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{{Short description|Approach to the study of cognitive development}}
{{more footnotes|date=January 2012}}
The '''information processing theories''' approach to the study of [[cognitive development]] evolved out of the American experimental tradition in [[psychology]]. Developmental psychologists who adopt the information-processing perspective account for mental development in terms of maturational changes in basic components of a child's mind. The theory is based on the idea that humans process the information they receive, rather than merely responding to stimuli. This perspective equates the mind to a computer, which is responsible for analyzing information from the environment. According to the standard information-processing model for mental development, the mind's machinery includes attention mechanisms for bringing information in, [[working memory]] for actively manipulating information, and [[long-term memory]] for passively holding information so that it can be used in the future.<ref>Psychology, Sixth Edition, Worth Publishers, 2010.</ref> This theory addresses how as children grow, their brains likewise mature, leading to advances in their ability to process and respond to the information they received through their senses. The theory emphasizes a continuous pattern of development, in contrast with Cognitive Developmental theorists such as Jean Piaget that thought development occurred in stages at a time.

{{More footnotes needed|date=January 2012}}
== Basic Breakdown ==
The information processing theory in basic form is that the human brain is compared to a computer or basic processor. It is known that the brain works in a set sequence, as does a computer. The [https://www.learning-theories.com/information-processing-theory.html sequence] goes, "receives input, processes the information, and deliver output".

'''Information processing theory''' is the approach to the study of [[cognitive development]] evolved out of the American experimental tradition in [[psychology]]. [[Developmental psychologist]]s who adopt the [[Information processing (psychology)|information processing]] perspective account for mental development in terms of maturational changes in basic components of a child's [[mind]]. The theory is based on the idea that humans process the information they receive, rather than merely responding to stimuli. This perspective uses an analogy to consider how the mind works like a computer. In this way, the mind functions like a [[biological computer]] responsible for analyzing information from the environment. According to the standard information-processing model for mental development, the mind's machinery includes attention mechanisms for bringing information in, [[working memory]] for actively manipulating information, and [[long-term memory]] for passively holding information so that it can be used in the future.<ref>Psychology, Sixth Edition, Worth Publishers, 2010.</ref> This theory addresses how as children grow, their brains likewise mature, leading to advances in their ability to process and respond to the information they received through their senses. The theory emphasizes a continuous pattern of development, in contrast with cognitive-developmental theorists such as [[Jean Piaget]]'s [[Piaget's theory of cognitive development|theory of cognitive development]] that thought development occurs in stages at a time.
Information is taken in through the senses, the information is then put through the short-term memory. The information is then encoded to the long term memory, where the information is then stored. The information can be retrieved when necessary. [https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzle.com%2Fimages%2Fdiagrams%2Fbasic-information-processing-model.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpsychologenie.com%2Finformation-processing-theory&docid=dU0x9TM6bB0anM&tbnid=PuNIhuVhWJPKlM%3A&vet=10ahU] (Image shown)

== Humans as information processing systems ==
The information processing approach is based on a number of assumptions, including information made available by the environment is processed by a series of processing systems (e.g. attention, perception, short-term memory),these processing systems transform or alter the information in systematic ways, the aim of research is to specify the processes and structures that underlie cognitive performance, and information processing in humans resembles that in computers.<ref>{{Cite web | url=https://www.simplypsychology.org/information-processing.html | title=Information Processing &#124; Simply Psychology}}</ref>
The information processing theory simplified is comparing the human brain to a [[computer]] or basic processor. It is theorized that the brain works in a set sequence, as does a computer. The sequence goes as follows, "receives input, processes the information, and delivers an output".

This theory suggests that we as humans will process information in a similar way. Like a computer receives input the mind will receive information through the [[senses]]. If the information is focused on, it will move to the short-term memory. While in the short-term memory or working memory, the mind is able to use the information to address its surroundings. The information is then encoded to the long-term memory, where the information is then stored. The information can be retrieved when necessary using the central executive. The central executive can be understood as the conscious mind. The central executive can pull information from the long-term memory back to the working memory for its use. As a computer processes information, this is how it is thought our minds are processing information. The output that a computer would deliver can be likened to the mind's output of information through behavior or action.<ref>{{Cite book|last=Berk|first=Laura E.|title=Development through the lifespan|isbn=0-13-442058-6|edition=Seventh ed., student|location=Hoboken, NJ|oclc=1012849824}}</ref>
The information processing theory using "chunking" to put the information into short term memory. Miller said it was known that the human brain can only chunk into the brain with 7 parts, plus or minus two.

[https://www.khanacademy.org/science/health-and-medicine/executive-systems-of-the-brain/memory-lesson/v/information-processing-model-sensory-working-and-long-term-memory] (Video that elaborates on the basic breakdown of the Information Processing Theory)
== Components ==
Though information processing can be compared to a computer, there is much more that needs to be explained. Information processing has several components. The major components are information stores, cognitive processes, and executive cognition.<ref name=":2">{{Cite book|last1=Çeliköz|first1=Nadir|url=https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED598366|title=Cognitive Learning Theories with Emphasis on Latent Learning, Gestalt and Information Processing Theories|last2=Erisen|first2=Yavuz|last3=Sahin|first3=Mehmet|date=August 2019|volume=9|pages=18–33 |language=en}}</ref>

'''Information stores''' are the different places that information can be stored in the mind. Information is stored briefly in the sensory memory. This information is stored just long enough for us to move the information to the [[short-term memory]]. [[#Major theorists|George Armitage Miller]] discovered the short-term memory can only hold [[The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two|7 (plus or minus two)]] things at once.<ref name=":0">{{Cite journal|last=Miller|first=George A.|date=1956|title=The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information.|journal=Psychological Review|language=en|volume=63|issue=2|pages=81–97|doi=10.1037/h0043158|pmid=13310704|issn=1939-1471|hdl=11858/00-001M-0000-002C-4646-B|s2cid=15654531 |hdl-access=free}}</ref> The information here is also stored for only 15–20 seconds. The information stored in the short-term memory can be committed to the long-term memory store. There is no limit to the information stored in the long-term memory. The information stored here can stay for many years. Long-term memory can be divided between [[Semantic memory|semantic]], [[Episodic memory|episodic]], and [[Procedural memory|procedural memories]].<ref name=":2" /> Semantic memory is made up of facts or information learned or obtained throughout life. Episodic memory concerns personal experiences or real events that have happened in a person's life.<ref>{{Citation|last=Tulving|first=Endel|title=Episodic memory and common sense: how far apart?|date=2002-03-21|work=Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research|volume=356|issue=1413|pages=269–288|publisher=Oxford University Press|doi=10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198508809.003.0015|pmid=11571040|pmc=1088532|isbn=978-0-19-850880-9}}</ref> Lastly, procedural memory is made up of procedures or processes learned such as riding a bike. Each of these are subcategories of long-term memory.

