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'''William Shakespeare:''' <br>
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Capuleti '''Druislla:''' <br>
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Montecchi '''Giovani Ribelli:''' <br>
Montecchi '''Giovani Ribelli:''' <br>

Revision as of 12:25, 22 January 2008

Roméo et Juliette: de la Haine à l'Amour is a very successful and famous French musical based on William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, with music and lyrics by Gérard Presgurvic. Since its world premiere in Paris on January 19, 2001, the musical has been performed in Canada, Antwerp, London, Amsterdam, Budapest, Szeged, Moscow, Vienna, Seoul, Pusan (South Korea), and Taipei; and translated into several languages, including: Flemish, Hungarian, Russian, English, and German. There are plans to stage it in Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Singapore, Australia, China, and Japan. In the myspace of the show, Gerard Presgurvic writes that the show will be back in Seoul in 2008. Then, the show will go to China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan. 2009 will see the show in Slovakia, Germany, Russia (once again) and... France. [1]

"Roméo et Juliettte: de la Haine à l'Amour" Logo

Running names and dates include: [2]

  • "Roméo et Juliette: de la Haine à l'Amour" (Jan. 19, 2001 - Dec. 21, 2002)/(June 18, 2002 - Sep. 21, 2002)-- French and French-Canadian
  • "Romeo en Julia: van Haat tot Liefde" (Sep. 22, 2002 - March 16, 2003)/(Jan. 27, 2004 - Apr. 25, 2004)-- Belgian and Netherlands Tour
  • "Romeo and Juliet: the Musical" (Oct. 18, 2002 - Feb. 8, 2003)-- British
  • "Rómeó és Júlia" (Jan. 23, 2004 - the Present)-- Hungarian
  • "Roméo i Juliette: ot Nenavist do Lubvi" (May 20, 2004 - June 12, 2006)-- Russian
  • "Romeo und Julia: das Musical" (Feb. 24, 2005 - July 8, 2006)-- Austrian
  • "Roméo et Juliette 2007" (Jan. 20, 2007 - Mar. 21, 2007)/(Apr. 5, 2007 - Apr. 21, 2007)-- Asia Tour


The musical differs from Shakespeare's play: the original Elizabethan English text is hardly used, almost everyone is aware of the lovers' "secret" marriage, and the nature of the lovers' deaths is different, depending on the production. Lord Montague is only seen in the British production, and new characters such as Death (French, Belgian, Netherlands, and Moscow productions only) and the Poet (French production only) appear for dramatic effect. Lady Capulet has a greatly increased role, and is more often than not the voice of reason. The role of Tybalt has changed slightly from being purely dark to a more pitiful character, his growing up with the hate and a dark childhood.


  • Act 1

"Every stories begins the same way... Nothing new under the moon... This is Romeo and Juliet's story..." (Ouverture)

A long-standing feud between the two leading families of the city of Verona, the Montagues and the Capulets, regularly erupts into violence on the city's streets. Irritated, the Prince of Verona decrees, on pain of death, the absolute prohibition on fighting in the city (Vérone). While Lady Capulet and Lady Montague denounce the violence of the two clans (La haine), Romeo (the sole heir of the Montagues) and Juliet (the daughter of the Capulets) are hopelessly in search for love (Un jour).

At the Capulets, a ball is being held so that Juliet can meet Count Paris, who asked Lord Capulet for her hand (La demande en mariage, Tu dois te marier). In Verona, Romeo and his friends, Benvolio and Mercutio, hang about the streets (Les rois du monde, La folie). Romeo is afraid of... he doesn't really know, but he's afraid (J'ai peur). In the hope of distracting him, Benolio and Mercutio, persuade him to accompany them, in disguise, to a ball being held at the house of the Capulets (Le bal). At his first sight of Juliet, the daughter of the Capulets, Romeo instantly falls in love with her, without knowing who she is (L'amour heureux). Tybalt recognize Romeo and informs Juliet's parents. Romeo and Juliet learn from the Nurse who they are (Le bal 2). Tybalt, broken (he loves Juliet in secret), acknowledges that he is the son of hate and contempt (C'est pas ma faute).

After the ball, Juliet takes refuge in her room and dreams of Romeo (Le poète), who woos her at great personal risk in the Capulets' garden. They exchange lovers' vows and plan to marry in secret as soon as possible (Le balcon). Knowing that their families will never agree to their marriage, Romeo meets Friar Lawrence and asks him to marry them. He accepts hoping that this union will reconcile the two families (Par amour).

In the morning, Romeo meets his friends and tells the Nurse, who everyone makes fun of (Les beaux, les laids), that Friar Lawrence will marry them the following afternoon. The Nurse, who deeply loves Juliet as her own daughter, announces the good news to Juliet (Et voilà qu'elle aime). Finally, Romeo and Juliet are married (Aimer).

  • Act 2

The next day, Benvolio and Mercutio meet Romeo : they accuse him of betrayal (On dit dans la rue). Out on the streets of Verona, Tybalt-unaware of his new blood tie to Romeo- searches Romeo (C'est le jour) and when he finds him, challenges him to a fight, which Romeo refuses (Le duel). Mercutio takes up the challenge and is mortally wounded. Driven by guilt, vengeance and youthful-hotheadedness, Romeo kills Tybalt (Mort de Mercutio). The two families, plunged into mourning, ask for revenge to the Prince (La vengeance). Finally, he banishes Romeo from Verona and thinks about the political power (Le pouvoir). In her bedroom, Juliet learns the bad news from the Nurse. She is torn between the love for her cousin and for her husband. Romeo goes at Friar Lawrence's. He thinks banishment is worse than death (Duo du désespoir).

Romeo and Juliet spend their wedding night together and Romeo makes his escape to Mantua (Le chant de l'alouette).

Hardly after her husband has left Juliet is informed by her parents that she is to be married to Paris. She refuses and they threaten to disown her (Demain). Upset, Lord Capulet sings the love he has for his daughter (Avoir une fille). In her room, Juliet asks why he has to obey (Pourquoi). In Mantua, Romeo thinks of Juliet. In desperation, she turns to Friar Lawrence, who devises an ingenious plan, which he hopes will ultimately bring a happy ending for both the lovers and their two families (Sans elle).

Juliet appears to go along with the marriage plans but, in the night before the wedding, she takes the drug prepared by Friar Lawrence which make her appear as if death (Le poison). Juliet is duly laid in the family vault, hoping to wake up to find Romeo waiting for her. Unfortunately, The Friar's message telling Romeo of the plan somehow goes astray, and instead he hears only from Benvolio that his wife Juliet is dead (Comment lui dire).

Grief stricken, he breaks into the Capulet vault, finds what he believes to be the mortal remains of his beloved, and takes poison to be reunited with her in death (Mort de Roméo). Soon afterwards, Juliet awakes to find his husband dead and she stabs herself with Romeo's dagger (La mort de Juliette). Friar Lawrence enters the vault and finds the two lovers dead. He complains to God (J'sais plus).

When the whole story is told, the two devastated families agree henceforward to live in peace (Coupables).

