Interface TextResource

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface TextResource
    extends Buildable
    A read-only body of text backed by a string, file, archive entry, or other source. To create a text resource, use one of the factory methods in TextResourceFactory (e.g. project.resources.text.fromFile(myFile)).
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description asFile()
      Same as asFile(Charset.defaultCharset().name()). asFile​(java.lang.String charset)
      Returns a file containing the resource's text and using the given character encoding. asReader()
      Returns an unbuffered Reader that allows the resource's text to be read.
      java.lang.String asString()
      Returns a string containing the resource's text
      TaskDependency getBuildDependencies()
      Returns a dependency which contains the tasks which build this artifact.
      FileCollection getInputFiles()
      Returns the input files registered when this resource is used as task input.
      java.lang.Object getInputProperties()
      Returns the input properties registered when this resource is used as task input.
    • Method Detail

      • asString

        java.lang.String asString()
        Returns a string containing the resource's text
        a string containing the resource's text
      • asReader asReader()
        Returns an unbuffered Reader that allows the resource's text to be read. The caller is responsible for closing the reader.
        a reader that allows the resource's text to be read.
      • asFile asFile​(java.lang.String charset)
        Returns a file containing the resource's text and using the given character encoding. If this resource is backed by a file with a matching encoding, that file may be returned. Otherwise, a temporary file will be created and returned.
        charset - a character encoding (e.g. "utf-8")
        a file containing the resource's text and using the given character encoding
      • asFile asFile()
        Same as asFile(Charset.defaultCharset().name()).
      • getInputProperties

        java.lang.Object getInputProperties()
        Returns the input properties registered when this resource is used as task input. Not typically used directly.
        the input properties registered when this resource is used as task input
      • getInputFiles

        FileCollection getInputFiles()
        Returns the input files registered when this resource is used as task input. Not typically used directly.
        the input files registered when this resource is used as task input
      • getBuildDependencies

        TaskDependency getBuildDependencies()
        Description copied from interface: Buildable
        Returns a dependency which contains the tasks which build this artifact. All Buildable implementations must ensure that the returned dependency object is live, so that it tracks changes to the dependencies of this buildable.
        Specified by:
        getBuildDependencies in interface Buildable
        The dependency. Never returns null. Returns an empty dependency when this artifact is not built by any tasks.