'''[[Cognition|Cognitive processes]]''' are the way humans transfer information among the different memory stores. Some prominent processes used in transferring information are coding, retrieval, and perception. Coding is the process of transferring information from the short to long-term memory by relating the information of the long-term memory to the item in the short-term memory. This can be done through memorization techniques. Retrieval is used to bring information from the long-term memory back to the short-term memory. This can be achieved through many different recall techniques. Perception is the use of the information processed to interpret the environment. Another useful technique advised by George Miller is recoding. Recoding is the process of regrouping or organizing the information the mind is working with. A successful method of recoding is [[Chunking (psychology)|chunking]].<ref name=":0" /> Chunking is used to group together pieces of information. Each unit of information is considered a chunk, this could be one or several words.<ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Gilchrist|first1=Amanda L.|last2=Cowan|first2=Nelson|last3=Naveh-Benjamin|first3=Moshe|date=October 2009|title=Investigating the childhood development of working memory using sentences: New evidence for the growth of chunk capacity|journal=Journal of Experimental Child Psychology|language=en|volume=104|issue=2|pages=252–265|doi=10.1016/j.jecp.2009.05.006|pmc=2752294|pmid=19539305}}</ref> This is commonly used when trying to memorize a phone number.

'''Executive cognition''' is the idea that someone is aware of the way they process information. They know their strengths and weaknesses. This concept is similar to [[metacognition]]. The conscious mind has control over the processes of the information processing theory.

[[Information processing]] as a model for human thinking and learning is part of the resurgence of cognitive perspectives of [[learning]]. The cognitive perspective asserts that complex mental states affect human learning and behavior that such mental states can be scientifically investigated. Computers, which process information, include internal states that affect processing. Computers, therefore, provided a model for possible human mental states that provided researchers with clues and direction for understanding human thinking and learning as information processing. Overall, information-processing models helped reestablish mental processes –– processes that cannot be directly observed —— as a legitimate area of scientific research.
[[Information processing (psychology)|Information processing]] as a model for human thinking and learning is part of the resurgence of cognitive perspectives of [[learning]]. The cognitive perspective asserts that complex mental states affect human learning and behavior that such mental states can be scientifically investigated. Computers, which process information, include internal states that affect processing. Computers, therefore, provided a model for possible human mental states that provided researchers with clues and direction for understanding human thinking and learning as information processing. Overall, information-processing models helped reestablish mental processes—processes that cannot be directly observed—as a legitimate area of scientific research.

== Major Theorists ==
== Major theorists ==
[[George Armitage Miller]] was one of the founders of the field of psychology known as cognition. He played a large role when it came to the information processing theory. He researched the capacity of the working memory, discovering that people can only hold up to 7 plus or minus 2 items. He also created the term chunking when explaining how to make the most of our short-term memory.<ref>{{Cite book|last=Della Sala|first=Sergio|url=http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198568773.001.0001/acprof-9780198568773|title=Tall Tales about the Mind and BrainSeparating fact from fiction|date=2007-01-11|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-856877-3|doi=10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198568773.003.0005}}</ref>
The main two theorists associated with the Cognitive Information Processing Theory are Atkinson and Shiffrin. In 1968 these two proposed a multi-stage theory of memory. They explained that from the time information is received by the processing system, it goes through different stages to be fully stored. They broke this down to sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory (Atkinson).

Two other theorists associated with the cognitive information processing theory are [[Richard C. Atkinson]] and [[Richard Shiffrin]]. In 1968 these two proposed a multi-stage theory of memory. They explained that from the time information is received by the processing system, it goes through different stages to be fully stored. They broke this down to sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory (Atkinson).
'''John William Atkinson'''
[[John William Atkinson|John (Jack) William Atkinson]] was born on December 31, 1923. Atkinson served in the military during World War II. After the war, Atkinson went to Wesleyan University and received his undergraduate psychology degree. He then attended the University of Michigan and was awarded his Psychological Doctorate. He also spent time as a teacher. Atkinson was an American Psychologist who focused his research on human motivation, achievement, and behavior. Atkinson is the father of motivation as a field of study in Psychology. He was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was also awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, along with two fellowships at the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. These awards are only a select few out of the numerous awards, honorary doctorates, and fellowships he had throughout his lifetime. John William Atkinson passed away on October 27, 2003.{{citation needed|date=April 2019}}
Later in 1974 [[Alan Baddeley]] and [[Graham Hitch]] would contribute more to the information processing theory through their own discoveries. They deepened the understanding of memory through the central executive, phonological loop, and visuospatial sketch pad. Baddeley later updated his model with the episodic buffer.<ref>{{Citation|last1=Baddeley|first1=Alan D.|title=Working Memory|date=1974|work=Psychology of Learning and Motivation|pages=47–89|publisher=Elsevier|isbn=978-0-12-543308-2|last2=Hitch|first2=Graham|doi=10.1016/s0079-7421(08)60452-1}}</ref>
'''Richard Shiffrin'''
[[Richard Shiffrin]] was born on March 13, 1942 in New Haven, Connecticut. He is currently a professor of cognitive science in the department of psychological and brain sciences at Indiana University, Bloomington. He co-authored the Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory in 1968, who at the time was his academic advisor at Stanford University. Shiffrin has won five major awards throughout his life so far: 1995 Fellow of the National Academy of Science; 1996 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1996 Fellow of the American Psychological Society; 2002 Rumelhart Prize; 2005 Fellow of the American Philosophical Society.{{citation needed|date=April 2019}}

==Atkinson and Shiffrin Model==
==Atkinson and Shiffrin model==
[[File:Information Processing Model - Atkinson & Shiffrin.jpg|thumb|368x368px]]
The [[Atkinson–Shiffrin memory model|Atkinson and Shiffrin Model]] was proposed in 1968 by John William Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin. This model illustrates their theory of the human memory. These two theorists used this model to show that the human memory can be broken in to three sub-sections: Sensory Memory, Short Term Memory and Long Term Memory.
The [[Atkinson–Shiffrin memory model]] was proposed in 1968 by Richard C. Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin. This model illustrates their theory of the human memory. These two theorists used this model to show that the human memory can be broken in to three sub-sections: Sensory Memory, short-term memory and long-term memory.<ref>{{Citation|last1=Atkinson|first1=R.C.|date=1977|work=Human Memory|pages=7–113|publisher=Elsevier|isbn=978-0-12-121050-2|last2=Shiffrin|first2=R.M.|title=Human Memory: A Proposed System and ITS Control Processes|doi=10.1016/b978-0-12-121050-2.50006-5}}</ref>

'''Sensory Memory'''
=== Sensory memory ===
The [[sensory memory]] is responsible for holding onto information that we receive through our senses. For example, if we hear a bird chirp, we know that it is a bird because that information is held in our sensory memory.
The [[sensory memory]] is responsible for holding onto information that the mind receives through the senses such as auditory and visual information. For example, if someone were to hear a bird chirp, they know that it is a bird because that information is held in the brief sensory memory.