Principal differences



  • French version : The costumes are 14th century with a bit of 20th century and consist of leather. The Montagues are in blue, the Capulets in red and Verona's representatives in brown and grey.
  • French Canadian version : The costumes are mostly all the same (as in the Original Production) except for Juliet's, and they are less fancy.
  • Belgian / Netherlands (Dutch) version : Most of the costumes are like the Original's costumes, except the costumes of Lady Montague, the Priest, the Nurse, Mercutio, Julia's ball and wedding gowns are different.
  • British version : The British costumes are very different from the French and the Dutch. The British costumes are a mixture of Renaissance, Victorian, Elizabethan, and 20th Century. The color's for the Capulet's are a deep blue and white, while the Montague's are a dark red and black; ultimately reversed in color from the Original.
  • Hungarian version : They are different from all the productions; some look like costumes out of Moulin Rouge, a type of dark 1900's Parisian era mixed in with a twinge of West Side Story; though a couple of the costumes also look a Medieval. In general they show more skin, and some seem more futuristic (especially Benvolio's).
  • Russian version : Costumes are a mix of the French, Belgian, and a new design style.
  • Austrian version : Dominique Borg (original designer for the French costumes) went in the direction of a more futuristic feel to the German costumes. They are more skin-tight, and vibrant, but they still have that 14th century touch.
  • Asian version : Some of the costumes remind of the costumes seen in the movie Moulin Rouge!, though different from the costumes in the Hungarian Production. The Montague men and other male roles wear coats very similar to a trench coat. The other costumes, more so of the women dancers, are similar to those of the costumes from the Hungarian production - still a medieval-esque look with bold colors.

The deaths of Romeo and Juliet

  • French version : In the French production, after Romeo sings "Mort de Romeo", the character known as "Death" kills Romeo with a kiss. When Juliet wakes up to find him dead, she sings her song "La Mort de Juliette" and then Death hands her Romeo's dagger, killing herself
  • French Canadian version : After singing "Mort de Romeo", Romeo drinks a poison and falls lifeless in front of Juliet's "death bed"; Juliet then finds him dead, and with his head on her lap she sings "La Mort de Juliette" and then kills herself with Romeo's dagger.
  • Belgian / Netherlands (Dutch) version : The same scenario as the Original happens in this version.
  • British version : Romeo and Juliet both kill themselves with Romeo's dagger.
  • Hungarian version : Taking Juliet into a harnest, Romeo hangs himself as he is strapped to Juliet. Juliet kills herself with Romeo's dagger, but she slits her wrists instead of bringing the dagger into her stomach.
  • Russian version : Since the role of Death is played by a male, he does not kiss Romeo but "sucks the life out of him". So, he basically just puts his lips together and sucks his breath in. Juliette kills herself with Romeo's dagger as in many of the other productions.
  • Austrian version : Romeo drinks a vial of poison, and similar to Romeo + Juliet, Juliet wakes up just in time to watch him die. She kills herself with Romeo's dagger.
  • Asian version : Romeo drinks a vial of poison. And like in the 1996 movie with Leonardo Diacprio and Claire Danes, Juliet wakes up just in time to watch him die. She kills herself with Romeo's dagger.

Original French version : Roméo et Juliette, de la Haine à l'Amour


In () are listed the understudies. [4]
Romeo (Roméo) 1 (until 23/06/02): Damien Sargue (Hugo Lapointe until 15/03/02, Vincent Eliott from 16/03/02 to 23/06/02)
Romeo (Roméo) 2 (from 8/11/02): Vincent Eliott (Grégori Baquet)
Juliet (Juliette): Cécilia Cara (Frédérique Sorel)
Benvolio: Grégori Baquet (Pino Santoro)
Mercutio: Philippe d'Avilla (Nuno Resende)
Tybalt: Tom Ross (Nuno Rensende)
Lady Montague: Eléonore Beaulieu (Frédérique Sorel)
Lady Capulet 1 (until 17/11/01): Isabelle Ferron (Rachel Pignot)
Lady Capulet 2 (from 18/11/01): Karoline Blandin (Rachel Pignot)
The Nurse (La Nurse) 1 (until 23/06/02): Réjane Perry (Rachel Pignot)
The Nurse (La Nurse) 2 (from 8/11/02): Rachel Pignot
Lord Capulet (Comte Capulet): Sébastien Chato (Philippe Candelon)
Friar Lawrence (Frère Laurent): Jean-Claude Hadida (Arié Itah)
The Prince (Le Prince de Vérone): Frédéric Charter (Arié Itah)
Paris 1 (until 23/06/02): Essaï (Philippe Candelon)
Paris 2 (from 8/11/02): Philippe Candelon
The Poet (Le Poète): Serge Le Borgne (Esteban Olives)
Death (La Mort) 1: Anne Mano
Death (La Mort) 2: Béatrice Warrand
Redha himself played once the role of Death.
Dancers: Medhi Aït-Arkoub, Antonietta Campolo, Emilie Capel, Anthony Chasset, Fanny Chrétien, Stéphane Fly Corcel, Géraldine Couf, Franck Desplanches, Lionel Desruelles, Tiphanie Doucet, Bérénice Faure, Laurence Filippi, Mickaël Finistère, Franck Folly, Costanza Garrone, Serge Germany, Esther Giacalone, Steeve Guimaraes, Christine Hassid, Guillaume Jauffret, Frédéric Jean-Baptiste, Cyril Journet, Rémy Lailavoix, Stéphanie Lutenbacher, Sara Magistro, Céline Marié, Lilian Nguyen, Belinda Nusser, Esteban Olives, Sabrina Oukkal, Tommy Pascal, Jérome Piel, Julie Richer, Sabrina Secchi, Candice Thomas, Djeff Tilus, Florent Tortel, Elodie Tuquet-Barbe, Manuel Vignoulle, Thao Vilayvong, Béatrice Warrand


  • World premiere date

January 19th, 2001 (Paris, Palais des Congrès)

  • Other dates

19/01-12/05/01, 2-21/07/01, 19/10-30/12/01 : Palais des Congrès, Paris
2001 tours (19/05-27/06/01 Lille, Amnéville, Bruxelles, Genève - 21/09-14/10/01 : Lille, Bruxelles, Strasbourg)
2002 tours (30/01-23/06/02 Orléans, Le Mans, Caen, Rouen, Amnéville, Grenoble, Lyon, Montpellier, Marseille, Nice, Bordeaux, Pau, Genève - 8/11-21/12/02 Strasbourg, Nice, Lyon, Toulon, Lille, Bruxelles)

Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgruvic
Musical arrangements: Gérard Presgurvic, Carolin Petit
Direction: Redha
Choreography: Redha
Choreography assistant(s): Cyrille de la Barre, Mylène Riou
Direction assistant(s): Isabelle Millard
Costumes: Dominique Borg
Hair: Laurent Falcon
Make-up: Bernard Pontier
Setings: Petrika Ionesco
Light design: Antonio de Carvalho
Sound design: Thierry Rogen, Philippe Parmentier
Vocal direction: Richard Cross
Artistic direction: Daniel Moyne
Production: Gérard Louvin, GLEM, Universal Music


Singers are listed with the name of their character, as following :

