Interface Provider<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - Type of value represented by provider
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    BinaryProvider<T>, DirectoryProperty, FileSystemLocationProperty<T>, ListProperty<T>, MapProperty<K,​V>, NamedDomainObjectProvider<T>, Property<T>, RegularFileProperty, SetProperty<T>, TaskProvider<T>

    public interface Provider<T>
    A container object that provides a value of a specific type. The value can be retrieved using one of the query methods such as get() or getOrNull().

    A provider may not always have a value available, for example when the value may not yet be known but will be known at some point in the future. When a value is not available, isPresent() returns false and retrieving the value will fail with an exception.

    A provider may not always provide the same value. Although there are no methods on this interface to change the value, the provider implementation may be mutable or use values from some changing source. A provider may also provide a value that is mutable and that changes over time.

    A provider may represent a task output. Such a provider carries information about the task producing its value. When this provider is attached to an input of another task, Gradle will automatically determine the task dependencies based on this connection.

    A typical use of a provider is to pass values from one Gradle model element to another, e.g. from a project extension to a task, or between tasks. Providers also allow expensive computations to be deferred until their value is actually needed, usually at task execution time.

    There are a number of ways to create a Provider instance. Some common methods:

    For a provider whose value can be mutated, see Property and the methods on ObjectFactory.

    Note: This interface is not intended for implementation by build script or plugin authors.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Provider<T> filter​(Spec<? super T> spec)
      Returns a new Provider with the value of this provider if the passed spec is satisfied and no value otherwise.
      <S> Provider<S> flatMap​(Transformer<? extends @Nullable Provider<? extends S>,​? super T> transformer)
      Returns a new Provider from the value of this provider transformed using the given function.
      Provider<T> forUseAtConfigurationTime()
      Since version 7.4 this method does nothing.
      T get()
      Returns the value of this provider if it has a value present, otherwise throws java.lang.IllegalStateException.
      T getOrElse​(T defaultValue)
      Returns the value of this provider if it has a value present.
      T getOrNull()
      Returns the value of this provider if it has a value present.
      boolean isPresent()
      Returns true if there is a value present, otherwise false.
      <S> Provider<S> map​(Transformer<? extends @Nullable S,​? super T> transformer)
      Returns a new Provider whose value is the value of this provider transformed using the given function.
      Provider<T> orElse​(Provider<? extends T> provider)
      Returns a Provider whose value is the value of this provider, if present, otherwise uses the value from the given provider, if present.
      Provider<T> orElse​(T value)
      Returns a Provider whose value is the value of this provider, if present, otherwise the given default value.
      zip​(Provider<U> right, java.util.function.BiFunction<? super T,​? super U,​? extends @Nullable R> combiner)
      Returns a provider which value will be computed by combining this provider value with another provider value using the supplied combiner function.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        T get()
        Returns the value of this provider if it has a value present, otherwise throws java.lang.IllegalStateException.
        the current value of this provider.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if there is no value present
      • getOrNull

        T getOrNull()
        Returns the value of this provider if it has a value present. Returns null a value is not available.
        the value or null
      • getOrElse

        T getOrElse​(T defaultValue)
        Returns the value of this provider if it has a value present. Returns the given default value if a value is not available.
        the value or the default value.
      • map

        <S> Provider<S> map​(Transformer<? extends @Nullable S,​? super T> transformer)
        Returns a new Provider whose value is the value of this provider transformed using the given function.

        The resulting provider will be live, so that each time it is queried, it queries the original (this) provider and applies the transformation to the result. Whenever the original provider has no value, the new provider will also have no value and the transformation will not be called.

        When this provider represents a task or the output of a task, the new provider will be considered an output of the task and will carry dependency information that Gradle can use to automatically attach task dependencies to tasks that use the new provider for input values.

        transformer - The transformer to apply to values. May return null, in which case the provider will have no value.
      • filter

        Provider<T> filter​(Spec<? super T> spec)
        Returns a new Provider with the value of this provider if the passed spec is satisfied and no value otherwise.

        The resulting provider will be live, so that each time it is queried, it queries the original (this) provider and applies the spec to the result. Whenever the original provider has no value, the new provider will also have no value and the spec will not be called.

        spec - The spec to test the value.
      • flatMap

        <S> Provider<S> flatMap​(Transformer<? extends @Nullable Provider<? extends S>,​? super T> transformer)
        Returns a new Provider from the value of this provider transformed using the given function.

        While very similar in functionality to the regular map operation, this method offers a convenient way of connecting together task inputs and outputs. (For a deeper understanding of the topic see the Lazy Configuration section of the Gradle manual.)

        Task inputs and outputs often take the form of providers or properties, the latter being a special case of provider whose value can be changed at will. An example of using flatMap for connecting such properties would be following:

         class Producer extends DefaultTask {
             abstract RegularFileProperty getOutputFile()
             //irrelevant details omitted
         class Consumer extends DefaultTask {
             abstract RegularFileProperty getInputFile()
             //irrelevant details omitted
         def producer = tasks.register("producer", Producer)
         def consumer = tasks.register("consumer", Consumer)
         consumer.configure {
             inputFile = producer.flatMap { it.outputFile }

        An added benefit of connecting input and output properties like this is that Gradle can automatically detect task dependencies based on such connections. To make this happen at code level, any task details associated with this provider (the one on which flatMap is being called) are ignored. The new provider will use whatever task details are associated with the return value of the transformation.

        The new provider returned by flatMap will be live, so that each time it is queried, it queries this provider and applies the transformation to the result. Whenever this provider has no value, the new provider will also have no value and the transformation will not be called.

        transformer - The transformer to apply to values. May return null, in which case the provider will have no value.
      • isPresent

        boolean isPresent()
        Returns true if there is a value present, otherwise false.
        true if there is a value present, otherwise false
      • orElse

        Provider<T> orElse​(T value)
        Returns a Provider whose value is the value of this provider, if present, otherwise the given default value.
        value - The default value to use when this provider has no value.
      • orElse

        Provider<T> orElse​(Provider<? extends T> provider)
        Returns a Provider whose value is the value of this provider, if present, otherwise uses the value from the given provider, if present.
        provider - The provider whose value should be used when this provider has no value.
      • forUseAtConfigurationTime

        Provider<T> forUseAtConfigurationTime()
        Since version 7.4 this method does nothing. All providers can be used at configuration time without explicit opt-in.
        Deprecated. There is no need to use this method.
        See Also:
        the upgrade guide
      • zip

        <U,​R> Provider<R> zip​(Provider<U> right,
                                    java.util.function.BiFunction<? super T,​? super U,​? extends @Nullable R> combiner)
        Returns a provider which value will be computed by combining this provider value with another provider value using the supplied combiner function.

        The resulting provider will be live, so that each time it is queried, it queries both this and the supplied provider and applies the combiner to the results. Whenever any of the providers has no value, the new provider will also have no value and the combiner will not be called.

        If the supplied providers represents a task or the output of a task, the resulting provider will carry the dependency information.

        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the second provider
        R - the type of the result of the combiner
        right - the second provider to combine with
        combiner - the combiner of values. May return null, in which case the provider will have no value.
        a combined provider