'''Short-Term Memory'''
=== Short-term memory ===
[[Short-term memory]] lasts for about 30 seconds. Short term memory retains information that we only need for a short period of time such as remembering a phone number that needs to be dialed.
[[Short-term memory]] lasts for about 30 seconds. Short-term memory retains information that is needed for only a short period of time such as remembering a phone number that needs to be dialed.

=== Long-term memory ===
'''Long Term Memory'''
The [[long-term memory]] has an unlimited amount of space. In our long term memory, there can be memory stored in there from the beginning of our life time. Our long term memory is what we tap into when we recall an event that happened when we were younger.
The [[long-term memory]] has an unlimited amount of space. In the long-term memory, there can be memory stored in there from the beginning of our life time. The long-term memory is tapped into when there is a need to recall an event that happened in an individual's previous experiences.

== Baddeley and Hitch model of working memory ==
== Humans as Information Processing Systems ==
Baddeley and Hitch introduced the [[Baddeley's model of working memory|model of working memory]] in 1974. Through their research, they contributed more to help understand how the mind may process information. They added three elements that explain further cognitive processes. These elements are the central executive, phonological loop, and the visuo-spatial working memory.<ref name=":1">{{Cite book|last=Goldstein|first=E. Bruce|title=Cognitive psychology : connecting mind, research, and everyday experience|year=2020|publisher=Cengage Learning Asia Pte Limited |isbn=978-981-4888-07-3|oclc=1128203170}}</ref> Later Alan Baddeley added a fourth element to the working memory model called the episodic buffer. Together these ideas support the information processing theory and possibly explain how the mind processes information.
Consider a computer, and how one types words onto a document or into a search engine. The action of typing data into a computer can be described as “input”. There are “similarities to how humans receive information and computers receive data input” (Miller, 2016, p.&nbsp;323). Furthermore, “we can correlate thinking with a computer program; the mind’s information storage capacity with the amount of gigabytes available on a laptop; forgetting information with the delete key on a keyboard; recalling old information with an internet search engine; intellectually strategizing with using Microsoft tools; and finally making a decision with computer output” (Miller, 2016, p.&nbsp;323). When information-psychologists consider the structure of the cognitive system as it relates to computers in this way, they often refer to it as cognitive architecture (Miller, 2016, p.&nbsp;323). Understanding how a person's cognitive architecture uses its computer pieces allows information-psychologists to “complete an analysis of every step of what a person does to information” (Miller, 2016, p.&nbsp;323).
[[File:The Working Memory Model.svg|thumb|The Working Memory Model (Baddeley and Hitch, 1974, revised-2000)]]
=== Central executive ===
{{Excerpt|Baddeley's model of working memory|Central executive}}

=== Phonological loop ===
Information-processing theory is a theory of human development; therefore, information-processing psychologists are able to “view children at various developmental levels in order to assess their knowledge state from the relationship between the input and the output” (Miller, 2016, p.&nbsp;323). Simply put, psychologists are able to analyze “developmental changes at almost every phase of processing”, because they can view how children at different stages of development receive different input, but also perform various other information-processing techniques discussed earlier in this section (Miller, 2016, p.&nbsp;324). It is important to note that once children are developmentally analyzed through the lens of information-processing, “theorists express their findings that show the flow of information through the human information-processing device” (Miller, 2016, p.&nbsp;324). The field has been referred to as the “psychology of boxes and arrows, because many of these expressions of data are shown in the form of flow diagrams, often known as models” (Miller, 2016, p.&nbsp;324).
Working in connection with the central executive is the [[Baddeley's model of working memory|phonological loop]]. The phonological loop is used to hold auditory information. There are two sub components of the phonological loop; the phonological store and the articulatory rehearsal process. The phonological store holds auditory information for a short period. The articulatory rehearsal process keeps the information in the store for a longer period of time through rehearsal.<ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Baddeley|first1=Alan D.|last2=Hitch|first2=Graham J.|date=March 2019|title=The phonological loop as a buffer store: An update|journal=Cortex|volume=112|pages=91–106|doi=10.1016/j.cortex.2018.05.015|pmid=29941299|s2cid=49414848|issn=0010-9452|url=http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/134200/1/Phonological_loop_as_a_buffer_store.docx}}</ref>

=== Visuospatial sketch pad ===
==Cognitive processes==
The [[Baddeley's model of working memory|visuospatial sketch pad]] is the other portion of the central executive. This is used to hold visual and spatial information. The visuospatial sketch pad is used to help the conscious imagine objects as well as maneuver through the physical environment.<ref name=":1" />
Cognitive processes include [[perception]], recognition, imagining, remembering, thinking, judging, [[reasoning]], [[problem solving]], [[conceptualizing]], and planning. These cognitive processes can emerge from human language, thought, imagery, and [[symbols]].

=== Episodic buffer ===
In addition to these specific cognitive processes, many cognitive psychologists study [[Language acquisition|language-acquisition]], altered states of mind and consciousness, visual perception, auditory perception, [[short-term memory]], [[long-term memory]], storage, retrieval, perceptions of thought and much more.
Baddeley later added a fourth aspect to the model called the [[Baddeley's model of working memory|episodic buffer]]. It is proposed that the episodic buffer is able to hold information thereby increasing the amount stored. Due to the ability to hold information the episodic buffer is said to also transfer information between perception, short-term memory and long-term memory. The episodic buffer is a relatively new idea and is still being researched.<ref name=":1" />

==Other cognitive processes==
Cognitive processes emerge through senses, thoughts, and experiences. The first step is aroused by paying attention, by paying attention, it allows processing of the information given. Cognitive processing cannot occur without learning, they work hand in hand to fully grasp the information.[[cognitive process]]
[[Cognitive process]]es include [[perception]], recognition, imagining, remembering, thinking, judging, [[reasoning]], [[problem solving]], conceptualizing, and planning. These cognitive processes can emerge from human language, thought, imagery, and [[symbols]].

In addition to these specific cognitive processes, many cognitive psychologists study [[Language acquisition|language-acquisition]], altered states of mind and consciousness, visual perception, auditory perception, short-term memory, long-term memory, storage, retrieval, perceptions of thought and much more.

