Interface SourceDirectorySet

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        A concise name for the source directory set (typically used to identify it in a collection).
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Named
        The name. Never null.
      • srcDir

        SourceDirectorySet srcDir​(java.lang.Object srcPath)
        Adds the given source directory to this set. The given directory does not need to exist. Directories that do not exist are ignored.
        srcPath - The source directory. This is evaluated as per Project.files(Object...)
      • srcDirs

        SourceDirectorySet srcDirs​(java.lang.Object... srcPaths)
        Adds the given source directories to this set. The given directories do not need to exist. Directories that do not exist are ignored.
        srcPaths - The source directories. These are evaluated as per Project.files(Object...)
      • getSrcDirs

        java.util.Set<> getSrcDirs()
        Returns the source directories that make up this set. Does not filter source directories that do not exist.
        The source directories. Returns an empty set when this set contains no source directories.
      • setSrcDirs

        SourceDirectorySet setSrcDirs​(java.lang.Iterable<?> srcPaths)
        Sets the source directories for this set.
        srcPaths - The source directories. These are evaluated as per Project.files(Object...)
      • getSourceDirectories

        FileCollection getSourceDirectories()
        Returns the source directories that make up this set, represented as a FileCollection. Does not filter source directories that do not exist. Generally, it is preferable to use this method instead of getSrcDirs(), as this method does not require the source directories to be calculated when it is called. Instead, the source directories are calculated when queried. The return value of this method also maintains dependency information.

        The returned collection is live and reflects changes to this source directory set.

      • getSrcDirTrees

        java.util.Set<DirectoryTree> getSrcDirTrees()
        Returns the source directory trees that make up this set. Does not filter source directories that do not exist.
        The source directory trees. Returns an empty set when this set contains no source directories.
      • getFilter

        PatternFilterable getFilter()
        Returns the filter used to select the source from the source directories. These filter patterns are applied after the include and exclude patterns of this source directory set. Generally, the filter patterns are used to restrict the contents to certain types of files, eg *.java.
        The filter patterns.
      • getDestinationDirectory

        DirectoryProperty getDestinationDirectory()
        Configure the directory to assemble the compiled classes into.
        The destination directory property for this set of sources.
      • getClassesDirectory

        Provider<Directory> getClassesDirectory()
        Returns the directory property that is bound to the task that produces the output via compiledBy(TaskProvider, Function). Use this as part of a classpath or input to another task to ensure that the output is created before it is used. Note: To define the path of the output folder use getDestinationDirectory()
        The classes directory property for this set of sources.
      • compiledBy

        <T extends Task> void compiledBy​(TaskProvider<T> taskProvider,
                                         java.util.function.Function<T,​DirectoryProperty> mapping)
        Define the task responsible for processing the source.
        taskProvider - the task responsible for compiling the sources (.e.g. compileJava)
        mapping - a mapping from the task to the task's output directory (e.g. AbstractCompile::getDestinationDirectory)