[go: nahoru, domu]

Gradle Release Notes

Version 2.1

The big news in Gradle 2.1 is the new, simpler, mechanism for using community plugins in your build, integrated with the new Gradle Plugin Portal. This is one of many improvements planned to expand the Gradle platform by making the lives of both plugins developers and users better through new features and tooling.

Another very new exciting feature is the addition of incremental Java compilation, which promises to significantly reduce compilation times during the development cycle. Users of Apache Ant and Apache Maven may be familiar with incremental Java compilation from those tools. Gradle's incremental Java compiler is not based on the same approach as these tools and does not suffer from the same set of problems that plague incremental compilation with these tools. Please see the “Incremental Java compilation” section in “New and noteworthy” for more information.

The maven-publish and ivy-publish plugins have been improved in this release. When using the maven-publish plugin, dependency exclusions specified when consuming dependencies are now translated to the published POM when publishing in Maven format. The ivy-publish plugin is continuing to expand and support more of Apache Ivy's extensive configuration options. In this release it is now easier to specify the branch attribute for Ivy publications and to specify arbitrary “extra info”.

IDE integration continues to be a strong area of focus. The Tooling API, which is used by IDEs and other tooling to embed Gradle, now supports canceling a running operation or build. This is a particularly welcome improvement for Android Studio users, who can expect the coming releases of Android Studio to leverage this new functionality.

We are particularly proud of Gradle 2.1 containing contributions from 18 people outside of the core Gradle development team, which is a new record for the project. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Also, thanks to all who raise issue reports for the Gradle 2.0 release allowing us to make Gradle 2.1 even better.

As usual there's also a smattering of other improvements and bug fixes, detailed below.

We hope you enjoy Gradle 2.1.

Table Of Contents

New and noteworthy

Here are the new features introduced in this Gradle release.

Easier use of community plugins incubating feature

The new plugin resolution mechanism, backed by the new Gradle Plugin Portal, makes it easier to use community Gradle plugins. Instead of combining a buildscript script block and an apply statement, both statements can be replaced by a plugins script block.

plugins {
    id 'com.company.myplugin' version '1.3'

Gradle will query the Plugin Portal for the implementation details of the specified plugins. The Plugin Portal's plugin browsing interface provides copy/paste friendly snippets.

All plugin authors are encouraged to submit their plugins for inclusion in the Plugin Portal. Submission instructions can be found on the Plugin Portal site.

Many enhancements and features are planned for both the Plugin Portal and plugins in general. The new plugins {} block is not yet a complete replacement for the existing apply() method that is used to apply plugins. Its functionality will be expanded over coming releases.

Incremental Java compilation incubating feature

Gradle 2.1 adds, incubating, support for compiling Java code incrementally.

Gradle has long had the ability to perform any build task incrementally by only performing the task if the inputs or outputs of the task change. When applied to Java compilation, this means that all the source for a given task will be compiled if any source file needs to be recompiled. The new incremental compilation feature compliments incremental task execution by only recompiling the actual source that needs to be recompiled, instead of all the source.

Incremental compilation has two key benefits:

  1. Reduced compilation time during development due to less files being compiled
  2. Class files whose content is unchanged by a compile are not updated on the filesystem

The second point above is important for tools such as JRebel that watch for changed class files in order to reload the class at runtime.

Incremental compilation can be enabled via the options property of the JavaCompile task. The following example illustrates enabling incremental compilation for all JavaCompile tasks.

allprojects {
    tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
        options.incremental = true

Incremental compilation requires extra work and record keeping during compilation to achieve. This means that a full compile when incremental compile is enabled can be slower than if it was not enabled. However, this cost is offset for subsequent compile operations as only a subset of the source is compiled.

The current implementation is not able to fully analyze the impact of all changes to the source code in terms of identifying exactly which classes need to be recompiled. In such situations, all of the source will be recompiled in order to avoid inconsistent compilation results. Incremental Java compilation will improve over coming Gradle versions to be generally faster, and to invoke a full recompile in response to fewer types of changes.