Cognitive processes emerge through senses, thoughts, and experiences. The first step is aroused by paying attention, it allows processing of the information given. Cognitive processing cannot occur without learning, they work hand in hand to fully grasp the information.

== Nature versus nurture ==
== Nature versus nurture ==
Nature versus nurture refers to the theory about how people are influenced. The nature mentality is around the idea that we are influenced by our genetics. This involves all of our physical characteristics and our personality. On the other hand, nurture revolves around the idea that we are influenced by the environment and our experiences. Some believe that we are the way we are due to how we were raised, in what type of environment we were raised in and our early childhood experiences. This theory views humans as actively inputting, retrieving, processing, and storing information. Context, social content, and social influences on processing are simply viewed as information. Nature provides the hardware of cognitive processing and Information Processing theory explains cognitive functioning based on that hardware. Individuals innately vary in some cognitive abilities, such a memory span, but human cognitive systems function similarly based on a set of memory stores that store information and control processes determine how information is processed. The “Nurture” component provides information input (stimuli) that is processed resulting in behavior and learning. Changes in the contents of the long-term memory store (knowledge) are learning. Prior knowledge affects future processing and thus affects future behavior and learning.
Nature versus nurture refers to the theory about how people are influenced.<ref>{{cite book|author=William F. Patry|author-link=William F. Patry|title=How to fix copyright|publisher=Oxford University Press|date=2012|location=Oxford|isbn=978-0-19-992111-9}}</ref> The nature mentality is around the idea that we are influenced by our genetics. This involves all of our physical characteristics and our personality. On the other hand, nurture revolves around the idea that we are influenced by the environment and our experiences. Some believe that we are the way we are due to how we were raised, in what type of environment we were raised in and our early childhood experiences. This theory views humans as actively inputting, retrieving, processing, and storing information. Context, social content, and social influences on processing are simply viewed as information. Nature provides the hardware of cognitive processing and Information Processing theory explains cognitive functioning based on that hardware. Individuals innately vary in some cognitive abilities, such a memory span, but human cognitive systems function similarly based on a set of memory stores that store information and control processes determine how information is processed. The “Nurture” component provides information input (stimuli) that is processed resulting in behavior and learning. Changes in the contents of the long-term memory store (knowledge) are learning. Prior knowledge affects future processing and thus affects future behavior and learning.

== Quantitative versus qualitative ==
== Quantitative versus qualitative ==
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== Current areas of research ==
== Current areas of research ==
Information Processing Theory is currently being utilized in the study of computer or artificial intelligence. This theory has also been applied to systems beyond the individual, including families and business organizations. For example, Ariel (1987)<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Ariel|first=Shlomo|date=Fall 1987|title=An information processing theory of family dysfunction|journal=Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training|volume=24|issue=3S|pages=477–495|doi=10.1037/h0085745}}</ref> applied Information Processing Theory to family systems, with sensing, attending, and encoding of stimuli occurring either within individuals or within the family system itself. Unlike traditional systems theory, where the family system tends to maintain stasis and resists incoming stimuli which would violate the system's rules, the Information Processing family develops individual and mutual schemes which influence what and how information is attended to and processed. Dysfunctions can occur both at the individual level as well as within the family system itself, creating more targets for therapeutic change. Rogers, P. R. et al. (1999) utilized Information Processing Theory to describe business organizational behavior, as well as to present a model describing how effective and ineffective business strategies are developed. In their study, components of organizations that "sense" market information are identified as well as how organizations attend to this information; which gatekeepers determine what information is relevant/important for the organization, how this is organized into the existing culture (organizational schemas), and whether or not the organization has effective or ineffective processes for their long-term strategy.
Information processing theory is currently being used in the study of computer or [[artificial intelligence]]. This theory has also been applied to systems beyond the individual, including families and business organizations. For example, Ariel (1987)<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Ariel|first=Shlomo|date=Fall 1987|title=An information processing theory of family dysfunction|journal=Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training|volume=24|issue=3S|pages=477–495|doi=10.1037/h0085745}}</ref> applied information processing theory to family systems, with sensing, attending, and encoding of stimuli occurring either within individuals or within the family system itself. Unlike traditional systems theory, where the family system tends to maintain stasis and resists incoming stimuli which would violate the system's rules, the information processing family develops individual and mutual schemes which influence what and how information is attended to and processed. Dysfunctions can occur both at the individual level as well as within the family system itself, creating more targets for therapeutic change. Rogers, P. R. et al. (1999) utilized information processing theory to describe business organizational behavior, as well as to present a model describing how effective and ineffective business strategies are developed. In their study, components of organizations that "sense" market information are identified as well as how organizations attend to this information; which gatekeepers determine what information is relevant/important for the organization, how this is organized into the existing culture (organizational schemas), and whether or not the organization has effective or ineffective processes for their long-term strategy.
Cognitive psychologist, Kahnemen and Grabe, noted that learners has some control over this process. Selective attention is the ability of humans to select and process certain information while simultaneously ignoring others. This is influenced by many things including:
Cognitive psychologists Kahnemen and Grabe noted that learners has some control over this process. Selective attention is the ability of humans to select and process certain information while simultaneously ignoring others. This is influenced by many things including:

* What the information being processed means to the individual
* What the information being processed means to the individual
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* Ability to control attention (varies based on age, hyperactivity, etc.)
* Ability to control attention (varies based on age, hyperactivity, etc.)

Some research has shown that individuals with a high working memory are better able to filter out irrelevant information. In particular, one study on focusing on [[dichotic listening]], followed participants were played two audio tracks, one in each ear, and were asked to pay attention only to one. It was shown that there was a significant positive relationship between working memory capacity and ability of the participant to filter out the information from the other audio track.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Engle Randall W | year = 2002 | title = Working Memory Capacity as Executive Attention | doi = 10.1111/1467-8721.00160 | volume=11 | journal=Current Directions in Psychological Science | pages=19–23}}</ref>
Some research has shown that individuals with a high working memory are better able to filter out irrelevant information. In particular, one study on focusing on [[dichotic listening]], followed participants were played two audio tracks, one in each ear, and were asked to pay attention only to one. It was shown that there was a significant positive relationship between working memory capacity and ability of the participant to filter out the information from the other audio track.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Engle Randall W | year = 2002 | title = Working Memory Capacity as Executive Attention | doi = 10.1111/1467-8721.00160 | volume=11 | journal=Current Directions in Psychological Science | pages=19–23| s2cid = 116230 }}</ref>

