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See also: 觉得


feel; find that; thinking
feel; find that; thinking; awake; aware; a nap; a sleep
get; obtain; gain
get; obtain; gain; proper; suitable; proud; contented; allow; permit; ready; finished; a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect; degree or possibility; to have to; must; ought to; to need to
trad. (覺得)
simp. (觉得)



  • gag4 dig4 - Chaozhou, Shantou;
  • gag4 dêg4 - Jieyang.




  1. to think (that); to believe (that); to be of the opinion that
    如何一個男生覺得特別 [MSC, trad.]
    如何一个男生觉得特别 [MSC, simp.]
    Rúhé ràng yīge nánshēng juéde nǐ hěn tèbié? [Pinyin]
    How can you make a boy think you're special?
    覺得他們大陸人友善 [MSC, trad.]
    觉得他们大陆人友善 [MSC, simp.]
    juéde tāmen duì dàlùrén bù yǒushàn ma? [Pinyin]
    Do you think they are unfriendly towards mainlanders?
    其實覺得還是年輕 [MSC, trad.]
    其实觉得还是年轻 [MSC, simp.]
    Qíshí wǒ juéde ba, tā háishì tài niánqīng le. [Pinyin]
    Actually, I think he is still too young.
  2. to feel; to sense; to have a feeling that
    力氣覺得喘氣費勁 [MSC, trad.]
    力气觉得喘气费劲 [MSC, simp.]
    Wǒ chū diǎn lìqi jiù juéde chuǎnqì fèijìn. [Pinyin]
    I feel breathless with the slightest effort.


  • (to think that):
  • (to feel):