It is worthwhile to note that Gradle's incremental Java compiler is not based on Apache Ant's incremental compiler (which is also used by Apache Maven). Incremental compilation with Ant (and Maven) has severe limitations and is notorious for producing inconsistent results. That is, it frequently produces different set of bytecode to what a full recompile would produce. This is due to it being based on timestamp comparisons and dependency analysis through bytecode analysis alone. The Gradle incremental compiler is not based on timestamps and also employs bytecode and source analysis in order to more thoroughly analyze the impact of a change.

While we have extensively tested this feature during development, it will significantly benefit from usage “in the field”. Please try out this exciting new feature and report any problems encountered via the Gradle Forums.

For more information please see the user guide section on “Incremental Java Compilation”.

Use of HTTPS for mavenCentral() and jcenter() dependency repositories

The commonly used Maven Central and Bintray jCenter repositories are now accessed over the HTTPS protocol. No change is required to builds to take advantage of this change.

If you are using the mavenCentral() or jcenter() repository notations your build will now access these repositories via HTTPS.

Groovy version upgraded to 2.3.6

Gradle 2.1 includes Groovy 2.3.6, where Gradle 2.0 included Groovy 2.3.4.

This is a non breaking change. All build scripts and plugins that work with Gradle 2.0 will continue to work without change.

Child process descriptions in process listings

Gradle often launches child processes during a build to perform work. For example, Gradle executes test in a forked JVM process. During a large build, particularly when building in parallel, there may be more than one forked Gradle process at any time. In previous Gradle versions, there was no practical way to determine which process was doing what without looking inside the JVM of each process. Processes are now started with a description as a command line argument. Command line arguments are usually displayed by process listing utilities such as ps and jps, which makes it easy to now identify what kind of Gradle process it is.

The following is an example of output from 'jps -m' during a Gradle 2.1 build:

28649 GradleWorkerMain 'Gradle Test Executor 17'
28630 GradleWorkerMain 'Gradle Compiler Daemon 1'

This feature was contributed by Rob Spieldenner during the “Contributing To Gradle Workshop” at the Gradle Summit 2014 Conference.

Groovy Compiler Configuration Script Support incubating feature

It is now possible to perform advanced Groovy compilation configuration by way of the new GroovyCompileOptions.configurationScript property (the GroovyCompileOptions instance is available as the groovyOptions property of the GroovyCompile task). This makes it possible to impose global compiler transformations and other configuration.

For example, to globally enable Groovy's strict type checking, a compiler config script can be created with…

import groovy.transform.TypeChecked

withConfig(configuration) {

And specified in the build script as…

compileGroovy {
  groovyOptions.configurationScript = file("myConfigScript.groovy")

Where file("myConfigScript.groovy") contains the Groovy code from above.

This feature was contributed by Cédric Champeau.

PMD Console Output incubating feature

It is now possible to have PMD static analysis print results directly to the console.

pmd {
  consoleOutput = true

Output will be written to System.out in addition to any configured reports.

This feature was contributed by Vyacheslav Blinov.

Dependency exclusions are included in POM file by maven-publish plugin incubating feature

The incubating maven-publish plugin will now handle dependency excludes when generating a POM file for publishing.

So for a dependency declaration like:

dependencies {
    compile("my.org:my-module:1.2") {
        exclude group: 'commons-logging', module: 'commons-logging'
        exclude group: 'commons-collections'

The generated POM file will contain the following content:


This feature addresses [GRADLE-2945] and was contributed by Biswa Dahal.

Support for the 'branch' attribute when publishing or resolving Ivy modules incubating feature

The incubating ivy-publish plugin now supports setting the 'branch' attribute on the module being published:

publishing {
    publications {
        ivy(IvyPublication) {
            descriptor.branch = 'testing'

When resolving Ivy modules, component metadata rules can also access the branch attribute via the IvyModuleDescriptor interface.

dependencies {
    components {
        eachComponent { ComponentMetadataDetails details, IvyModuleDescriptor ivyModule ->
            if (details.id.group == 'my.org' && ivyModule.branch == 'testing') {
                details.changing = true

Support for publishing extra 'info' elements when publishing Ivy modules incubating feature

The incubating ivy-publish plugin now supports publishing extra 'info' elements to the ivy.xml file generated via the IvyModuleDescriptorSpec interface. Configured extra info elements are added as children of the ivy 'info' element.

publishing {
    publications {
        ivy(IvyPublication) {
            descriptor.extraInfo 'http://my.namespace', 'myElement', 'Some value'

Note that the ivy schema demands that any extra info elements be added after any child elements of 'info' that are defined in the schema (e.g. 'description' or 'ivyauthor').
This means that any withXml() actions must take care to insert any schema-defined 'info' child elements before any extra 'info' elements that may have been added.