== Implications inside the Classroom ==
== Implications for teaching ==
{{Unreferenced section|date=September 2023}}
Information Processing Theory outlines a way of learning that can be used by teachers inside the classroom. Some examples of classroom implications of the Information Processing Theory include:
Some examples of classroom implications of the information processing theory include:
*Use mnemonics to aid students in retaining information for later use, as well as strengthening the students’ remembering skills.
''Example: While teaching the order of operations in mathematics, use the mnemonic “Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally” to symbolize the six steps''.
*When teaching a specific lesson, use many different teaching styles and tools.
''Example: In social studies, if the lesson is on the Rwandan Genocide, lecture on the topic using many pictures, watch the movie Hotel Rwanda, and have a class discussion about the topic and the film''.
*Pair students together to review the material covered.
|Use [[mnemonics]] to aid students in retaining information for later use, as well as strengthening the students' remembering skills.||While teaching the [[order of operations]] in mathematics, use the mnemonic "Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally" to symbolize the six steps.
Example: When teaching a more abstract lesson, place students into pairs and have each student teach their partner the material covered to further embed the information into the long-term memory.
*Break down lessons into smaller more manageable parts.
|When teaching a specific lesson, use many different teaching styles and tools.||In [[social studies]], if the lesson is on the [[Rwandan genocide]], lecture on the topic using many pictures, watch the movie ''[[Hotel Rwanda]]'', and have a class discussion about the topic and the film.
''Example: When teaching an intricate math equation, walk the students through an example step-by-step. After each step, pause for questions to ensure everyone understands''.
*Assess the extent of the prior knowledge students have about the upcoming material.
|Pair students together to review the material covered.||When teaching a more abstract lesson, place students into pairs and have each student teach their partner the material covered to further embed the information into long-term memory.
''Example: After each test, have a Pre-Test about the next chapter to get an understanding of how much prior knowledge the students have''.
*Give students feedback on each assignment as a reinforcement.
|Break down lessons into smaller more manageable parts.||When teaching an intricate math equation, walk the students through an example step-by-step. After each step, pause for questions to ensure everyone understands.
''Example: When returning a graded paper ensure there are both positive and negative comments on each paper. This will assist the students in bettering their future work, as well as keep them motivated in their studies''.
*Connect new lessons back to old lessons and real-life scenarios.
|Assess the extent of the prior knowledge students have about the upcoming material.||After each test, have a pre-test about the next chapter to get an understanding of how much prior knowledge the students have.
''Example: When teaching a lesson about the Industrial Revolution, tie it back to your own town and buildings or areas that exist because of that time period''.
*Allow for over-learning
|Give students feedback on each assignment as a reinforcement.||When returning a graded paper ensure there are both positive and negative comments on each paper. This will assist the students in bettering their future work, as well as keep them motivated in their studies.
''Play games like trivial pursuit and jeopardy to encourage extra learning, especially as a review, within the classroom.''
|Connect new lessons back to old lessons and real-life scenarios.||When teaching a lesson about the [[Industrial Revolution]], tie it back to your own town and buildings or areas that exist because of that time period.
|Allow for [[over-learning]]||Play games like ''[[Trivial Pursuit]]'' and ''[[Jeopardy!]]'' to encourage extra learning, especially as a review, within the classroom.

== References ==
== References ==

==Further reading==
** Miller, G.A. (1956). The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. ''Psychological Review'', 63, 81-97. [Available at <nowiki>http://www.musanim.com/miller1956</nowiki>]
* {{cite journal|doi=10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(199906)20:6<567::AID-SMJ36>3.0.CO;2-K|title=Using information-processing theory to understand planning/Performance relationships in the context of strategy|year=1999|last1=Rogers|first1=Patrick R.|last2=Miller|first2=Alex|last3=Judge|first3=William Q.|journal=Strategic Management Journal|volume=20|issue=6|pages=567–577}}
*Information Processing Theory. (2017, February 4). Retrieved from <nowiki>https://www.learning-theories.com/information-processing-theory.html</nowiki>
* {{cite book|doi=10.1016/S0079-7421(08)60422-3|title=Human Memory: A Proposed System and its Control Processes|series=Psychology of Learning and Motivation|year=1968|last1=Atkinson|first1=R.C.|last2=Shiffrin|first2=R.M.|volume=2|pages=89–195|isbn=9780125433020|s2cid=22958289 }}
*Diamond, A. (n.d.). Cognitive Processes in Learning: Types, Definitions & Examples. Retrieved from https://study.com/academy/lesson/cognitive-processes-in-learning-types-definition-examples.html
* {{cite journal|doi=10.1016/S1364-6613(03)00029-9|title=The cognitive revolution: A historical perspective|year=2003|last1=Miller|first1=George A.|journal=Trends in Cognitive Sciences|volume=7|issue=3|pages=141–144|pmid=12639696|s2cid=206129621}}
* {{cite journal|doi=10.1037/h0043158|title=The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information|year=1956|last1=Miller|first1=George A.|journal=Psychological Review|volume=63|issue=2|pages=81–97|pmid=13310704|hdl=11858/00-001M-0000-002C-4646-B|s2cid=15654531 |hdl-access=free}}
* Atkinson, R., & Shiffrin, R. (1968). Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. In K Spence & J Spence (Eds.). The psychology of learning and motivation:
* {{cite journal|doi=10.1177/0022022111406100|title=Cultural Characteristics Dissociate Magnitude and Ordinal Information Processing|year=2011|last1=Shaki|first1=Samuel|last2=Gevers|first2=Wim|journal=Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology|volume=42|issue=4|pages=639–650|s2cid=145054174|url=https://dipot.ulb.ac.be/dspace/bitstream/2013/55405/3/shaki.pdf}}
* Advances in research and theory (Vol. 2). New York: Academic Press.
* {{cite journal|doi=10.1177/0146167208329512|title=Approach—Avoidance Motivation and Information Processing: A Cross-Cultural Analysis|year=2009|last1=Hamamura|first1=Takeshi|last2=Meijer|first2=Zita|last3=Heine|first3=Steven J.|last4=Kamaya|first4=Kengo|last5=Hori|first5=Izumi|journal=Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin|volume=35|issue=4|pages=454–462|pmid=19164704|s2cid=6642553}}
* Gray, P., "Psychology", 6th ed. (2010). New York: Worth.
* {{cite journal|doi=10.1207/s15327590ijhc2103_1|title=The Cognitive Revolution at Age 50: Has the Promise of the Human Information-Processing Approach Been Fulfilled?|year=2006|last1=Proctor|first1=Robert W.|last2=Vu|first2=Kim-Phuong L.|journal=International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction|volume=21|issue=3|pages=253–284|s2cid=41905965}}
* Hamamura, T., Meijer, Z., Heine, S.J., Kamaya, K., & Hori, I. (2009). Approach-avoidance motivation and information processing: A cross-cultural analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35, 454-462.
* Hetherington & Parke, ''Child Psychology: A Contemporary Viewpoint'', 5th ed. (1999). New York: [[McGraw-Hill]].
* Miller, G., ''[http://icebreakerideas.com/learning-theories/#Information_Processing_Theory_G_Miller Information Processing Theory]''.
* Miller, G.A. (2003). The cognitive revolution: a historical perspective. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7, 141- 145.
* Miller, P. H. (2016). Theories of developmental psychology. New York, NY: Worth Publishers
* Proctor, R.W. & Vu K.P.L. (2006). The cognitive revolution at age 50: has the promise of the information processing approach been fulfilled? Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 23, 253-284.
* Rogers, P. R., Miller, A., & Judge, W. Q. (1999). Using information-processing theory to understand planning/performance relationships in the context of strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 20, 567-577.
* Shaki, S. & Gevers, W. (2011). Cultural characteristics dissociate magnitude and ordinal information processing. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42, 639-650.
* Wallace, B. Ross, A. & Davies, J. Information Processing Theory: Benefits and Limitations
* “Information-Processing Theory.” Conditioned Stimulus, Conditioned Response, Models, and Stages - JRank Articles, psychology.jrank.org/pages/334/Information-Processing-Theory.html.
* McLeod, S. A. (2008, Oct 24). Information processing. Retrieved from https://www.simplypsychology.org/information-processing.html
* Shukla, Ishani Chatterjee. “Here's an Information Processing Model to Tell You How You Think.” PsycholoGenie, PsycholoGenie, 5 Mar. 2018, psychologenie.com/information-processing-model.
* https://web.archive.org/web/20101111075128/http://projects.coe.uga.edu/epltt/index.php?title=Information_processing
*The Atkinson-Shiffrin Model - A theory of memory. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from https://explorable.com/atkinson-shiffrin-model/