    R : Roméo
J : Juliette
B : Benvolio
M : Mercutio
T : Tybalt
LM : Lady Montaigu
LC : Lady Capulet
CC : Comte Capulet
LN : La Nurse
PV : Le Prince de Vérone
FL : Frère Laurent
LP : Le Poète
P : Paris
LaM : La Mort
GP : Gérard Presgurvic
LT : La Troupe
    In the other versions, only changes are noted.
Acte 1 Acte 2
Ouverture (GP) On dit dans la rue (R, M & B)
Vérone (PV) C'est le jour (T)
La haine (LC & LM) Le duel (M, T, & R)
Un jour (R & J) Mort de Mercutio (M & R)
La demande en mariage (P & CC) La vengeance (CC, LM, PV & R)
Tu dois te marier (LC & LN) Le pouvoir (PV)
Les rois du monde (R, B & M) Duo du désespoir (LN & FL)
La folie (M, R & B) Le chant de l'alouette (R & J)
J'ai peur (R) Demain (CC, LC, J & LN)
Le bal (instrumental) Avoir une fille(CC)
L'amour heureux (R & J) Pourquoi (J)
Le bal 2 (instrumental) Sans elle (R & J)
C'est pas ma faute (T) Le poison (J)
Le poète (LP & J) Comment lui dire (B)
Le balcon (R & J) Mort de Roméo (R)
Par amour (FL, R & J) La mort de Juliette (J)
Les beaux, les laids (LN, B & M) J'sais plus (FL)
Et voilà qu'elle aime (LN) Coupables (final) (LC, LM, LN & LT)
Aimer (R & J) --

Notes :
- "La folie" and "Pourquoi" were sung until Jun. 27, 2001. They can be found on the L'Integrale recording and the second disc of some DVD recordings.
- "Sans elle" is sung only by Roméo on the cast recording, but by Roméo and Juliette during the show
- Curtain calls were "Aimer", "Vérone" (punctually) and "Les rois du monde"

French-Canadian version : Roméo et Juliette, de la Haine à l'Amour


In () are listed the understudies. [5]
Romeo (Roméo): Hugo (David LeBlanc)
Juliet (Juliette): Ariane Gauthier (Myriam Brousseau)
Benvolio: Matt Laurent (Tommy Demers)
Mercutio: Joël Lemay (Martin Moerman)
Tybalt: Dany Vachon (Martin Moerman)
Lady Montague: Josée D'orléans (Katee Julien)
Lady Capulet: Corinne Zarzour (Katee Julien)
The Nurse (La Nurse): Marie Denise Pelletier (Katee Julien)
Lord Capulet (Comte Capulet): François Godin (Paul Bisson)
Friar Lawrence (Frère Laurent): Richard Groulx (Paul Bisson)
The Prince (Le Prince de Vérone): Manuel Tadros (Paul Bisson)
Paris: David LeBlanc (Tommy Demers)
Dancers: Karim Anqouch, Lydia Bouchard, Michael Bridge-Dickson, David Bushman, Kahlil Calder, Liza Kovacs, Mijanou Lalonde, Benoît Leduc, Nicholas Peel, Luciane Pinto, Anne Plamondon, Peter Trosztmer, Elise Vanderborght, Nadine Vernon


  • Premiere date

June 18th, 2002 (Montreal, Théâtre St-Denis)

  • Others dates

18-30/06/02 Théâtre Saint-Denis, Montréal
05-21/07/02 Grand Théâtre, Québec
25/07-04/08/02 Théâtre Saint-Denis, Montréal
08-15/08/02 Centre National des Arts, Ottawa
21/08-07/09/02 Théâtre Saint-Denis, Montréal
17-21/09/02 Théâtre Municipal de la Baie, Saguenay

Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgurvic
Musical arrangements: Gérard Presgurvic, Carolin Petit
Direction: Jean Grand-Maître
Choreography: Jean Grand-Maître
Artistic consultant: Redha
Choreography assistant(s): Jean-Jacques Pillet
Direction assistant(s): Julie Beauséjour
Fights Choreography: Jean-François Gagnon
Costumes: Dominique Borg
Hair: Gérald Imbert
Make-up: Sylvie Rolland
Setings: Olivier Landreville
Property: Patricia Ruel
Light design: Yves Ancoin
Sound design: Yves Savoie
Vocal direction: Linda Mailho
Production: Charles F. Joron, Libretto


Acte 1 Acte 2
Ouverture (instrumental) On dit dans la rue
Vérone C'est le jour
La haine Le duel
Un jour Mort de Mercutio
La demande en mariage La vengeance
Tu dois te marier Duo du désespoir
Les rois du monde Le chant de l'alouette
J'ai peur Demain
Le bal Avoir une fille
L'amour heureux Sans elle
Le bal 2 Le poison
Le balcon Comment lui dire
C'est pas ma faute Mort de Roméo
Par amour La mort de Juliette
Les beaux, les laids J'sais plus
Et voilà qu'elle aime Coupables (final)
Aimer --

Note :
- Curtain call was "Aimer".
- There are no known recordings of any kind of this production.

Flemish version : Romeo en Julia, van Haat tot Liefde


In () are listed the understudies. [6]
Romeo: Davy Gilles (Rob Pelzer)
Juliet (Julia): Veerle Casteleyn (Jennifer Van Brenk)
Benvolio: Mark Tijsmans (Paul Walthaus)
Mercutio: Dieter Verhaegen (Roel Lauwens)
Tybalt: Chris van Tongelen (Roel Lauwens)
Lady Montague (Vrouwe Montecchi): Daisy Thys (Goele De Randt)
Lady Capulet (Vrouwe Capuletti): Iris Vandenkerckhove (Mieke Laureys)
The Nurse (De voedster): Jeannine Geerts (Katrijn Van Geenhoven)
Lord Capulet (Graaf Capuletti): Paul Vaes (Richard Spijkers)
Friar Lawrence (Broeder Lorenzo): Eric Baranyanka (Rory Six)
The Prince (De prins): Jeroen Maes (Richard Spijkers)
Paris: Filip D'Haeze (Rory Six)
Death (De dood): Beatrice Warrand (Christine Hassid)
Dancers: Kim Arts, Florian Boutonnier, Mélodie Caillieret, Kylian Campbell, Christian Celini, Anne Chantraine, Stéphane Corcel, Saskia Duerinck, Laurent Flament, Damien Gajda, Maïté Gheur, Gregory Gonel, Flavie Hennion, Cyril Journet, Rémy Lailavoix, David Maes, Thao Nguyen, Sophy Ribrault, Noi Pakon Schuiffel, Yvana Verbecq


  • Premiere date

September 22nd, 2002 (Antwerp, Stadsschouwburg Theatre)

  • Other dates

22/09/02-05/01/03 Stadsschouwburg, Antwerpen (shows schedulded in Gent from 05/12/02 to 05/01/03 were transferred to Antwerpen because the scene in Gent was too small ; rest schedulded from 25/11 to 04/12/02 was canceled) – extensions until 19/01/03 then from 26/02 to 16/03/03

Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgurvic
Translation: Johan Verminnen
Musical arrangements: Remko Devroede
Direction: Redha
Choreography: Redha
Choreography assistant(s): Christine Hassid
Direction assistant(s): Pierre Boisserie
Costumes: Dominique Borg
Hair: Eddy Demeyer
Make-up: Eddy Demeyer
Setings: Redha
Light design: Jurgen de Nul
Sound design: Philippe Parmentier
Vocal direction: Peter de Smedt
Artistic direction: Peter de Ryck
Production: Geert Allaert, Music Hall


Act 1 French version Act 2 French version
Ouverture (instrumentaal) Ouverture Roddels in de straat On dit dans la rue
Verona Vérone 'T ls de dag C'est le jour
De haat La haine Het duel Le duel
Ooit komt Un jour De dood van Mercutio Mort de Mercutio
Het huwelijksaanzoek La demande en mariage De wraak La vengeance
Straks ben je getrouwd Tu dois te marier Het duo van de wanhoop Duo du désespoir
De koningen Les rois du monde Het lied van de leeuwerik Le chant de l'alouette
'K ben bang J'ai peur Je hand Demain
Het bal Le bal Verona (reprise) (PV) --
De gelukkige liefde L'amour heureux Dochter van mij Avoir une fille
Het bal 2 Le bal 2 Voor haar Sans elle
Het is mijn schuld niet C'est pas ma faute Het vergif Le poison
Het balkon Le balcon Hoe zeg je dan Comment lui dire
Mooi zijn of lelijk zijn Les beaux, les laids De dood van Romeo Mort de Roméo
Ze houdt zo van hem Et voilà qu'elle aime De dood van Julia La mort de Juliette
Liefde Aimer Zo moe J'sais plus
-- -- Schuldig Coupables

