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Wikipedia:Not The Wikipedia Weekly/HowTo

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A (very) quick 'How To' host in a 'NotTheWikipediaWeekly' skypecast, by User:Privatemusings....

Software I use:

I'm aware there are many other options out there - and would love this page to evolve into something which can clearly describe each of them - however this is the setup I use.

Setting It Up

  • Visit this page (requires your Skype login) - and create a skypecast. I've been using 'hidden' skypecasts to date, and setting the duration to 5 hours. I've also been creating the skypecast well ahead of time (at least 30 mins) to allow for some connection and technical issues.
  • When your skypecast has been created - Skype will give you a copyable link; paste it into the box and replace the notice that says

Sign up to be part of the next conversation... Sign at #Interested participants, or confirmed participants if that's open. Also, please suggest topics, and edit away in a generally productive fashion!

  • for example like this:
  • or, in case there is no Skypecast but an add hoc conference:
  • click to join the NTWW Skype public chat
  • once you're in the NTWW Skype public chat, you can join the audio conference
  • You'll notice when you join the room that Skype also creates a 'number' (something like +00991114477562) - this is worth making a note of, because;
  • It can take several attempts before anyone is 'allowed in' to the room - Skype often boots them for no reason it seems - users can also 'direct dial' the number mentioned previously from Skype's 'call tab' (just above the big green and red buttons at the bottom of Skype's window) - this is a handy backup plan!
  • Also note that if you are hosting, Skype will often repeatedly boot you out of your own Skypecast until one or more people have joined... it's a good idea to leave your browser window open with the link to the Skypecast to allow you to pop back in when this happens!
  • Pamela has a record button - all I've done to date is press it!
  • As host, you've got the ability to move people from 'talking' to 'listening' (and they can request to be 'waiting' to talk too...) - use this as you see fit..

Whilst It's Going

  • Ask folk to turn off their phones, pagers, pacemakers and high intensity imaging equipment - or just ask them to try and make sure that there will be no extraneous noise if at all possible!
  • As host, set your Skype Status to 'Do Not Disturb' - this will help avoid 'boings' and 'beeps' from Skype disrupting the audio recording!
  • It's a good idea to get a quick 'hello' from everyone before pressing 'record' - someone might sound a little distant (or rather too close) and I think it's often down to mic placement... try and iron out any creases ahead of time!
  • Have the Topics lists on screen, and a vague idea about how long to spend on each - time flies when you're banging on!
  • As host, be sure to interrupt other people in the room, bang on at every opportunity, and focus on the word 'err' a lot.
  • Actually, don't! - now do as I say, not as I do!! (actually - try and take feedback on board with a smile, and just do your best - it's not rocket science, and everyone's after the same goal - a useful conversation, with the broader aim of helping 'wiki-communication' !!
  • Good Luck!


  • Stop the recording!
  • Pamela creates compressed MP3 files (not ideal, but I'm keeping it simple....) - convert them to Ogg (Vorbis) (that's where Sound Forge comes in)
  • If you're unsure how to do this, but have successfully recorded a MP3 file - feel free to upload it somewhere like here (free), and give me a poke, I, and maybe others in time, can help you out
  • Consider normalising and compressing - but if you don't know what that means don't worry about it - it just brings everyone's 'levels' closer together, which helps 'listenability' - you'll be right without it!
  • You might want, or need, to chop the conversation into chunks to be able to upload the files to Commons (confession time - I have no idea what the size limit is, but it rejected my first large file, and I thought there might be a benefit to chopping up the chat anyways.....)
  • Upload the Ogg files to Commons (there's a category for them... which reminds me....!)
  • Create the 'listen' box however you prefer (I do a copy, paste and rejig....)
  • All done!

See also