Class TestReport

    • Constructor Detail

      • TestReport

        public TestReport()
    • Method Detail

      • getBuildOperationRunner

        protected org.gradle.internal.operations.BuildOperationRunner getBuildOperationRunner()
      • getBuildOperationExecutor

        protected org.gradle.internal.operations.BuildOperationExecutor getBuildOperationExecutor()
      • getObjectFactory

        protected ObjectFactory getObjectFactory()
      • getDestinationDir

        public getDestinationDir()
        Returns the directory to write the HTML report to. This method is @Deprecated, please use getDestinationDirectory() instead.
      • setDestinationDir

        public void setDestinationDir​( destinationDir)
        Sets the directory to write the HTML report to. This method is @Deprecated, please use getTestResults() instead to access the new collection property.
      • reportOn

        public void reportOn​(java.lang.Object... results)
        Adds some results to include in the report.

        This method accepts any parameter of the given types:

        • A Test task instance. The results from the test task are included in the report. The test task is automatically added as a dependency of this task.
        • Anything that can be converted to a set of File instances as per Project.files(Object...). These must point to the binary test results directory generated by a Test task instance.
        • An Iterable. The contents of the iterable are converted recursively.
        This method is @Deprecated - use getTestResults() and invoke ConfigurableFileCollection.from(Object...) instead, passing references to AbstractTestTask.getBinaryResultsDirectory() as arguments.
        results - The result objects.