
API Documentation:BuildCacheConfiguration

Configuration for the build cache for an entire Gradle build.



The local directory cache configuration.


The remote cache configuration.



Configures the local cache with the given type.

local(type, configuration)

Configures the local cache with the given type.


Executes the given action against the local configuration.


Configures a remote cache with the given type.

remote(type, configuration)

Configures a remote cache with the given type.


Executes the given action against the currently configured remote cache.

Script blocks

No script blocks

Property details

DirectoryBuildCache local (read-only)

The local directory cache configuration.

BuildCache remote (read-only)

The remote cache configuration.

Method details

T local(Class<T> type)

Note: This method is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of Gradle.

Configures the local cache with the given type.

Note: using any type except DirectoryBuildCache is invalid.

T local(Class<T> type, Action<? super T> configuration)

Note: This method is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of Gradle.

Configures the local cache with the given type.

Note: using any type except DirectoryBuildCache is invalid.

void local(Action<? super DirectoryBuildCache> configuration)

Executes the given action against the local configuration.

T remote(Class<T> type)

Configures a remote cache with the given type.

If a remote build cache has already been configured with a different type, this method replaces it.

Storing ("push") in the remote build cache is disabled by default.

T remote(Class<T> type, Action<? super T> configuration)

Configures a remote cache with the given type.

If a remote build cache has already been configured with a different type, this method replaces it.

If a remote build cache has already been configured with the same, this method configures it.

Storing ("push") in the remote build cache is disabled by default.

void remote(Action<? super BuildCache> configuration)

Executes the given action against the currently configured remote cache.