Furthermore, retrieving extra info elements with namespace when resolving Ivy modules is also available now.
This is exposed via the IvyExtraInfo object in component metadata rules.

dependencies {
    components {
        eachComponent { ComponentMetadataDetails details, IvyModuleDescriptor ivyModule ->
            if (ivyModule.extraInfo.get('http://my.namespace', 'myElement') == 'changing') {
                details.changing = true

Note that the Map<String, String> representation for extra info elements in IvyModuleDescriptor has been replaced with IvyExtraInfo.

Tooling API improvements

The tooling API is used to embed and programmatically invoke Gradle builds. This release sees some new features added to the tooling API.

Cancellation support in Tooling API incubating feature

The Tooling API now provides a way to cancel operations, such as running a build, using the CancellationTokenSource API to submit cancel requests. The current implementation attempts to cancel the build first, and then will resort to stopping the daemon.

Task visibility is exposed in Tooling API incubating feature

This release sees further improvements to the BuildInvocations model added in Gradle 1.12. In particular, tasks and selectors accessible from this model now expose information about their visibility as the public property.

This change means that it is now possible to implement the equivalent of gradle tasks using the tooling API.

Command line report to show details of the components produced by the build incubating feature

Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out exactly how Gradle has been configured and what a given build will produce. To help address this, Gradle now includes a new command line report that shows you some useful details about the components that your project produces. To use the report, simply run gradle components.

In this release, the report shows details of the native libraries and executables defined by the native language plugins. It also shows some basic details about the components defined by the Jvm language plugins. Over the next few releases, this report will grow to include more information about other types of components.

Fixed issues

Potential breaking changes

Upgrade to Groovy 2.3.6

The version of Groovy that Gradle uses to compile and run build scripts has been upgraded from 2.3.4 to 2.3.6. This should be a non-breaking change, but is mentioned as it is an update to a library that is used by all Gradle builds.

Changed Java compiler integration for joint Java - Scala compilation

The ScalaCompile task type now uses the same Java compiler integration as the JavaCompile and GroovyCompile task types for performing joint Java - Scala compilation. Previously it would use the old Ant-based Java compiler integration, which is no longer supported in the Gradle 2.x stream.

This change should be backwards compatible for all users, and should improve compilation time when compiling Java and Scala together.

jcenter() repository notation now uses HTTPS instead of HTTP

The jcenter() repository definition now uses HTTPS instead of HTTP. This should be backwards compatible for all users. If for any reason you want to use explicitly HTTP for connecting the Bintray's JCenter repository you can simply reconfigure the URL:

repositories {
    jcenter {
        url = "http://jcenter.bintray.com/"

mavenCentral() repository notation now uses HTTPS instead of HTTP

The mavenCentral() repository definition now uses HTTPS instead of HTTP. This should be backwards compatible for all users. If for any reason you want to use explicitly HTTP for connecting the Maven Central repository you can simply add the repo with the HTTP protocol explicitly:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = "http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/"

Default FindBugs version was upgraded to 3.0.0

This way the FindBugs plugin works out of the box with newer Java versions (most notably: Java 1.8). If you use Java 1.6 you need to configure an older version of FindBugs explicitly:

findbugs {
    toolVersion = '2.0.3'

Changes to incubating native language plugins

The Gradle team is currently working hard on a new, faster configuration model as well as rework that will enable full dependency management support for native binaries. As part of this work, many changes have been made to the incubating native language plugins. While some effort has been made to avoid unnecessary breakages, in many cases such changes have been required.

It is anticipated that these plugins will remain unstable for the next release or two. Considering that fact, it may be prudent to hold off upgrading your native build until the underlying infrastructure has stabilised. Naturally, we'll be happy to assist with your migration, whether you choose to stick with the 'bleeding-edge' or prefer to wait.

