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Snipcart is a shopping cart developers can easily integrate into any website in minutes. With our latest version (v3.0), you can add and customize checkout steps, fields, and styles.

Succeeding with our product requires minimal development knowledge (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). Many non-technical merchants work with developers to build unique e-commerce experiences with Snipcart.


How it works

Unlike many e-commerce solutions, Snipcart lives on your site, in its HTML client-side code.

You add the shopping cart to your site with a simple JavaScript snippet inclusion. It's similar to adding a third party script like Google Analytics.

You create products by adding simple HTML attributes—product name, price, description, etc.—to elements on your site. Usually, developers add these attributes to a "buy" <button>.

You manage orders within a user-friendly merchant dashboard. Unlike the cart, this dashboard doesn't live on your site—it's hosted on our own servers. You can access it at any time at this URL: https://app.snipcart.com/dashboard

Next up

Now that you know how Snipcart works, you're likely wondering:

How secure can this frontend shopping cart be?

The next documentation entry explains just that.

You may also ask yourself:

How can I get started integrating Snipcart on my site?

Store set up section is what you are looking for.

Important notes

This feature, previously available with the v2.0, is currently under development:

  • Recurring subscriptions

We will release it in the coming months. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated.

If you feel that there is information missing from this documentation, drop us a line at geeks@snipcart.com. We'll also gladly help with any questions.

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