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-je (possessive suffix) +‎ -i (possessive plural) +‎ -m (first-person singular personal suffix)




  1. (possessive suffix) my ... -s (first-person singular, multiple possessions)
    kert (garden)a kertjeim (my gardens)
    zseni (genius)a zsenijeim (my geniuses)

Usage notes

  • (possessive suffix) Variants:
    -im is added to words ending in a vowel except -i. Final -a changes to -á-. Final -e changes to -é-.
    -aim is added to back-vowel words ending in a consonant
    -eim is added to front-vowel words ending in a consonant
    -jaim is added to back-vowel words ending in a consonant or the vowel -i
    -jeim is added to front-vowel words ending in a consonant or the vowel -i


Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony)
singular plural
nominative -jeim
accusative -jeimet
dative -jeimnek
instrumental -jeimmel
causal-final -jeimért
translative -jeimmé
terminative -jeimig
essive-formal -jeimként
essive-modal -jeimül
inessive -jeimben
superessive -jeimen
adessive -jeimnél
illative -jeimbe
sublative -jeimre
allative -jeimhez
elative -jeimből
delative -jeimről
ablative -jeimtől
possessive - singular
possessive - plural

See also