Native language plugins no longer apply the base plugin

The native language plugins now apply the LifecycleBasePlugin instead of the BasePlugin. This means that the default values defined by the BasePlugin are not available.

Of note, the following actions of the BasePlugin will be missing:

  • The org.gradle.api.plugins.BasePluginConvention and it's use to configure the dists directory, libs directory and archivesBaseName
  • The build<Configuration> task rule
  • The upload<Configuration> task rule
  • Any default Configuration instances

Domain model reorganisation

Many domain model classes have been renamed for consistency, and to permit better integration with the new jvm component model.

In general, model classes that define how a component or binary is built have been renamed with the Spec suffix. (Previously, we inconsistently used the Project prefix for this purpose). For example, ProjectNativeComponent is now NativeComponentSpec and CUnitTestSuiteBinary is now CUnitTestSuiteBinarySpec.

In addition to these renames for consistency, the following changes were made:

  • Merged NativeTestSuite and ProjectComponentNativeTestSuite
  • NativeTestSuiteBinary no longer extends NativeExecutableBinary
  • Merged TestSuiteExecutableBinary into NativeTestSuiteBinary

Changes to native cross compilation and custom platforms support

To avoid a proliferation of methods on PlatformConfigurableToolChain, we removed:

  • target(Platform, Action)
  • target(Platform)
  • target(Iterable<? extends Platform>)
  • target(List<String>)
  • target(String... platformNames)
  • target(Iterable<? extends Platform>, Action<? super TargetedPlatformToolChain>)

Changes to sources DSL

When a language plugin is applied, a LanguageSourceSet is only added to a FunctionalSourceSet when that FunctionalSourceSet is associated with a component. In practise, this means that a build script should configure any language source sets after the components have been defined.

More details are available in the following section: Changes to the incubating LanguageBasePlugin.

Changes to CUnit configuration DSL

  • The C language source set for CUnit test sources has been renamed from 'cunit' to 'c'. This means that by convention Gradle will look for test sources in src/<test-suite-name>/c.
  • The CUnit test suite components are created via model rules, and must be configured via model rules:

    model { testSuites { helloTest { binaries.all { lib library: "cunit", linkage: "static" } } } }

  • The source set for a test suite component is created via model rules, and must be configured via model rules:

    model { sources { variantTest { c { lib sources.hello.c lib sources.helloTest.cunitLauncher } } } }

  • The RunTestExecutable task now implements ExecSpec, allow test execution to be further configured.

    • The RunTestExecutable.testExecutable property has been removed and replaced by RunTestExecutable.executable.

Removed old mechanism for declaring dependencies

Very early versions of the cpp-lib and cpp-exe plugins had rudimentary support for publishing and resolving native components. This support was never fully functional, and has now been completely removed in preparation for full support in the upcoming releases.

Changes to the incubating LanguageBasePlugin

The LanguageBasePlugin serves as a basis for the new component-based native and java language plugin suites. As part of ongoing work in these domains, major changes have been made to this base plugin.

Domain model reorganisation

  • Renamed ProjectComponent -> ComponentSpec
  • Renamed ProjectComponentContainer -> ComponentSpecContainer
  • Renamed ComponentSpecIdentifier -> NamedProjectComponentIdentifier
  • Renamed ProjectBinary -> BinarySpec

Renamed projectComponents container to componentSpecs

The projectComponents container extension has been renamed to componentSpecs. This container is now added by the ComponentModelBasePlugin and not by the LanguageBasePlugin.

Creation of default LanguageSourceSet instances

In previous Gradle versions each language plugin applied triggered the automatic creation of a LanguageSourceSet for each FunctionalSourceSet in the project. With Gradle 2.1, this has been changed to that only languages appropriate to the respective component are added to the FunctionalSourceSet.

To facilitate this change, a functional source set is created for each declared component in the build at the point of constructing the component.

Consider the example:

apply plugin: 'cpp'
apply plugin: 'java-lang'

executables {

This example defines a NativeExecutable component named 'main' and will also create the FunctionalSourceSet 'sources.main'. A CppSourceSet 'cpp' will be added to 'sources.main', but no JavaSourceSet will be added because this language is not applicable to a NativeExecutable.