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Information processing theory is the approach to the study of cognitive development evolved out of the American experimental tradition in psychology. Developmental psychologists who adopt the information processing perspective account for mental development in terms of maturational changes in basic components of a child's mind. The theory is based on the idea that humans process the information they receive, rather than merely responding to stimuli. This perspective uses an analogy to consider how the mind works like a computer. In this way, the mind functions like a biological computer responsible for analyzing information from the environment. According to the standard information-processing model for mental development, the mind's machinery includes attention mechanisms for bringing information in, working memory for actively manipulating information, and long-term memory for passively holding information so that it can be used in the future.[1] This theory addresses how as children grow, their brains likewise mature, leading to advances in their ability to process and respond to the information they received through their senses. The theory emphasizes a continuous pattern of development, in contrast with cognitive-developmental theorists such as Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development that thought development occurs in stages at a time.

Humans as information processing systems[edit]

The information processing theory simplified is comparing the human brain to a computer or basic processor. It is theorized that the brain works in a set sequence, as does a computer. The sequence goes as follows, "receives input, processes the information, and delivers an output".

This theory suggests that we as humans will process information in a similar way. Like a computer receives input the mind will receive information through the senses. If the information is focused on, it will move to the short-term memory. While in the short-term memory or working memory, the mind is able to use the information to address its surroundings. The information is then encoded to the long-term memory, where the information is then stored. The information can be retrieved when necessary using the central executive. The central executive can be understood as the conscious mind. The central executive can pull information from the long-term memory back to the working memory for its use. As a computer processes information, this is how it is thought our minds are processing information. The output that a computer would deliver can be likened to the mind's output of information through behavior or action.[2]


Though information processing can be compared to a computer, there is much more that needs to be explained. Information processing has several components. The major components are information stores, cognitive processes, and executive cognition.[3]

Information stores are the different places that information can be stored in the mind. Information is stored briefly in the sensory memory. This information is stored just long enough for us to move the information to the short-term memory. George Armitage Miller discovered the short-term memory can only hold 7 (plus or minus two) things at once.[4] The information here is also stored for only 15–20 seconds. The information stored in the short-term memory can be committed to the long-term memory store. There is no limit to the information stored in the long-term memory. The information stored here can stay for many years. Long-term memory can be divided between semantic, episodic, and procedural memories.[3] Semantic memory is made up of facts or information learned or obtained throughout life. Episodic memory concerns personal experiences or real events that have happened in a person's life.[5] Lastly, procedural memory is made up of procedures or processes learned such as riding a bike. Each of these are subcategories of long-term memory.

Cognitive processes are the way humans transfer information among the different memory stores. Some prominent processes used in transferring information are coding, retrieval, and perception. Coding is the process of transferring information from the short to long-term memory by relating the information of the long-term memory to the item in the short-term memory. This can be done through memorization techniques. Retrieval is used to bring information from the long-term memory back to the short-term memory. This can be achieved through many different recall techniques. Perception is the use of the information processed to interpret the environment. Another useful technique advised by George Miller is recoding. Recoding is the process of regrouping or organizing the information the mind is working with. A successful method of recoding is chunking.[4] Chunking is used to group together pieces of information. Each unit of information is considered a chunk, this could be one or several words.[6] This is commonly used when trying to memorize a phone number.

Executive cognition is the idea that someone is aware of the way they process information. They know their strengths and weaknesses. This concept is similar to metacognition. The conscious mind has control over the processes of the information processing theory.


Information processing as a model for human thinking and learning is part of the resurgence of cognitive perspectives of learning. The cognitive perspective asserts that complex mental states affect human learning and behavior that such mental states can be scientifically investigated. Computers, which process information, include internal states that affect processing. Computers, therefore, provided a model for possible human mental states that provided researchers with clues and direction for understanding human thinking and learning as information processing. Overall, information-processing models helped reestablish mental processes—processes that cannot be directly observed—as a legitimate area of scientific research.

Major theorists[edit]

George Armitage Miller was one of the founders of the field of psychology known as cognition. He played a large role when it came to the information processing theory. He researched the capacity of the working memory, discovering that people can only hold up to 7 plus or minus 2 items. He also created the term chunking when explaining how to make the most of our short-term memory.[7]

Two other theorists associated with the cognitive information processing theory are Richard C. Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin. In 1968 these two proposed a multi-stage theory of memory. They explained that from the time information is received by the processing system, it goes through different stages to be fully stored. They broke this down to sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory (Atkinson).