Note :
- Curtain call was "De Koningen"

British Version : Romeo and Juliet, the musical


In () are listed the understudies. [7]
Romeo: Andrew Bevis (Gary Tushaw, Simon Bailey)
Juliet: Lorna Want or Zara Dawson (Amy Creighton, Carly Tancredi)
Benvolio: Matt Dempsey (Tim Walton, Gary Tushaw)
Mercutio: Rachid Sabitri (Simon Bailey, Tim Walton)
Tybalt: Alexis James (Matthew Wolfenden, Magnus Engqvist)
Lady Montague: Lousie Davidson (Susie Fenwick, Tamsin Stewart)
Lady Capulet: Michele Hooper (Louise Davidson, Melanie Tate)
The Nurse: Jane Mcdonald (Melanie Tate, Susie Fenwick)
Lord Capulet: David Bardsley (James Graeme, Chris Middlebrook)
Lord Montague: James Graeme (Chris Middlebrook, Lez Dwight) *Role Only in British Production*
Friar Lawrence: Sévan Stephan (Hadrian Delacey, Chris Midlebrook)
The Prince: Michael Cormick (Lez Dwight, Hadrian Delacey)
Paris: Tim Walton (Magnus Engqvist, Matthew Wolfenden)
Dancers: Simon Bailey, Chloë Bell, Jo Cavanagh, David Christopher, Amy Creighton, Stuart Dawes, Zara Dawson, Hadrian Delacey, Lez Dwight, Magnus Engqvist-James, Susie Fenwick, Nic Ineson, Martin Matthias, Chris Midlebrook, Ebony Molina, Tamsin Stewart, Carly Tancredi, Melanie Tate, Gary Tushaw, Tamara Wall, Matthew Wolfenden


  • Premiere date

November 4th, 2002 (London, Piccadilly Theatre)

  • Other dates

18/10/02-08/02/03 Piccadilly Theater, London (Première : 04/11/02). The three previews schedulded in 15, 16 and 17/10 were cancelled for technical problems

Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgurvic
Translation: Don Black
Musical arrangements: John Cameron
Direction and choreography: David Freeman
Musical staging: Redha
Choreography assistant(s): Christine Hassid
Fights Choreography: Malcolm Ranson
Book: Don Black, David Freeman
Costumes: David Roger
Setings: David Roger
Light design: Durham Marenghi
Sound design: Whizz
Vocal direction: Mary Hammond
Artistic direction: Andrew Fell Limited
Production: Adam Kenwright, City Lights, GLEM


Act 1 French version Act 2 French version
Ouverture (instrumental) Ouverture Word in on the street On dit dans la rue
Verona Vérone It's today C'est le jour
Born to hate La haine Live Le duel
All days are the same without you Un jour Dying in the dust Mort de Mercutio
The mariage proposal La demande en mariage Revenge La vengeance
You must marry Tu dois te marier Verona (reprise) (PV) --
Kings of the world Les rois du monde Fools Duo du désespoir
The ball 1 Le bal No place too far Le chant de l'alouette
Born to love L'amour heureux He's yours Demain
The ball 2 Le bal 2 She came from me Avoir une fille
She can't see me C'est pas ma faute All days are the same without you (reprise) (R & J) --
Two different worlds Le balcon Ugly and beautiful (reprise) (LN) --
All for love Par amour I can't do this Comment lui dire
Ugly and beautiful Les beaux, les laids God knows why Mort de Roméo
And now she is in love Et voilà qu'elle aime Where rivers keep flowing La mort de Juliette
These are my rivers Aimer Empty sky J'sais plus
-- -- Guilty Coupables

Notes :
- "She can't see me" is sung on the melody of The bal 2
- "Guilty" is sung on the melody of "Fools"
- Curtain calls were "These are my rivers" and "Kings of the world" (music only)

Hungarian version : Róméó és Júlia


In the Hungarian cast, there are no understudies, but several leading singers, who play alternately.
Romeo (Rómeó): Dolhai Attila (01/2004-), György Rózsa Sándor (01/2004-06/2005, 09/2006-06/2007), Bálint Ádám (09/2004-), Száraz Tamás (09/2006-)
Juliet (Júlia): Szinetár Dóra (01/2004-), Mahó Andrea (01/2004-06/2006), Vágó Bernadett (09/2006-), Vágó Zsuzsi (09/2006-)
Benvolio: Mészáros Árpád Zsolt, (01/2004-) Szentirmai Zsolt (01/2004-06/2005), Kerényi Miklós Máté (09/2004-)
Mercutio: Bereczki Zoltán (01/2004-), Szábo Dávid (09/2004-)
Tybalt: Szabó P.Szilveszter (01/2004-), Jegercsik Csaba (01/2004-06/2004), Varga Lajos (09/2004-06/2005), Magócs Ottó (09/2006-)
Lady Montague (Montague-né): Csengery Ottília (01/2004-), Baranyai Annamária (09/2004-)
Lady Capulet (Capulet-né): Janza Kata (01/2007-06/2007), Polyák Lilla (09/2004-06-2007), Heiter Ágnes (09/2004-06/2005, 09/2006-06/2007), Siménfalvy Ágota (09/2006-), Molnár Szilvia (09/2006-06/2007), Füredi Nikolett (09/2006-)
The Nurse (Dada): Náray Erika (01-2004-), Benedkffy Katalin (09/2004-06-2006), Nádasi Veronika (09/2006-)
Lord Capulet (Capulet): Csuha Lajos (01/2004-)
Friar Lawrence (Lõrinc barát): Földes Tamás (01/2004-), Pálfalvy Attila (09/2004-)
The Prince (Escalus, Verona hercege): Németh Attila (01/2004-), Imre Sebastian (01/2004-)
Paris: Homonnay Zsolt (01/2004-), Miklós Attila (01/2004-06/2005), Egyházy Géza (09/2006-)
Actors: Sz. Nagy Ildikó (01/2004-), G. Szabó Sándor (01/2004-), Langer Soma (01/2004), Makay Andrea (01/2004-06/2004), Ullman Zsuzsa (01/2004-06/2004), Nagy Bea (09/2004-)
Dancers: A Musical Ensemble (Bartha László, Ferencz Szilvia, Fóldesi Anita, Godó Gabriella, Heiter Agnes, Hódács János, Imre Sebastian, Kelemen Zsolt, Kocsis Tamás, Kóvacs Péter, Kővári László, Miklós Attila, Molnár Andrea, Radics Bernadett, Sárkány Gabriella, Szentirmai Zsolt, Szűts Rita, Tihanyi Lívia, Tucsek Edit), A Pesti Broadway Stúdió növendékei (Csórics Balázs, Dankó Zsolt, Deák Csongar, Muhani Tamás, Pirgel Dávid)


  • Premiere date

January 23rd, 2004 (Budapest, Budapest Operetta Theatre)

