[go: nahoru, domu]

Chapter 11. Using the Gradle Command-Line

This chapter introduces the basics of the Gradle command-line. You run a build using the gradle command, which you have already seen in action in previous chapters.

11.1. Executing multiple tasks

You can execute multiple tasks in a single build by listing each of the tasks on the command-line. For example, the command gradle compile test will execute the compile and test tasks. Gradle will execute the tasks in the order that they are listed on the command-line, and will also execute the dependencies for each task. Each task is executed once only, regardless of how it came to be included in the build: whether it was specified on the command-line, or it a dependency of another task, or both. Let's look at an example.

Below four tasks are defined. Both dist and test depend on the compile task. Running gradle dist test for this build script results in the compile task being executed only once.

Figure 11.1. Task dependencies

Task dependencies

Example 11.1. Executing multiple tasks


task compile << {
    println 'compiling source'

task compileTest(dependsOn: compile) << {
    println 'compiling unit tests'

task test(dependsOn: [compile, compileTest]) << {
    println 'running unit tests'

task dist(dependsOn: [compile, test]) << {
    println 'building the distribution'

Output of gradle dist test

> gradle dist test
compiling source
compiling unit tests
running unit tests
building the distribution


Total time: 1 secs

Because each task is executed once only, executing gradle test test is exactly the same as executing gradle test.

11.2. Excluding tasks

You can exclude a task from being executed using the -x command-line option and providing the name of the task to exclude. Let's try this with the sample build file above.

Example 11.2. Excluding tasks

Output of gradle dist -x test

> gradle dist -x test
compiling source
building the distribution


Total time: 1 secs

You can see from the output of this example, that the test task is not executed, even though it is a dependency of the dist task. You will also notice that the test task's dependencies, such as compileTest are not executed either. Those dependencies of test that are required by another task, such as compile, are still executed.

11.3. Task name abbreviation

When you specify tasks on the command-line, you don't have to provide the full name of the task. You only need to provide enough of the task name to uniquely identify the task. For example, in the sample build above, you can execute task dist by running gradle d:

Example 11.3. Abbreviated task name

Output of gradle di

> gradle di
compiling source
compiling unit tests
running unit tests
building the distribution


Total time: 1 secs

You can also abbreviate each word in a camel case task name. For example, you can execute task compileTest by running gradle compTest or even gradle cT

Example 11.4. Abbreviated camel case task name

Output of gradle cT

> gradle cT
compiling source
compiling unit tests


Total time: 1 secs

You can also use these abbreviations with the -x command-line option.

11.4. Selecting which build to execute

When you run the gradle command, it looks for a build file in the current directory. You can use the -b option to select another build file. If you use -b option then settings.gradle file is not used. Example:

Example 11.5. Selecting the project using a build file


task hello << {
    println "using build file '$buildFile.name' in '$buildFile.parentFile.name'."

Output of gradle -q -b subdir/myproject.gradle hello

> gradle -q -b subdir/myproject.gradle hello
using build file 'myproject.gradle' in 'subdir'.

Alternatively, you can use the -p option to specify the project directory to use. For multi-project builds you should use -p option instead of -b option.

Example 11.6. Selecting the project using project directory

Output of gradle -q -p subdir hello

> gradle -q -p subdir hello
using build file 'build.gradle' in 'subdir'.

11.5. Obtaining information about your build

Gradle provides several built-in tasks which show particular details of your build. This can be useful for understanding the structure and dependencies of your build, and for debugging problems.

In addition to the built-in tasks shown below, you can also use the project report plugin to add tasks to your project which will generate these reports.

11.5.1. Listing projects

Running gradle projects gives you a list of the sub-projects of the selected project, displayed in a hierarchy. Here is an example:

Example 11.7. Obtaining information about projects

Output of gradle -q projects

> gradle -q projects
Root project

Root project 'projectReports'
+--- Project ':api' - The shared API for the application
\--- Project ':webapp' - The Web application implementation

To see a list of the tasks of a project, run gradle <project-path>:tasks
For example, try running gradle :api:tasks

The report shows the description of each project, if specified. You can provide a description for a project by setting the description property:

Example 11.8. Providing a description for a project


description = 'The shared API for the application'

11.5.2. Listing tasks

Running gradle tasks gives you a list of the main tasks of the selected project. This report shows the default tasks for the project, if any, and a description for each task. Below is an example of this report:

Example 11.9. Obtaining information about tasks

Output of gradle -q tasks

> gradle -q tasks
All tasks runnable from root project

Default tasks: dists

Build tasks
clean - Deletes the build directory (build)
dists - Builds the distribution
libs - Builds the JAR

Help tasks
dependencies - Displays the dependencies of root project 'projectReports'.
help - Displays a help message
projects - Displays the sub-projects of root project 'projectReports'.
properties - Displays the properties of root project 'projectReports'.
tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'projectReports' (some of the displayed tasks may belong to subprojects).