Later in 1974 Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch would contribute more to the information processing theory through their own discoveries. They deepened the understanding of memory through the central executive, phonological loop, and visuospatial sketch pad. Baddeley later updated his model with the episodic buffer.[8]

Atkinson and Shiffrin model[edit]

The Atkinson–Shiffrin memory model was proposed in 1968 by Richard C. Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin. This model illustrates their theory of the human memory. These two theorists used this model to show that the human memory can be broken in to three sub-sections: Sensory Memory, short-term memory and long-term memory.[9]

Sensory memory[edit]

The sensory memory is responsible for holding onto information that the mind receives through the senses such as auditory and visual information. For example, if someone were to hear a bird chirp, they know that it is a bird because that information is held in the brief sensory memory.

Short-term memory[edit]

Short-term memory lasts for about 30 seconds. Short-term memory retains information that is needed for only a short period of time such as remembering a phone number that needs to be dialed.

Long-term memory[edit]

The long-term memory has an unlimited amount of space. In the long-term memory, there can be memory stored in there from the beginning of our life time. The long-term memory is tapped into when there is a need to recall an event that happened in an individual's previous experiences.

Baddeley and Hitch model of working memory[edit]

Baddeley and Hitch introduced the model of working memory in 1974. Through their research, they contributed more to help understand how the mind may process information. They added three elements that explain further cognitive processes. These elements are the central executive, phonological loop, and the visuo-spatial working memory.[10] Later Alan Baddeley added a fourth element to the working memory model called the episodic buffer. Together these ideas support the information processing theory and possibly explain how the mind processes information.

The Working Memory Model (Baddeley and Hitch, 1974, revised-2000)

Central executive[edit]

The central executive is a flexible system responsible for the control and regulation of cognitive processes. It directs focus and targets information, making working memory and long-term memory work together. It can be thought of as a supervisory system that controls cognitive processes, making sure the short-term store is actively working, and intervenes when they go astray and prevents distractions.[11]

It has the following functions:

  • Updating and coding incoming information and replacing old information
  • Binding information from a number of sources into coherent episodes
  • Coordination of the slave systems
  • Shifting between tasks or retrieval strategies
  • Inhibition, suppressing dominant or automatic responses[11]
  • Selective attention

The central executive has two main systems: the visuo-spatial sketchpad, for visual information, and the phonological loop, for verbal information.[12]

Using the dual-task paradigm, Baddeley and Erses have found, for instance, that patients with Alzheimer's dementia are impaired when performing multiple tasks simultaneously, even when the difficulty of the individual tasks is adapted to their abilities.[13] Two tasks include a memory tasks and a tracking task. Individual actions are completed well, but as the Alzheimer's becomes more prominent in a patient, performing two or more actions becomes more and more difficult. This research has shown the deteriorating of the central executive in individuals with Alzheimer's.[14]

Recent research on executive functions suggests that the 'central' executive is not as central as conceived in the Baddeley & Hitch model. Rather, there seem to be separate executive functions that can vary largely independently between individuals and can be selectively impaired or spared by brain damage.[15]

Phonological loop[edit]

Working in connection with the central executive is the phonological loop. The phonological loop is used to hold auditory information. There are two sub components of the phonological loop; the phonological store and the articulatory rehearsal process. The phonological store holds auditory information for a short period. The articulatory rehearsal process keeps the information in the store for a longer period of time through rehearsal.[16]

Visuospatial sketch pad[edit]

The visuospatial sketch pad is the other portion of the central executive. This is used to hold visual and spatial information. The visuospatial sketch pad is used to help the conscious imagine objects as well as maneuver through the physical environment.[10]

Episodic buffer[edit]

Baddeley later added a fourth aspect to the model called the episodic buffer. It is proposed that the episodic buffer is able to hold information thereby increasing the amount stored. Due to the ability to hold information the episodic buffer is said to also transfer information between perception, short-term memory and long-term memory. The episodic buffer is a relatively new idea and is still being researched.[10]

Other cognitive processes[edit]

Cognitive processes include perception, recognition, imagining, remembering, thinking, judging, reasoning, problem solving, conceptualizing, and planning. These cognitive processes can emerge from human language, thought, imagery, and symbols.

In addition to these specific cognitive processes, many cognitive psychologists study language-acquisition, altered states of mind and consciousness, visual perception, auditory perception, short-term memory, long-term memory, storage, retrieval, perceptions of thought and much more.

Cognitive processes emerge through senses, thoughts, and experiences. The first step is aroused by paying attention, it allows processing of the information given. Cognitive processing cannot occur without learning, they work hand in hand to fully grasp the information.

Nature versus nurture[edit]

Nature versus nurture refers to the theory about how people are influenced.[17] The nature mentality is around the idea that we are influenced by our genetics. This involves all of our physical characteristics and our personality. On the other hand, nurture revolves around the idea that we are influenced by the environment and our experiences. Some believe that we are the way we are due to how we were raised, in what type of environment we were raised in and our early childhood experiences. This theory views humans as actively inputting, retrieving, processing, and storing information. Context, social content, and social influences on processing are simply viewed as information. Nature provides the hardware of cognitive processing and Information Processing theory explains cognitive functioning based on that hardware. Individuals innately vary in some cognitive abilities, such a memory span, but human cognitive systems function similarly based on a set of memory stores that store information and control processes determine how information is processed. The “Nurture” component provides information input (stimuli) that is processed resulting in behavior and learning. Changes in the contents of the long-term memory store (knowledge) are learning. Prior knowledge affects future processing and thus affects future behavior and learning.

Quantitative versus qualitative[edit]

Information processing theory combines elements of both quantitative and qualitative development. Qualitative development occurs through the emergence of new strategies for information storage and retrieval, developing representational abilities (such as the utilization of language to represent concepts), or obtaining problem-solving rules (Miller, 2011). Increases in the knowledge base or the ability to remember more items in working memory are examples of quantitative changes, as well as increases in the strength of connected cognitive associations (Miller, 2011). The qualitative and quantitative components often interact together to develop new and more efficient strategies within the processing system.

Current areas of research[edit]

Information processing theory is currently being used in the study of computer or artificial intelligence. This theory has also been applied to systems beyond the individual, including families and business organizations. For example, Ariel (1987)[18] applied information processing theory to family systems, with sensing, attending, and encoding of stimuli occurring either within individuals or within the family system itself. Unlike traditional systems theory, where the family system tends to maintain stasis and resists incoming stimuli which would violate the system's rules, the information processing family develops individual and mutual schemes which influence what and how information is attended to and processed. Dysfunctions can occur both at the individual level as well as within the family system itself, creating more targets for therapeutic change. Rogers, P. R. et al. (1999) utilized information processing theory to describe business organizational behavior, as well as to present a model describing how effective and ineffective business strategies are developed. In their study, components of organizations that "sense" market information are identified as well as how organizations attend to this information; which gatekeepers determine what information is relevant/important for the organization, how this is organized into the existing culture (organizational schemas), and whether or not the organization has effective or ineffective processes for their long-term strategy. Cognitive psychologists Kahnemen and Grabe noted that learners has some control over this process. Selective attention is the ability of humans to select and process certain information while simultaneously ignoring others. This is influenced by many things including:

  • What the information being processed means to the individual
  • The complexity of the stimuli (based partially on background knowledge)
  • Ability to control attention (varies based on age, hyperactivity, etc.)