  • Other dates

23/1/04-29/02/08 Budapesti Operettszínház
2004 : 68 shows, 2005 : 87 shows, 2006 : 68 shows, 2007 : 71 shows, 2008 : 8 shows
12-14, 18-21/8/05 Szegedi SzabadtériJátékok (Dóm Tér)
2-3/12/05 Főnix Csarnok, Debrecen
19/8/06 Nepstadion, Budapest
1-2-3/9/06 Expo center, Pécs

Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgruvic
Translation: Galambos Attila
Musical arrangements: Makláry László
Direction: Kerényi Miklós Gábor
Choreography: Duda Éva
Artistic consultant: Redha
Choreography assistant(s): Rogács László
Direction assistant(s): Somogyi Szilárd
Costumes: Velich Rita
Hair: Augyecz Ágnes, Böhm Katalin
Setings: Götz Béla
Light design: Somfai Péter
Vocal direction: Kéringer László
Production: City Lights


1. felvonás French version 2. felvonás French version
Nyitány (Prológus) (FL) Ouverture Azt beszélik itt On dit dans la rue
Verekédés / Verona Vérone Belém égett C'est le jour
Gondolj házasságra ! Tu dois te marier Párbaj Le duel
Egy nap Un jour Mercutio halála Mort de Mercutio
Lehetsz király Les rois du monde A bosszú La vengeance
Miért fáj? J'ai peur Oh magas eg ! (A két reményvesztet) Duo du désespoir
Lánykérés La demande en mariage Pacsirta szól Le chant de l'alouette
Bál Le bal Holnap Demain
Vór reánk a mindenség (A teljesség) L'amour heureux Angyal Sans elle
Bál 2 Le bal 2 A méreg Le poison
Ez a kéz utolér C'est pas ma faute A téboly (P) --
Erkély duett Le balcon Hogy mondjam el? Comment lui dire
Minden szerelem vak (A szerelem) Par amour Párisz halála (A párbaj [ismétlés]) (R & P) --
Hahaha (Van szép és csúnya) Les beaux, les laids Úgy fáj (Miért fáj? [ismétlés]) Mort de Roméo
Szeme tűzben ég Et voilà qu'elle aime Júlia halála La mort de Juliette
Lehetetlen (T, LM & LC) -- Mit ér a hit? J'sais plus
Gyűlölet La haine Bűnösők Coupables
Szívből szeretni Aimer -- --

Notes :
- "Lehetetlen" and "A téboly" are new songs only for this production. "A téboly" is in the melody of "La folie".
- "Párisz halála" is a new song only for this production. It can be translated by Paris' death. It is sung on the melody of "Le Duel"
- "Úgy fáj" is a repise of "Miért fáj?" and is the song for Romeo's death

Netherlands / Belgium tour version : Romeo en Julia, van Haat tot Liefde


In () are listed the understudies. [9]
Romeo: Davy Gilles (Rob Pelzer)
Juliet (Julia): Jennifer Van Brenk (Sasha Rosen)
Benvolio: Mark Tijsmans (Gertjan Heuvelmans)
Mercutio: Dieter Verhaegen (Arnan Samson)
Tybalt: Chris van Tongelen (Roel Lauwens)
Lady Montague (Vrouwe Montecchi): Goele De Raedt (Juta Bolsius)
Lady Capulet (Vrouwe Capuletti): Tanja De Nijs (Juta Bolsius)
The Nurse (De voedster): Pauline Du Bois (Katrien Verheijden)
Lord Capulet (Graaf Capuletti): Paul Vaes (Gertjan Heuvelmans, Richard Spijkers)
Friar Lawrence (Broeder Lorenzo): Ben Cramer (Rory Six)
The Prince (De prins): Jeroen Maes (Rory Six, Richard Spijkers)
Paris: Filip D'Haeze (Rory Six)
Death (De dood): Daniele Cohen (Beatrice Warrand)
Dancers: Marcella Dijjers (Rosalina), Kylian Campbell (Angelo), Christian Celini (Diabolo), York Ting Chen (Chiara), Nicholas Fishleigh (Piero), Alison Jaques (Eva), Rémy Lailavoix (Tazio), Marcella Morelli (Caterina), Thao Nguyen (Angelina), Noi Pakon Schuiffel (Sandra), Martin Zanotti (Luciano), Merlijn de Vries (Cristiano), Kim Arts (Elisa), Florian Boutonnier (Archi), Kai Guzowski (Rocco), Natasha Henry (Valentina), Elisabeth Lambeck (Rossana), Isabelle Massé (Liliana), Thomas Puskalier (Raffaello), Sophy Ribrault (Mortisia), Leo Van Emden (Leonardo)


  • Premiere date

January 27th, 2004 (Rotterdam, Nieuwe Luxor Theatre)

  • Other dates

27/1-8/2/04 Nieuwe Luxor Theater, Rotterdam
11/2-15/2/04 Grenslandhallen, Hasselt
26/2-7/3/04 Heineken Music Hall, Amsterdam
24/3-4/4/04 Chassé Theater, Breda
8/4-25/4/04 Stadsschouwburg, Antwerpen

Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgurvic
Translation: Johan Verminnen
Musical arrangements: Jaap Dielerman
Direction: Redha
Choreography: Redha
Choreography assistant(s): Christine Hassid, Cyril Journet
Direction assistant(s): Pierre Boisserie
Costumes: Dominique Borg
Hair: Linde de Muynck
Make-up: Linde de Muynck
Setings: Redha
Light design: Jurgen de Nul
Sound design: Patrick van Cauwenberghe
Production: Music Hall, GLEM


(see Belgian version)
Note :
- Curtain call was "Liefde"

Russian version : Ромео и Джульетта, От ненависти до любви


*Names in ( ) Switch Roles Every-Other Day*
Romeo (Ромео): Eduard Shuljevskii (Andrei Alexandrin, Alexei Frandetti)
Juliet (Джульетта): Sofia Nigjaradze (Evgeniya Ryabzeva, Anna Chipovskaya)
Benvolio (Бенволио): Sergey Li (Aleksandr Postolenko)
Mercutio (Меркуцио): Stanislav Belyayev (Alexsey Losikhin)
Tybalt (Тибальт): Pavel Maximov (Contantine Kabanov)
Lady Montague (Леди Монтекки): Lika Rulla (Karina Ovsepyan)
Lady Capulet (Леди Капулетти): Anastasia Sapozhnikova (Olga Vorozhtsova)
The Nurse (Кормилица): Natalie Sidortsova (Natalie Trikhleb)
Lord Capulet (Граф Капулетти): Aleksandr Marakulin (Igor Balalayev)
Friar Lawrence (Брат Лоренцо): Anton Artsev (Victor Yesin)
The Prince (Герцог): Vladimir Dybskii (Andrei Belyavskii)
Paris (Парис): Mohamed Fattakh Abdel (Sergey Lashmanov)
Death (Смерть): Pavel Belkov (Aleksandar Babenko, Nicolai Tsiskaridze)
Dancers: Ivan Belkov, Victoria Bogomasova, Dimitri Bunin, Alexei Degtiarev, Alexei Doroshev, Zalina Dzutseva, Svetlana Isaeva, Aleksandr Isakov, Pavel Ivlev, Alexei Karpenko, Julia Kashkina, Marina Khramova, Maria Kovalskaya, Sergei Kurtchenkov, Dimitri Lotkov, Aleksandr Malafeiev, Irena Manouilova, Valeria Mokrushina, Irina Morozova, Vladislav Nunes-Romero, Alexei Popov, Anna Rybaltchenko, Anna Safronova, Karina Sedova, Sergei Shesteperov, Olesia Stutchenko, Timofei Tchernyshev, Natalia Terekhova, Anton Varfolomeev, Nadegba Zaharova