To see all tasks and more detail, run with --all.

By default, this report shows only those tasks which have been assigned to a task group. You can do this by setting the group property for the task. You can also set the description property, to provide a description to be included in the report.

Example 11.10. Changing the content of the task report


dists {
    description = 'Builds the distribution'
    group = 'build'

You can obtain more information in the task listing using the --all option. With this option, the task report lists all tasks in the project, grouped by main task, and the dependencies for each task. Here is an example:

Example 11.11. Obtaining more information about tasks

Output of gradle -q tasks --all

> gradle -q tasks --all
All tasks runnable from root project

Default tasks: dists

Build tasks
clean - Deletes the build directory (build)
api:clean - Deletes the build directory (build)
webapp:clean - Deletes the build directory (build)
dists - Builds the distribution [api:libs, webapp:libs]
    docs - Builds the documentation
api:libs - Builds the JAR
    api:compile - Compiles the source files
webapp:libs - Builds the JAR [api:libs]
    webapp:compile - Compiles the source files

Help tasks
dependencies - Displays the dependencies of root project 'projectReports'.
help - Displays a help message
projects - Displays the sub-projects of root project 'projectReports'.
properties - Displays the properties of root project 'projectReports'.
tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'projectReports' (some of the displayed tasks may belong to subprojects).

11.5.3. Listing project dependencies

Running gradle dependencies gives you a list of the dependencies of the selected project, broken down by configuration. For each configuration, the direct and transitive dependencies of that configuration are shown in a tree. Below is an example of this report:

Example 11.12. Obtaining information about dependencies

Output of gradle -q dependencies api:dependencies webapp:dependencies

> gradle -q dependencies api:dependencies webapp:dependencies
Root project

No configurations

Project :api - The shared API for the application

\--- org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:1.8.4 [default]

Project :webapp - The Web application implementation

+--- projectReports:api:1.0-SNAPSHOT [compile]
|    \--- org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:1.8.4 [default]
\--- commons-io:commons-io:1.2 [default]

11.5.4. Listing project properties

Running gradle properties gives you a list of the properties of the selected project. This is a snippet from the output:

Example 11.13. Information about properties

Output of gradle -q api:properties

> gradle -q api:properties
Project :api - The shared API for the application

allprojects: [project ':api']
ant: org.gradle.api.internal.project.DefaultAntBuilder@12345
antBuilderFactory: org.gradle.api.internal.project.DefaultAntBuilderFactory@12345
artifacts: org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.DefaultArtifactHandler@12345
asDynamicObject: org.gradle.api.internal.ExtensibleDynamicObject@12345
buildDir: /home/user/gradle/samples/userguide/tutorial/projectReports/api/build
buildFile: /home/user/gradle/samples/userguide/tutorial/projectReports/api/build.gradle

11.5.5. Profiling a build

The --profile command line option will record some useful timing information while your build is running and write a report to the build/reports/profile directory. The report will be named using the time when the build was run.

This report lists summary times and details for both the configuration phase and task execution. The times for configuration and task execution are sorted with the most expensive operations first. The task execution results also indicate if any tasks were skipped (and the reason) or if tasks that were not skipped did no work.

Builds which utilize a buildSrc directory will generate a second profile report for buildSrc in the buildSrc/build directory.

11.6. Dry Run

Sometimes you are interested in which tasks are executed in which order for a given set of tasks specified on the command line, but you don't want the tasks to be executed. You can use the -m option for this. For example gradle -m clean compile shows you all tasks to be executed as part of the clean and compile tasks. This is complementary to the tasks task, which shows you the tasks which are available for execution.

11.7. Summary

In this chapter, you have seen some of the things you can do with Gradle from the command-line. You can find out more about the gradle command in Appendix C, Gradle Command Line.