Some research has shown that individuals with a high working memory are better able to filter out irrelevant information. In particular, one study on focusing on dichotic listening, followed participants were played two audio tracks, one in each ear, and were asked to pay attention only to one. It was shown that there was a significant positive relationship between working memory capacity and ability of the participant to filter out the information from the other audio track.[19]

Implications for teaching[edit]

Some examples of classroom implications of the information processing theory include:

Method Example
Use mnemonics to aid students in retaining information for later use, as well as strengthening the students' remembering skills. While teaching the order of operations in mathematics, use the mnemonic "Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally" to symbolize the six steps.
When teaching a specific lesson, use many different teaching styles and tools. In social studies, if the lesson is on the Rwandan genocide, lecture on the topic using many pictures, watch the movie Hotel Rwanda, and have a class discussion about the topic and the film.
Pair students together to review the material covered. When teaching a more abstract lesson, place students into pairs and have each student teach their partner the material covered to further embed the information into long-term memory.
Break down lessons into smaller more manageable parts. When teaching an intricate math equation, walk the students through an example step-by-step. After each step, pause for questions to ensure everyone understands.
Assess the extent of the prior knowledge students have about the upcoming material. After each test, have a pre-test about the next chapter to get an understanding of how much prior knowledge the students have.
Give students feedback on each assignment as a reinforcement. When returning a graded paper ensure there are both positive and negative comments on each paper. This will assist the students in bettering their future work, as well as keep them motivated in their studies.
Connect new lessons back to old lessons and real-life scenarios. When teaching a lesson about the Industrial Revolution, tie it back to your own town and buildings or areas that exist because of that time period.
Allow for over-learning Play games like Trivial Pursuit and Jeopardy! to encourage extra learning, especially as a review, within the classroom.


  1. ^ Psychology, Sixth Edition, Worth Publishers, 2010.
  2. ^ Berk, Laura E. Development through the lifespan (Seventh ed., student ed.). Hoboken, NJ. ISBN 0-13-442058-6. OCLC 1012849824.
  3. ^ a b Çeliköz, Nadir; Erisen, Yavuz; Sahin, Mehmet (August 2019). Cognitive Learning Theories with Emphasis on Latent Learning, Gestalt and Information Processing Theories. Vol. 9. pp. 18–33.
  4. ^ a b Miller, George A. (1956). "The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information". Psychological Review. 63 (2): 81–97. doi:10.1037/h0043158. hdl:11858/00-001M-0000-002C-4646-B. ISSN 1939-1471. PMID 13310704. S2CID 15654531.
  5. ^ Tulving, Endel (2002-03-21), "Episodic memory and common sense: how far apart?", Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research, vol. 356, no. 1413, Oxford University Press, pp. 269–288, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198508809.003.0015, ISBN 978-0-19-850880-9, PMC 1088532, PMID 11571040
  6. ^ Gilchrist, Amanda L.; Cowan, Nelson; Naveh-Benjamin, Moshe (October 2009). "Investigating the childhood development of working memory using sentences: New evidence for the growth of chunk capacity". Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 104 (2): 252–265. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2009.05.006. PMC 2752294. PMID 19539305.
  7. ^ Della Sala, Sergio (2007-01-11). Tall Tales about the Mind and BrainSeparating fact from fiction. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198568773.003.0005. ISBN 978-0-19-856877-3.
  8. ^ Baddeley, Alan D.; Hitch, Graham (1974), "Working Memory", Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Elsevier, pp. 47–89, doi:10.1016/s0079-7421(08)60452-1, ISBN 978-0-12-543308-2
  9. ^ Atkinson, R.C.; Shiffrin, R.M. (1977), "Human Memory: A Proposed System and ITS Control Processes", Human Memory, Elsevier, pp. 7–113, doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-121050-2.50006-5, ISBN 978-0-12-121050-2
  10. ^ a b c Goldstein, E. Bruce (2020). Cognitive psychology : connecting mind, research, and everyday experience. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Limited. ISBN 978-981-4888-07-3. OCLC 1128203170.
  11. ^ a b Wongupparaj, P.; Kumari, V. & Morris, R.G. (2015). "The relation between a multicomponent working memory and intelligence: The roles of central executive and short-term storage functions". Intelligence. 53: 166–180. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2015.10.007. S2CID 146523621.
  12. ^ Baddeley, A. (2010). "Working memory". Current Biology. 20 (4): R136–R140. Bibcode:2010CBio...20.R136B. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.12.014.
  13. ^ Baddeley A, Della Sala S (October 1996). "Working memory and executive control" (PDF). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 351 (1346): 1397–403. doi:10.1098/rstb.1996.0123. JSTOR 3069185. PMID 8941951. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-20.
  14. ^ Baddeley, A (1992-01-31). "Working memory" (PDF). Science. 255 (5044). American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS): 556–559. Bibcode:1992Sci...255..556B. doi:10.1126/science.1736359. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 1736359.
  15. ^ Miyake, A.; Friedman, N. P.; Emerson, M. J.; Witzki, A. H.; Howerter, A.; Wager, T. D. (2000). "The unity and diversity of executive functions and their contributions to complex "frontal lobe" tasks: A latent variable analysis". Cognitive Psychology. 41 (1): 49–100. CiteSeerX doi:10.1006/cogp.1999.0734. PMID 10945922. S2CID 10096387.
  16. ^ Baddeley, Alan D.; Hitch, Graham J. (March 2019). "The phonological loop as a buffer store: An update". Cortex. 112: 91–106. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2018.05.015. ISSN 0010-9452. PMID 29941299. S2CID 49414848.
  17. ^ William F. Patry (2012). How to fix copyright. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-992111-9.
  18. ^ Ariel, Shlomo (Fall 1987). "An information processing theory of family dysfunction". Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training. 24 (3S): 477–495. doi:10.1037/h0085745.
  19. ^ Engle Randall W (2002). "Working Memory Capacity as Executive Attention". Current Directions in Psychological Science. 11: 19–23. doi:10.1111/1467-8721.00160. S2CID 116230.

Further reading[edit]