  • Premiere date

May 20th, 2004 (Moscow, Moscow Operetta Theatre)

  • Other dates

2004 : 20/5-22/6, 7-31/10, 17-28/11, 21-31/12
2005 : 26/01-6/02, 1-13/03, 7-17/04, 12-22/05, 16-26/06, 5-14/08, 9-18/09, 12-23/10, 16-27/11, 20-31/12
2006 : 24/01-5/02, 2-12/03, 11-16/04, 6-12/06
at Московская Оперетта

Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgurvic
Translation: Irina Golubouyskaia, Natalia Makuni, Susanna Tsiruk
Direction: Redha
Choreography: Redha
Book: Olev Naum
Costumes: Dominique Borg
Setings: Dominique Lebourges
Light design: Bart de Coensel
Sound design: Carolin Petit, Philippe Parmentier
Artistic direction: Viktor Kolomin
Production: Metro, Notre Dame de Paris, City Lights


1 акта French version 2 акта French version
Пролог (LaM) Ouverture Ты нас предал On dit dans la rue
Верона Vérone Пробил час C'est le jour
Вражда La haine Дуэль Le duel
Предчувствие любви Un jour Смерть Меркуцио Mort de Mercutio
Сватовство La dmeande en mariage Кто виноват La vengeance
Мужья - наша цель Tu dois te marier Бог, почему? (LN, B, FL, LM & LC) Duo du désespoir
Короли ночной Вероны Les rois du monde Власть Le pouvoir
Судьба J'ai peur Утро Le chant de l'alouette
Бал Le bal Пройдет лишь ночь одна Demain
Встреча на балу L'amour heureux Отец и дочь Avoir une fille
Бал-часть 2 Le bal 2 Как жаль Pourquoi
Маска мести C'est pas ma faute В разлуке Sans elle
Дуэт на балконе Le balcon Яд Le poison
Просьба о венчании Par amour Как мне сказать? Comment lui dire
Красавцы и уроды Les beaux, les laids Смерть Ромео Mort de Roméo
Два крыла любви Et voilà qu'elle aime Смерть Джульетты La mort de Juliette
Благословение Aimer Господь, прости J'sais plus
-- -- Финал Coupbales

Notes :
- Curtain calls were "Cчастье" ("Благословение", but with different lyrics) and "Короли ночной Вероны"
- Просьба о венчании (Par amour) and Как жаль (Pourquoi) were not in the show. However, there are versions of those songs on the cast recording

Austrian version : Romeo und Julia, das Musical


In () are listed the understudies. [11]
Romeo: Lukas Perman (Thomas Mülner, Rasmus Borkowski)
Juliet (Julia): Marjan Shaki (Jana Stelley, Jasmina Sakr, Daniela Harbauer)
Benvolio: Mathias Edenborn (Patrick Schenk, Thomas Mülner, Nivaldo Allves)
Mercutio: Rasmus Borkowski (Peter lesiak, Christoph Goetten, Nivaldo Allves)
Tybalt: Mark Seibert (Christoph Goetten, Adrian Hochstrasser, Simon Eichenberger, Sean Gerard)
Lady Montague: Zuzanna Maurery (Rachel Colley, Sabrina Harper, Sabine Mayer)
Lady Capulet: Annette Wimmer (Sabrina Harper, Natascha Hill, Sabine Mayer)
The Nurse (Die Amme): Carin Filipcic (Natascha Hill, Felicitas Morawitz)
Lord Capulet 1: Paul Vaes (Reinwald Kranner, Kai Peterson)
Lord Capulet 2: Reinwald Kranner (Kai Peterson) (from Mar. 30, 2006 to July 8, 2006)
Friar Laurence (Pater Lorenzo): Charlie Serrano (Reinwald Kranner, Kai Peterson)
The Prince (Der Fürst): Boris Pfeifer (Norman Stehr, Kai Peterson, Andreas Björkman)
Paris: Thomas Mülner (Sean Gerard, Brian Carmack, Florian Theiler, Andreas Björkman, Ivo Giacomozzi)
Dancers 1: Michael Bernhard, Alice Van Den Beucken, Jacquie Biggs, Sanne Buskermolen, Brian Carmack, Rachel Colley, Lorna Dawson, Simon Eichenberger, Laura Fernandez, Sean Gerard, Niklas-Philipp Gertl, Ivo Giacomozzi, Christoph Goetten, Daniela Harbauer, Sabrina Harper, Natascha Henry, Natascha Hill, Adrian Hochstrasser, Kevin Hudson, Jerome Knols, Peter Lesiak, Martin Matthias, Marcella Morelli, Lilian N’Guyen, Zoltan Roman, Sanny James Roumimper, Patrick Schenk, Norman Stehr, Jana Stelley, Florian Theiler, Lynsey Thurgar (from Feb. 24, 2005 to Jan. 8, 2006)
Dancers 2: Nivaldo Allves, Joao Paulo de Almeida, Michael Bernhard, Alice Van Den Beucken, Jacquie Biggs, Andreas Björkman, Danilo Brunetti, Sanne Buskermolen, Brian Carmack, Lorna Dawson, Simon Eichenberger, Laura Fernandez, Daniella Foligno, Sean Gerard, Niklas-Philipp Gertl, Ivo Giacomozzi, Kenia Bernal Gonzales, Daniela Harbauer, Sabrina Harper, Christine Hassid, Kevin Hudson, Peter Lesiak, Martin Matthias, Sabrina Mayer, Lilian N’Guyen, Oliver Rey, Zoltan Roman, Federica Rosati, Steven Seale, Lynsey Thurgar, Katarina Trinkewitzova (from Jan. 9, 2006 to July 8, 2006)


  • Premiere date

February 24th, 2005 (Vienna, Raimund Theatre)

  • Other dates

24/2-16/7/05, 3/9/05-8/1/06, 9/1-8/7/06 at Raimund Theater, Wien

Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgurvic
Translation: Michaela Ronzoni, Julia Sengstschmid
Musical arrangements: Christian Kolonovits
Direction: Redha
Choreography: Redha
Choreography assistant(s): Christine Hassid
Direction assistant(s): Pierre Boisserie
Costumes: Dominique Borg
Setings: Duncan Hayler
Light design: Andrew Voller
Sound design: Richard Ryan
Artistic direction: Caspar Richter
Production: Vereinigte Bühnen Wien, GLEM, City Lights


1. Akt French version 2. Akt French version
Ouvertüre (instrumental) Ouverture Habt ihr schon gehört On dit dans la rue
Verona Vérone Es wird Zeit C'est le jour
Des Hass La haine Das Duell Le duel
Einmal Un jour Mercutios Tod Mort de Mercutio
Die Heiratsantrag La demande en mariage Die Rache (CC, LC, LN, PV, LM, R & B) La vengeance
Freu dich auf die Hochzeit Tu dois te marier Die Verzweiflung (FL, CC, LN, LC, b & LM) Duo du désespoir
Einmal (reprise) -- Der Gesang der Lerche Le chant de l'alouette
Herrscher der Welt Les rois du monde Nicht lang (CC, LC, P, LN & J) Demain
Die Angst J'ai peur Mein liebes Kind Avoir une fille
Der Ball 1 Le bal Ohne Sie Sans elle
Liebesglück L'amour heureux Das Gift Le poison
Der Ball 2 Le bal 2 Verona 2 (PV) --
Ich bin schuldlos C'est pas ma faute Wie sag ich's ihm Comment lui dire
Der Balkon Le balcon Romeos Tod Mort de Roméo
Wir sind aus Fleisch und Blut Les beaux, les laids Julias Tod La mort de Juliette
Siehe da, sie liebt Et voilà qu'elle aime Warum J'sais plus
Liebe Aimer Schuldig Coupbales

