[go: nahoru, domu]

Chapter 14. Tutorial - 'This and That'

14.1. Directory creation

There is a common situation, that multiple tasks depend on the existence of a directory. Of course you can deal with this by adding a mkdir to the beginning of those tasks. But this is kind of bloated. There is a better solution (works only if the tasks that need the directory have a dependsOn relationship):

Example 14.1. Directory creation with mkdir


classesDir = new File('build/classes')
task resources << {
    // do something
task compile(dependsOn: 'resources') << {
    if (classesDir.isDirectory()) {
        println 'The class directory exists. I can operate'
    // do something

Output of gradle -q compile

> gradle -q compile
The class directory exists. I can operate

14.2. Gradle properties and system properties

Gradle offers a variety of ways to add properties to your build. With the -D command line option you can pass a system property to the JVM which runs Gradle. The -D option of the gradle command has the same effect as the -D option of the java command.

You can also directly add properties to your project objects using properties files. You can place a gradle.properties file in the Gradle user home directory (defaults to USER_HOME/.gradle) or in your project directory. For multi-project builds you can place gradle.properties files in any subproject directory. The properties of the gradle.properties can be accessed via the project object. The properties file in the user's home directory has precedence over property files in the project directories.

You can also add properties directly to your project object via the -P command line option. For more exotic use cases you can even pass properties directly to the project object via system and environment properties. For example if you run a build on a continuous integration server where you have no admin rights for the machine. Your build script needs properties which values should not be seen by others. Therefore you can't use the -P option. In this case you can add an environment property in the project administration section (invisible to normal users). [6] If the environment property follows the pattern ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_propertyName=somevalue, propertyName is added to your project object. If in the future CI servers support Gradle directly, they might start Gradle via its main method. Therefore we already support the same mechanism for system properties. The only difference is the pattern, which is org.gradle.project.propertyName.

With the gradle.properties files you can also set system properties. If a property in such a file has the prefix systemProp. the property and its value are added to the system properties, without the prefix.

Example 14.2. Setting properties with a gradle.properties file




task printProps << {
    println commandLineProjectProp
    println gradlePropertiesProp
    println systemProjectProp
    println envProjectProp
    println System.properties['system']

Output of gradle -q -PcommandLineProjectProp=commandLineProjectPropValue -Dorg.gradle.project.systemProjectProp=systemPropertyValue printProps

> gradle -q -PcommandLineProjectProp=commandLineProjectPropValue -Dorg.gradle.project.systemProjectProp=systemPropertyValue printProps

14.2.1. Checking for project properties

You can access a project property in your build script simply by using its name as you would use a variable. In case this property does not exists, an exception is thrown and the build fails. If your build script relies on optional properties the user might set for example in a gradle.properties file, you need to check for existence before you can access them. You can do this by using the method hasProperty('propertyName') which returns true or false.

14.3. Configuring the project using an external build script

You can configure the current project using an external build script. All of the Gradle build language is available in the external script. You can even apply other scripts from the external script.

Example 14.3. Configuring the project using an external build script


apply from: 'other.gradle'


println "configuring $project"
task hello << {
    println 'hello from other script'

Output of gradle -q hello

> gradle -q hello
configuring root project 'configureProjectUsingScript'
hello from other script

14.4. Configuring arbitrary objects

You can configure arbitrary objects in the following very readable way.

Example 14.4. Configuring arbitrary objects


task configure << {
    pos = configure(new java.text.FieldPosition(10)) {
        beginIndex = 1
        endIndex = 5
    println pos.beginIndex
    println pos.endIndex

Output of gradle -q configure

> gradle -q configure

14.5. Configuring arbitrary objects using an external script

You can also configure arbitrary objects using an external script.

Example 14.5. Configuring arbitrary objects using a script


task configure << {
    pos = new java.text.FieldPosition(10)
    // Apply the script
    apply from: 'other.gradle', to: pos
    println pos.beginIndex
    println pos.endIndex


beginIndex = 1;
endIndex = 5;

Output of gradle -q configure

> gradle -q configure

14.6. Caching

To improve responsiveness Gradle caches all compiled scripts by default. This includes all build scripts, initialization scripts, and other scripts. The first time you run a build for a project, Gradle creates a .gradle directory in which it puts the compiled script. The next time you run this build, Gradle uses the compiled script, if the script has not changed since it was compiled. Otherwise the script gets compiled and the new version is stored in the cache. If you run Gradle with the --recompile-scripts option, the cached script is discarded and the script is compiled and stored in the cache. This way you can force Gradle to rebuild the cache.

[6] Teamcity or Bamboo are for example CI servers which offer this functionality.