agent.

User Interface: Edge UI. These settings allow you to disable aspects of the Windows 8.x Edge user interface.

Windows Explorer

These settings control which Windows Explorer functionalities are disabled by the agent.

User Interface: Explorer. These options allow you to disable access to regedit or cmd, and hide certain elements in Windows Explorer.

Hide Specified Drives from Explorer. If enabled, the listed drives are hidden from the user’s My Computer menu. They are still accessible if browsed to directly.

Restrict Specified Drives from Explorer. If enabled, the listed drives are blocked. Neither the users nor their applications can access them.

Control Panel

Hide Control Panel. This option is enabled by default to secure the user environment. If disabled, the users have access to their Windows control panel.

Show only specified Control Panel Applets. If enabled, all control panel applets except the ones listed here are hidden from the user. Additional applets are added using their canonical name.

Hide specified Control Panel Applets. If enabled, only the listed control panel applets are hidden. Additional applets are added using their canonical name.

See Common Control Panel applets along with their canonical names.

Known folders management

Disable Specified Known Folders. Prevents the creation of the specified user profile known folders at profile creation.

SBC/HVD tuning

User Environment: Advanced Tuning. These options allow you to optimize performance in SBC/HVD environments.

Environmental Settings