Note :
- Curtain call was "Herrscher der Welt"

Korean version : Roméo et Juliette (로미오 앤 줄리엣), le spectacle musical de GERARD PRESGURVIC or Roméo et Juliette 2007


In () are listed the understudies. [12]
Character names are in Korean.
Romeo (로미오): Damien Sargue (Jules Grison)
Juliet (줄리엣): Joy Esther (Stéphanie Impoco)
Benvolio (벤볼리오): Cyril Niccolaï (Yoni Amar)
Mercutio (머큐시오): John Eyzen (Fabien Incardona)
Tybalt (티볼트): William Saint-Val (Fabien Incardona)
Lady Montague (레이디 몬테규): Brigitte Venditti (Aurélie Musso)
Lady Capulet (레이디 캐플렛): Stéphanie Rodrigue (Aurélie Musso)
The Nurse (유모): Ida Gordon (Gwladys Fraioli)
Lord Capulet (캐플렛 경): Arié Itah (Alain Cordier)
Friar Lawrence (로랑 신부): Joël O'Cangha (Alain Cordier)
The Prince (영주): Stéphane Métro (Yoni Amar)
Death (죽음): Christine Hassid (Natasha Henry)
Dancers: Esther Giacalone, Zalina Dzutseva, Daniella Foligno, Svetlana Isaeva, Francesca Lavecchia, Frédéric Jean-Baptiste, Anthony Cazaux, Fly Corcel, Rémy Lailavoix, Khalid Ghajji, François Doppia, Emmanuelle Bouariz, Lauren Filip, Natasha Henry, Marlène Wirth, Mélodie Cailleret, Jérome Piel, Paolo Provenzano, Oliver Rey, Alexandr Malafeev, Dimitry Lotkov, Allal Mouradoudi, Brian Carmack, Anne-Sophie Léonhard


  • Premiere dates

January 20th, 2007 (Seoul, Sejong Center)
March 10th, 2007 (Pusan, Citizen's Hall)

  • Other dates

20/1-27/2/07 Sejong Center, Seoul, Korea
10-21/3/07 Citizen's Hall, Pusan, Korea

Creatives and production teams

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgurvic
Musical arrangements: Gérard Presgurvic, Carolin Petit
Direction: Redha
Choreography: Redha
Choreography assistant(s): Christine Hassid, Martin Yaebaert
Direction assistant(s): Pierre Boisserie
Costumes: Frédéric Délliaux, Laurent Déjardin
Hair: Laurent Falcon
Setings: Dominique Lebourges
Graphic conception: Akimandré, Mstar
Light design: Ton Irthum
Sound design: Philippe Parmentier
Vocal direction: Guillaume Cognard
Artistic direction: Evelyne Presgurvic
Production: Erum-ENT, Gérard Presgurvic


막 1 막 2
Prologue 프롤로그 Je veux l'aimer 사랑하고 싶어 (R & J)
Vérone 베로나 C'est le jour 그 날이 왔네
La haine 증오 La folie 광기 (M)
Grosse 뚱뚱해 (CC & LN) Le duel 결투
La demande en mariage 구혼 (CC, LN & T) Mort de Mercutio 머큐시오의 죽음
Un jour 언젠가 Quel est le prix 대가란 무엇인가
A la vie, à la mort 영원히 (M, R & B) Duo du désespoir 절망의 듀오
Les rois du monde 세상의 왕들 Le chant de l'alouette 종달새의 노래
J'ai peur 나는 두려워 Demain 내일
Le bal 1 무도회 1 Avoir une fille 딸이 있다는 건
L'amour heureux 행복한 사랑 Le poison 독약
Le bal 2 무도회 2 Sans elle 그녀 없이 (R)
C'est pas ma faute 내 잘못이 아니야 Vérone 2 베로나 2 (PV)
Le balcon 발코니 Comment lui dire 어떻게 말하지
Par amour 사랑으로 Mort de Roméo 로미오의 죽음
Les beaux, les laids 아름답든 추하든 La mort de Juliette 줄리엣의 죽음
Et voilà qu'elle aime 그녀가 사랑에 빠졌네 J'sais plus 이젠 더이상 모르겠어요
Aimer 사랑한다는 건 Coupables (final) 죄인들

Notes :
- "Grosse", "A la vie, à la mort", "Je veux l'aimer" and "Vérone 2" are new songs for this production
- "Quel est le prix" is the new title for "La vengeance"
- "Sans elle" is sung only by Romeo because the song comes after "Le poison"
- Curtain calls were "Aimer", "Vérone" and "Les rois du monde"
- Songs were sung in French, though subtitled in Korean during the show.

Taiwanese version : Roméo et Juliette (羅密歐 與 茱麗葉), de la Haine à l'Amour


In () are listed the understudies. [13]
Character names are in traditional Chinese.
Romeo (羅密歐): Damien Sargue (Jules Grison)
Juliet (茱麗葉): Joy Esther (Stéphanie Impoco)
Benvolio (班福樂): Cyril Niccolaï (Yoni Amar)
Mercutio (莫枯修): John Eyzen (Fabien Incardona)
Tybalt (鐵豹): Tom Ross (Fabien Incardona)
Lady Montague (蒙特鳩夫人): Brigitte Venditti (Aurélie Musso)
Lady Capulet (卡布雷特夫人): Stéphanie Rodrigue (Aurélie Musso)
The Nurse (奶媽): Ida Gordon (Gwladys Fraioli)
Lord Capulet (卡布雷特伯爵): Arié Itah (Alain Cordier)
Friar Lawrence (): Joël O'Cangha (Alain Cordier)
The Prince (王子): Stéphane Métro (Yoni Amar)
Death (死亡): Aurélie Badol
Dancers: Carl Portal, Rémy Lailavoix, Allal Mouradoudi, Khalid Ghajji, Dimitry Lotkov, Zalina Dzutseva, Aleksandr Malafeev, Svetlana Isaeva, Jérôme Couchard, Julie Richer, Peggy Didon, Andrea Bescond, Ndedi Ma-Sellu, Hacine Brahimi, Anna Ivacheff, Sabrina Haroun, Sami Mouhoubi, Laurence Perez-Robin


  • Premiere date

April 5th, 2007 (Taipei, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall)

  • Other dates

5-21/4/07 National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan

Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgurvic
Musical arrangements: Gérard Presgurvic, Carolin Petit
Direction: Redha
Choreography: Redha
Choreography assistant(s): Allal Mouradoudi
Costumes: Frédéric Délliaux, Laurent Déjardin
Hair: Laurent Falcon
Setings: Dominique Lebourges
Graphic conception: Akimandré, Mstar
Light design: Ton Irthum
Sound design: Philippe Parmentier
Vocal direction: Guillaume Cognard
Artistic direction: Evelyne Presgurvic
Production: Erum-ENT, Gérard Presgurvic