Similarly, when a jvm library is defined no c or cpp source sets will be created, even when the c and cpp language plugins are applied.

If the source sets of a component require further configuration, it is necessary to place this configuration after the declaration of the component:

executables {

sources {
    main {
        cpp {
            source {
                srcDirs "src/main/cpp", "src/shared/c++"
                include "**{@literal /}*.cpp"

Alternatively, you can create and configure any FunctionalSourceSet and LanguageSourceSet instances directly via the sources DSL at any time:

apply plugin:'cpp'

sources {
    lib {
        // explicitly create a cpp source set of type CppSourceSet

Changes to incubating Java language plugins

To better support the production of multiple binary outputs for a single set of sources, a new set of Java language plugins was introduced in Gradle 1.x. This development continues in this release, with the removal of the jvm-lang plugin, and the replacement of the java-lang plugin with a completely new implementation.

The existing java plugin is unchanged: only users who explicitly applied the jvm-lang or java-lang plugins will be affected by this change.

Plugin reorganisation

The plugin classes org.gradle.api.plugins.JvmLanguagePlugin and org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaLanguagePlugin were merged into org.gradle.api.plugins.LegacyJavaComponentPlugin to avoid confusions with org.gradle.language.java.plugins.JavaLanguagePlugin.

The new plugin class org.gradle.language.java.plugins.LegacyJavaComponentPlugin does not register a factory for JavaSourceSet and ResourceSourceSet on each FunctionalSourceSet.

Domain model reorganisation

  • Renamed ProjectClassDirectoryBinary -> ClassDirectoryBinarySpec
  • Renamed ProjectJarBinary -> JarBinarySpec

Generated maven pom contains dependency exclusions

The maven-publish plugin will now correctly add required 'exclusion' elements to the generated POM. If you have a build or plugin that applies these exclusions itself, the generated POM file may contain duplicate 'exclusion' elements.

Internal methods removed

Changes to JUnit class loading

Previously, Gradle initialized test classes before trying to execute any individual test case. As of Gradle 2.1, classes are not initialized until the execution of the first test case (GRADLE-3114). This change was made for compatibility with the popular Android unit testing library, Robolectric.

This change impacts how classes that fail to initialize are reported. Previously a single failure would be reported with a test case name of initializerError with the details of the failure. After this change, the first test case of the class that cannot be initialized will contain details of the failure, while subsequent test cases of the class will fail with a NoClassDefFoundError.

This change will not cause tests that previously passed to start failing.

configuration.exclude now validates the input

Previously, a typo in a configuration-level dependency exclude rule remained undetected and led to problems like GRADLE-3124. Now the build fails fast when exclude rule is configured with a wrong key.

//fails fast now, 'module' is the correct key
configurations.compile.exclude modue: "kafka"

We suspect that the impact will be minimal to none hence we don't deprecate this behavior.

Container creation methods now take precedence over other methods with the same signature

In response to the Gradle 2.0 regression GRADLE-3126, a change has been made to how container element configuration methods are dispatched. This is unlikely to impact builds as the actual implementation now matches what is usually the intended behavior.

Prior to Gradle 2.1, the following build script would fail:

apply plugin: "java"

task integrationTest {}

sourceSets {
  integrationTest {}

assert sourceSets.findByName("integrationTest") != null

The integrationTest source set would not be created because there is already a viable integrationTest {} method.

As of Gradle 2.1 the above script will not fail because it is interpreted that the intent is to create a new source set named integrationTest. This applies to all named domain object containers in Gradle.

ModelRule, ModelFinalizer, ModelRules removed

These incubating classes formed the API being used to manage model configuration by plugins. They have been removed in favor of a different approach.

The replacement mechanism is currently undocumented and not yet designed for public use.

TaskParameter replaced with TaskExecutionRequest

IvyModuleDescriptor renamed to IvyModuleDescriptorSpec

IvyModuleMetadata renamed to IvyModuleDescriptor

External contributions

We would like to thank the following community members for making contributions to this release of Gradle.

We love getting contributions from the Gradle community. For information on contributing, please see gradle.org/contribute.

Known issues

Known issues are problems that were discovered post release that are directly related to changes made in this release.