幕一 幕二
Ouverture 序曲 Je veux l'aimer 這次巡迴的新歌
Vérone 1 維洛那 I C'est le jour 就是今天
La haine 恨 La folie
Grosse Le duel 決鬥
La demande en mariage 求婚 Mort de Mercutio 莫枯修之死
Un jour 有一天 Quel est le prix 怎樣的代價
A la vie, à la mort Duo du désespoir 絕望二重唱
Les rois du monde 世界之王 Le chant de l'alouette 雲雀之歌
J'ai peur 我怕 Demain 明天
Le bal 1 舞會 I Avoir une fille 呵護一個女孩
L'amour heureux 真心之愛 Le poison 毒藥
Le bal 2 舞會 II Sans elle 沒有她 (R)
C'est pas ma faute 非我之錯 Vérone 2 維洛那 II
Le bal 3 舞會 III (instrumental) Comment lui dire 怎麼跟他說
Le balcon Mort de Roméo 羅密歐之死
Par amour 以愛之名 La mort de Juliette 茱麗葉之死
Les beaux, les laids 美與醜 J'sais plus
Et voilà quelle aime 她正沉醉愛河 Coupables (final) 罪人
Aimer 愛吧 ! --

Notes :
- "Grosse", "A la vie, à la mort", "Le bal 3", "Je veux l'aimer" and "Vérone 2" are new songs for this production
- "Quel est le prix" is the new title for "La vengeance"
- "Sans elle" is sung only by Romeo because the song comes after "Le poison"
- Curtain calls were "Aimer", "Vérone" and "Les rois du monde"
- Songs were sung in French, though subtitled in Chinese during the show

Unofficial versions

There are also two unofficial versions, played by two Italian associations.

Verona : il musical di Giulietta e Romeo

  • Cast

Romeo: Vincenzo Roselli
Juliet (Giulietta): Arianna Materno
Benvolio (Benvoglio): Antonio Calitro
Mercutio (Mercuzio): Vincenzo Raimondo
Tybalt (Tibaldo): Luigi Valentino
Lady Montague (Lady Montecchi): Marisa Mero
Lady Capulet (Lady Capuleti): Flavia Mastrapasqua
The Nurse (La Nutrice): Imma Valese
Lord Capulet (Conte Capuleti): Ninni Piscitelli
Friar Lawrence (Frate Lorenzo): Silvio Rossignoli
The Prince (Il Duca di Verona): Guiseppe Antonacci
Paris (Conte Paris): Luca Di Bari
The Poet (Il Poeta): Paolo Mennoia
Death (La Morte): Carmen Marro
Dancers: Mary Marcovecchio (La Muta, La Muette), Simona Borrelli, Andreina Cafagna, Stefania Calvano, Sara Calvano, Claudia Carbone, Ilaria Cilli, Allessandra Corsini, Francesca Damato, Rafaella Doronzo, Silvia Doronzo, Assunta Lacavalla, Cinzia Luce, Silvia Lucia, Chiara Mantagna, Francesca Mascolo, Stefania Pastore, Vanessa Pastore, Annalisa Piccolo, Rosselle Sciusco, Roberta Tempesta

  • Dates

29/12/06 Teatro Scorpio, Canosa di Puglia
19/01/07 Teatro Scorpio, Canosa di Puglia
20/04/07 Teatro Astra, Andria
06/08/07 Piano San Giovanni, Canosa di Puglia

  • Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgruvic
Translation: Imma Valese, Antonio Calitro, Vincenzo Roselli
Direction: Imma Valesa, Antonio Calitro, Vincenzo Roselli
Choreography: Michela Borrelli, Mariarosa Canetta
Costumes: Antonia Di Lorenzo, Maria Messina
Setings: Nunzia Natale
Light and sound design: Michele Occhionero
Production: Associazone Tra Palco e Realtà

  • Songs
Atto 1 French version Atto 2 French version
Overture (strumentale) Ouverture Dicobo laggiù On dit dans la rue
Verona Vérone Solo tu C'est le jour
Perchè (l'odio) La haine Il duello Le duel
Quando Un jour Morte di Mercuzio Mort de Mercutio
La richiesta di Paris La demande en mariage Vendetta La vengeance
Tu dirai di si Tu dois te marier Duri come pietra Duo du désespoir
I re del mondo Les rois du monde T'amo Le chant de l'alouette
Temo J'ai peur Domani Demain
Il ballo Le bal Lei figlia mia Avoir une fille
L'amore è L'amour heureux Per lei Sans elle
Il ballo 2 Le bal 2 Il veleno Le poison
Non ho colpa C'est pas ma faute Che potrei dire Comment lui dire
Il poeta Le poête Morte di Romeo Mort de Roméo
Il balcone Le balcon Morte di Giulietta La mort de Juliette
Per amor Par amour Ucciso anch'io J'sais plus
Buono o cattivo Les beaux, les laids Colpa (finale) Coupables
Ora che va via Et voilà qu'elle aime -- --
Amare Aimer -- --

Note :
- Curtain calls were "Amare" and "I re del mondo"

Romeo e Julietta : il musical in italiano

  • Cast

Romeo: Luigi Bruno
Juliet (Julietta): Michela Nardò
Benvolio: Marco Delvecchio
Mercutio (Mercuzio): Mauro Tummolo
Tybalt (Tibaldo): Domenico Prezioso
Lady Montague (Donna Montecchi): Elaina Paradiso
Lady Capulet (Donna Capuleti): Lucilla Falcone
The Nurse (La Balia): Valeria Di Ninno
Lord Capulet (Conte Capuleti): Fabio Gallotta
Friar Lawrence (Frate Lorenzo): Giuseppe Panarelli
The Prince (Il Principe di Verona): Pasquale Iodice
Paris (Conte Paris): Antonio Di Tullio
Death (La Morte): Maira Parente
Dancers: Katia Paulicelli (La Muta, La Muette), Pippo Lopez (acrobate), Antonio Ferrara (acrobate), Simona Licci, Marco Savaglia, Alessandro Oliva, Anna Gallo, Dalila Paradiso, Simone Delvecchio, Ilaria Palmitessa, Luana Lavecchia, Francesca Maresca, Francesco Pastore, Giuseppe Di Bari

  • Dates

7-8/02/07 Palazzetto dello Sport, Canosa di Puglia

  • Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Gérard Presgruvic
Direction: Leonardo Giaschi
Choreography: Maira Parente
Hair: Divina
Costumes: Franca Galdini
Setings: NUVàrt Group
Vocal direction: Lucilla falcone
Production: Associazone I Nuovi Arrivati

  • Songs


Romeo e Julietta : il musical in italiano, la rinascita

  • Cast

Juliet (Julietta):
Mercutio (Mercuzio):
Tybalt (Tebaldo):
Lady Montague (Lady Montecchi):
Lady Capulet (Lady Capuleti):
The Nurse (La Balia):
Lord Capulet (Conte Capuleti):
Lord Montague (Conte Montecchi):
Friar Lawrence (Frate Lorenzo):
The Prince (Il Principe di Verona):
Paris (Conte Paride):
Love (L'Amore):
William Shakespeare:
People (Il Popolo):
Capuleti Druislla:
Montecchi Giovani Ribelli:

  • Dates

  • Creatives and production team

Lyrics, music: Giaschi Leonardo
Musical arrangments: Aria Studio
Choirs :
Choirs direction : Aria Studio
Direction: Giaschi Leonardo, Davide Porro
Designer: Eliana Paradiso
Hair: Cesvim Accademy
Costumes: Galdini
Make-up: Dalila Paradiso
Vocal direction:
Artistic direction : Giaschi Leonardo
Production: Associazone I Nuovi Arrivati

  • Songs
